
Chapter 3

I opened the door and step in the in room.

"Come on in »

I made my way to the bed

"Take a sit"

They did as they told and go sit on my bed .

I began to pace around my room ,  they looked at me and did not interrupt me knowing this was serious , after pacing around the room a couple of time I stopped and looked at them.

"So what I am going to say is going to sound crazy but please hear me out and don't interrupt me ".

They nod and listen intently.

"The tales , myths and legend of the supernatural is real "

Caroline and Bonnie look at each other then burst out laughing

"Seriously Ciel you call us to met you just to tell us that " exclaimed Bonnie

"I am not joking Bonnie , Caroline I can even prove to you that it's real "

They look at each other then back at me

"Ok ,prove it"

I point my hand to the bed they were sitting in and make it fly in the air

"Kyaaa!!" Caroline shout

"Ok ok stop it we believe you stop it" say Caroline

I put my hand back and stop making the bed fly , I then again show them my hand and create fire to show them.

Caroline and Bonnie look at the flame in wonder then I stopped.

They look at me then at each other and again look at me and then shout at the same time.

" explain!!"

"So supernatural exist , like vampire , werewolf and witch " I pause to let that sink in  then continue "you Bonnie are a witch of Bennett family , why I am tell you two that is for you to be able to defend yourself and not be clueless".

"So right now you're telling me that Bonnie is a witch?" Asked Caroline

I nod

"So is everything we know of vampire , werewolf , witch real ?" This time Bonnie asked

I shook my head

"Yes and no there thing that are real and some completely false , I will tell you everything I know , so vampire a you know have to take blood to survive human and animal , they can burn in the sun but if they have a accessories with lapis and is enchanted by a witch then they can walk just fine not every vampire have it , they have the they call compilation that let them be able to manipulate you're , but they're a plant called vervain and if you digested it of carry it around then they don't compelled you and vervain hurt them , to kill them you can a use a stake or you can snap their neck but they heal some minute after .

That was some information for the vampire "

They looked bewildered , well I can't blame them I did just tell them that the supernatural existed

« Ok , Bonnie ,Caroline you can ask question I will tell you everything "

Then for the next few hour Caroline and Bonnie were asking me question after question about the supernatural.

Eventually they become sleepy so I told them they could stay here and that I will call they parents .

Eventually when I finished calling there parent and inform them that they will be staying here ,I got to sleep in front the tv