
Reborn in Versatile Mage With the Fire of Amaterasu

Reborn into the world of a full-time mage, beginning with Amaterasu's blessing. Per chapter will be between 2000 and 3000 words. There is no system! This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the world of Versatile Mage. Mo Fan and Tom Curi (the protagonist of the FF), will have a good relationship, but will not interact much with each other. Tom Curi, the protagonist of this article, knows the world of versatile mage, so he will try to follow the plot at first, but sometimes the plot can change quite a bit due to his intervention. In short, the general trend remains unchanged and the small trend can be changed. The pairings are going to be voted on, if you want to give ideas, you are more than welcome to share them. Smallharem!

Shadow7Blue · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

6: Hunter

Once Tom Curi and Ai Jiang Tu decided to return to the military magic academy, they handed in the report of the mission they had completed to the instructors and then decided to go to the dormitory they both shared at the academy.

Inside the dormitory, in one of the beds, Tom Curi was getting ready to take a good shower after a hectic week because of the last mission, he was alone next to Jiang Tu in the room, this was at the request of the Ai family, since usually the shared dormitories are for 4 people, not for 2, but due to the power of the Ai family, the academy had no problem in allowing this small change.

Both of them were getting ready for a good shower and a good rest, sweat dripping from their bodies, flushed and panting, but their spines were still straight despite the exhaustion.

After the completion of this mission, they both had two months to rest and do what they wanted on their own.

"Are you sure you want to leave Tom these months, we come on a hot streak in missions, we can keep killing a few more monsters and improve our cultivation" Ai Jiang Tu commented.

"We are not all that crazy to fight day and night with monsters like your brother Jiang Tu, you already dragged me into hell for a whole year, if I keep this up I'm going to go crazy" complained Tom.

"It's not a matter of being crazy brother Tom, you know the more monsters we face the more we progress in our cultivation and skills, if you take these months to have fun I'm going to leave you behind in strength and then you're going to regret it" said Jiang Tu.

"If I don't take these months I'd probably rather die than have to keep facing monsters every week."

"Alright, alright, your decision, don't come crying later" Jiang Tu relented.

"You don't have to worry about that, what's more, I'm pretty sure I can reach the middle level of my second element before you, after all, it was me who reached the middle level of our first element first, wasn't it?" gloated Tom.

"That...., it was only a few days before you bastard, and you always remind me of it" complained Jiang Tu.

"Mmmmm..., excuses excuses, I just know you make excuses because you don't want to admit that I surpassed you in cultivation, besides, if I remember correctly, if it wasn't for me at that time reaching mid level, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have been able to deal with that warrior level monster that appeared out of nowhere among the group of minion level monsters we were dealing with" Tom reminded him.

"Yeah, well, that's true, if it wasn't for you at that time, we would have lost our mission streak with 100% completion" Jiang Tu admitted.

"But still, it was only 4 days after that that I managed to reach the middle level, so don't give me that proud and hateful face, as if you surpassed me you bastard" Jiang Tu spoke again.

"Oh come on, I never did such a thing, it's just a gentle reminder, nothing more" said Tom cheekily.

"Tch, we'll see who brings our second element to the middle level first, now go take a bath before I regret it and drag you these months to hunt monsters with me" threatened Jiang Tu.

"I hurry, I hurry then, I don't want to go back to hell" said Tom and quickly went to take a shower and then take his months off.

Despite Ai Jiang Tu was right about how they had improved a lot from the constant monster hunting, Tom could not miss the opportunity to take these months off, as he knew that in less than another year, the plot of this world is about to begin and Mo Fan is about to cross over, however, Tom Curi has nothing to fear and is more eager for it to happen, after all, he had been preparing for this for a long time.

After saying goodbye to Ai Jiang Tu, Tom Curi decided to go to the Imperial Capital.

Once in the Imperial Capital, Tom Curi looked for a place away from everyone's sight and changed his clothes, he put on worn black hunting pants and a black suit covering his whole body, this was similar to a tunic that was decorated with embroidery of shiny black fires that were barely distinguishable on the black tunic, then, on his head, he put on a straw hat along with a black balaclava that covered his whole face. Yes, he got the idea from the clothes of the Akatsuki members.

Once he had already changed and was unrecognizable, he went to the Hunter Alliance headquarters in Beijing.

The Hunter Alliance headquarters in the Imperial Capital occupies a giant building in the skyscraper area of Beijing, the Hunter Alliance Hall is extremely luxurious, it occupies an entire floor, there are more than twenty elevators leading to it and the flow of people is very large, you can also see large screens showing different missions around the country, for each rank of hunter there is, hunters can find their most satisfactory way according to their needs, capabilities, bonuses and useful commissions.

It can also be said that the information collected by Hunter Alliance Building in the Imperial Capital is one of the most complete and extensive in the country, matched only by the Hunter Alliance Building in Magic City which is equal or even better in the opinion of many hunters, this is because many rewards from abroad will not be posted in the Hunter Building in Beijing, while in the Magic City Hunter Building they will.

Entering the Hunter Union Building, Tom Curi went straight to the main reception desk and took out a small book without waiting for the woman in front of him to speak.

What was written in the small book was: 'Master Two Star Hunter'.

A senior master hunter, he specializes in performing all kinds of difficult and very complex tasks.

You may wonder how he obtained such a rank, this is due to his hard work since the age of 10 years, to be more specific, when he turned 10 years old Tom Curi who had already grown quite tall, so he decided to disguise himself with the black robe, balaclava and straw hat, in order to hide his image and to take advantage of his stay in China to register as an anonymous hunter under the alias of 'Amaterasu', after registering, he spent the last two years he had left in China completing all the missions he could using the medium level amaterasu fire element (at the time), which allowed him to complete all the low and medium rank missions necessary to obtain enough rewards and commissions to give him the number of contribution points needed to be a wild hunter.

All that hard work was to be able to perform missions outside the safe zones in China, in other words, overseas or various sectors where there are no magic cities. For example, in Argentina or other Latin American countries and as Tom Curi at that time knew that he had to return to Argentina in two years, he tried his best to reach the rank of a master hunter of one star and then continue to perform missions abroad.

All this is because the Hunter Alliance has strict policies of not allowing any hunter who does not meet the necessary rank to perform the missions in question, to perform the same, as they cannot allow some hunters who do not meet the standard to take the rewards of these missions, after all, if the mission was not completed, it would not only delay the employer, but also makes some hunters who could have completed the mission have unnecessary losses, this is why you must be a one star master hunter as a minimum to be able to be a wild hunter.

  "Oh, welcome Master Hunter Amaterasu, how can I help you?" said respectfully and smiling the receptionist who was a bit surprised by the mysterious man in front of her.

"Yes, give me a detailed report of the latest major monster movements detected in China, along with a listing of the most outstanding missions and also add Bo City information from the last few years, along with any uncommonly issued reports you find regarding Bo City" said dryly and with a hoarse voice a Tom Curi who was completely disguised, by just his appearance neither the age, nor the determined height of the person could be identified, as he seemed to be hunched over and did not show any visible physical traits.

"Sure, right away Sir. Amaterasu" replied the receptionist.

After a few moments, Tom Curi was handed everything he had asked for.

"Mmmmm I see, ok, I will take this mission, for now, you can deduct from my account at hunter unión the necessary payment for the information, I'm leaving", Tom Curi seemed satisfied with what he had been shown, so he wasted no more time and went to complete the mission he had taken.

"I understand sir, thank you for coming to hunter union, we welcome you whenever you wish, I hope our information and service will be to your liking" said charmingly and with a professional smile the receptionist as she watched Master Hunter Amaterasu leave after he left, she proceeded to upload in the database the mission that the hunter had taken, and looking at the mission that the hunter had taken she was surprised, as this was only a small mission in the suburbs of Bo City, with a meager reward, being a Master Hunter of his level, it is rare for him to take the initiative to take such unprofitable missions.

"Mmmmm maybe it fits him in passing?, it's better not to think about it too much" the receptionist said to herself as she uploaded the information.

Whenever you first register with the Hunter Alliance you are going to be a low level hunter, then as you finish and get rewards from various missions your rank goes up. Subsequent hunter levels are divided from lowest to highest: low level hunter, intermediate, advanced and then one star hunter, two star hunter.... seven stars, followed by master level one star hunter, two star... .... Seven-star master hunter, and the highest honor of the hunter, king hunter. Of course, if you want to win the Hunter King title, you must win the Hunter Contest.

The Hunter Alliance has two types of hunters which are Registered Hunters and Anonymous Hunters and these have three main sections, namely Urban Monster Hunters, Private Monster Hunters and Wild Hunters.

Monster hunters anonymous can only be able to perform the urban hunting or wild hunting quests in case they meet the required rank, which does not specify that a registered mage is required and all their total income will be reduced by 25%.

While registered hunters can join any private hunter organization or accept any mission their rank allows, they also get benefits and discounts on the use of hunter union services according to their rank, which anonymous hunters do not have.

The city monster hunter, as the name suggests, must solve all kinds of monster events in the cities. The city monster hunter is equivalent to the city manager, but the city manager is not from people, but from monsters.

Wild hunters are wizards who hunt monsters in the wild, so they go out of the cities and face monsters outside the cities. These types of hunters have an extremely high danger rate, but the corresponding reward is also high.

And finally, there are the private organizations of hunters, formed by some teams of known hunters and masters who rely on their good reputation to directly attract employers to take the initiative to find them and appoint their people to do so, for this they usually take care of exclusive orders from clients, whether outside or inside the city, usually the price to pay is quite higher than in the Hunter Alliance, but the rate of success and completion of missions also increases greatly depending on the private organization that the client chooses.