
Chapter 5: Accompanying Vessel

"Great, great hahaha" the old man could not chuckle as if a great burden had been unloaded from his soul.

"Listen up, when I said it was a family treasure I lied, my family has been merely it's keepers waiting for an inheritor. This pendant is Cultivation tool, it's growth type one as well as an accompanying vessel. It will only recognise a new master after the previous owner's death.

For a long time my family has held it occasionally we presented it to young talented mages to see if the vessel would accept them. I know what you are thinking but my family isn't allowed to leave Bo City for a certain reason, now moving on, I do not what know what extraordinary significance this item has. Only a few of its traits which I've explained it to you. You will have to figure out the rest for yourself" said the old man towards a stunned Cao Guang.

Previously when the old man referred to the pendant as a family treasure Cao Guang felt like the old man was lying as it conflicted with pieces of history he knew. 

"The reason why I can't leave the city is because of the Underground Holy Spring. My family was ordered not to leave it's vicinity, only I've felt tempted many times, almost every day even. Now not so much, I can rest assured knowing our mission is over.

"Our mission?" asked Cao Guang

" I may not have descendants but I do have a few relatives. If you didn't gain the vessels approval it would have changed hands for safekeeping" said the old man as he stood up and walked towards a cupboard and opened a drawer.

" Now that you have gained the vessels acknowledgement I should give you this as well but tell me first what is your ambition?" asked the old man as he sat down again holding something in his hand.

Cao Guang felt uncomfortable being questioned like this after being rewarded greatly already but he still answered truthfully

" I have a few of them, I wish to reach top of magic atleast, I am talking about being a Forbidden Curse mage" explained Cao Guang in case the old man didn't understand to which the old man merely nodded.

" Otherwise I would also like to drive demon beast back" said Cao Guang looking into the old man's eyes.

"Not bad " said the old man handing something to him from his right hand.

"Then do you dare to drink this?" asked the old man. 

"What is it?" said Cao Guang while observing the blue liquid in the vial.

"An ancient secret, of which even I don't know the make of, only it's effect. Even then l, I am not sure if it will work 100% of the time or even if it carries some sort of danger with it"

" What's the effect" asked Cao Guang, suspicious at the dubious reply he got from the old man.

" IT CAN HELP YOU AWAKEN ONE MORE ELEMENT, what I have been told is that this liquid brings forth hidden strength of the soul. So far only one person has used it successfully and he awakened another element or so he thought. Except he didn't have another awakening at the intermediate stage. This liquid brought an awakening forward. " enunciated the old man as if Cao Guang was not paying attention.

However, Cao Guang's eyes had already enlargened staring at the vial as his mind was already blown. He regained his composure and stared at the old man again.

" You underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. Yes, The ancient magic society was complex for humans, but they held knowledge that we've lost since" said the old man as looked outside his window to the landscape and sighing slightly.

" So are you going to drink it,if not I hope you will leave it with me. If you awaken preemptively, you won't have much control on what element you will awaken" said the old man.

However Cao Guang did not bother replying as he already opened the vial and gulped the whole thing.

"Focus yourself, just like with an awakening stone" said the old man in a hurry.

Cao Guang lead his thoughts towards his consciousness as he concentrated once again. This opportunity had come far earlier than he had ever hoped but he composed himself quickly as a red light prevailed his inner consciousness.

He had awakened the Fire element. 'this is too good to be true' though Cao Guang as he opened his eyes.

"How is it" asked the old man eagerly.

"I awakened the Fire element " said Cao Guang with enthusiasm facing the old man.

"Even better, with this the pendant's future can be secured hopefully" said the old man before imparting some more knowledge about magedom. For an unawakened the old man had good understanding of magic. But it wasn't anything that Cao Guang didn't already know of. But he stayed and listened to the old man without interrupting untill he was eventually driven away by the old man.