
reborn in the seven deadly sins

luna was a regular girl,got hit by a bolt of lightning,met a god and got seven wishes and went on a journey to the seven deadly sins,she arrived 1,000 years before the holy war,and is completely over powered,so if this doesn't seem to make any sense,don't worry about it,after all you can't make proper sense with a person who defies logic.

rosemoon · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Let's begin

Luna was going about her day like always with her boring job,although she got a lot of stares,after a while she got used to it,she had just been promoted to be a manager after two years of hard work,of course with her little above average looks that earned her a lot of dislike from the people who work there,especially the ones who were there before her,but they could do nothing but stare at her because they all know how hard she worked to get there and how much overtime it took.Work was finally over and luna was on her way to the grocery shop to get somethings for making dinner,when she walked into the store although she didn't attract everyone's attention,she did attract quite a bit

Luna was a pretty girl with light brown hair that was almost the color of caramel,she also had light emerald green eyes,her five features were also pretty good,not so good to the point of being a goddess,but good enough to stand out in a crowd,along with her pale skin,red lips,and an above average body,she was considered the dream girl of many,her aura was also comforting and inviting,she was also really petite standing at the height of 5ft 2in

she got all that she needed and went home,after she finished eating she completed all the work she has left and then finished watching the last episode of season four of the seven deadly sins,although she was a fan of that show,work and other things didn't really give her much time to go deeper into the story like other people who have read the manga,so almost everything she knew about that show was from the series on netflix and occasional youtube references,she washed up and was finally cozy and getting ready to sleep,suddenly there was a flash of blue light and she saw a bolt headed her way,last she remembered was her being friend alive or so she thinks then everything wet black

When she came too she was in a space where everything was white,the place she was in was so white that for a second she doubted all the white she has been used to seeing,she looked around and found no one while thinking of how she is supposed to be dead,when she looked at herself she saw that she was a transparent white blob floating around,so she assumed that she is getting ready to be judged.

???:"i'm very sorry"

Luna:"why's that,am i going to hell or something"

Although luna wasn't a mean person,she was never really a nice one either,she is along the lines of people who mind their own business,when something happens in front of her she would of course help,but if it doesn't,for her as long as she doesn't see it there is no reason to involve herself

???:"no,although you weren't the kindest person,you were among the kind ones"

Luna:"well thanks,but why were you apologizing"

???:"i'm pretty sure you can tell that you didn't die naturally"

Luna:"well that's for sure,not everybody just up and gets hit by a lightning bolt"

???:"well,that's why i'm sorry,that was an accident on my part"

Luna:"oh,so i died because of you,okay"

???:"i've met people who were calm about their deaths,but the were still a little unhappy to have their death caused by a reason as stupid as my sneeze,or me playing a game"

Luna:"what's not to like,after all not everyone is lucky to have a god personally cause your death even if it's an accident,and they usually give you something as an apology"

???:"well that's true,you can choose a fictional world to go to along with seven wishes"

Luna:"i want to go to the seven deadly sins world"

???:"well that was fast,what about your seven wishes?"

Luna:"do i get to customize my looks,or do i have to use a wish to do that"

???:"don't worry,you get to customize your looks"

Luna:"oh,okay,well for my first wish,i want the bloodline of the purest demon,and the purest god"

???:"well,you will get lucifer's blood,and Venus/Aphrodite's blood"

Luna:"why venus/aphrodite"

???:"because the more people know them,the more power the god/goddess has,and a lot of people believe in the goddess of love,and the goddess of beauty,along with cupid"

Luna:"and they are all the same person?"

???:"well yes"


???:"what about the rest of your wishes"

Luna:"can i wish to be overpowered

???:"well no,because different people have different meanings of that word in different worlds"

Luna:"oh yeah,well for my second wish i want my own pocket dimension that can of course house lives,with a mansion like the one in high school dxd in it along with have an imaginable amount of mana,or whatever they absorb in that world"

???:"okay,do you want the time to be different in your little world"

Luna:"yes,i want 8 hours in there to be an hour outside,so that one day in there is three hours outside"

???:"okay,what else"

Luna:"for my third wish.....i can't really think of anything right now,so can i preserve the rest of my wished for when i want them"

???:"oh,you don't want a system,an ability to travel to different fiction worlds,or anything like that"

Luna:"well i will think of that later,by for now having both blood lines,knowing the plot ahead of time,along with my own little world which i can hide in for safety while getting stronger at the same time is good enough"

???:"okay,when you are ready to make a wish,just think about it,something like a holographic screen will show up in your mind,and you will see five panels,select one and make your wish and you will be done"


???:"no problem,what timeline do you want to go to and what will be your backstory"

Luna:"i want to go a 1,000 years before the holy war,and i want to be someone who has never shown up before,to everyone else i don't exist,i just want to watch till the plot i know begins which is 3,000 years after the holy war"

???:"well if that's the case,then okay,this doesn't count as a wish but i will give you a time accelerator,that way once you're done observing,you can fast forward till the day elizabeth goes on her journey"

Luna:"thank you,that would be really helpful"

???:"no problem,you can customize yourself now"


When luna was done,she appreciated her character for a while,she had long knee length silver hair with a pink hue,and one of her eyes was a sapphire color,while the other eye was a ruby red color,she has star shaped purple colored pupils,her nose was small and cute while being sharp,she also had lips the color of a bloody red with it being pouty and adorable,along with her really pale skin that had a healthy pink shade to it,added onto her hot body,she was the whole deal,she had a very thin flexible waist,very wide hips which is only possible with animated characters,very round bubbly buttocks,ample bossoms,long slender legs,and a height of 5'4 she was absolutely stunning

Luna:"okay,i'm done"

???:"wow,that's quite the character,if meliodas didn't already have elizabeth i have no doubt that he would go for you"

Luna:"well,i am going there for fun,so why not,and i would like to change a few things if possible"

???:"are you planning to have all the men fall to your feet"

Luna:"not really,some of them are just so miserable"

???:"so you plan to make the miserable ones fall to your feet"

Luna:"not really,i will just do what i do,so if they happen to fall for me,then i will deal with it then,besides i'm pretty sure polygamy is not accepted"

???:"well it is actually accepted,and on both sides to,i mean men can have multiple wives and women can have multiple husbands"

Luna:"well,let's wait till i actually get there,it does sound like an interesting idea though"

???:"i mean why not,if your bored with your looks you could just create a large harem of men"

Luna:"that will be too much work,although boys are not as scheming as girls,it will be harder to manage them unless i'm in a world like the empress harem"

???:"that's true"

Luna:"beside why are you suggesting this,shouldn't you be telling me not to create trouble or something like that"

???:"nope,it is your life,not mine so whatever you do is up to you,besides you had no parents,and your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend so having a bunch of men adore you might be a good thing"

Luna:"really,i thought since i've been hurt by boys before you would suggest me taking a liking to girls instead"

???:"you're one of the few people in the multiverse who couldn't turn gay even if you wanted to,simply because you are straight deep down to your soul,if it was deep down to your bones it could be changed but for you,i don't see it"

Luna:"hey,i would have you know that i have thought of girls romantically before"

???:"key word,thought not imagined"

Luna:"any way,i might take you up on that offer for zeldris and estarossa"

???:"but zeldris has someone he likes"

Luna:"who is to say that person isn't me,but i'm only thinking,i don't really plan on it though"

???:"well,off you go then"


???:"how come you never once asked my name"

Luna:"didn't feel like it"

???:"well my name is cora"

Luna:"oh,so you're a girl"

Cora:"you don't sound surprised"

Luna:"not really,for all i cared,you could have been a magical cupcake pooping unicorn"

Cora:"you're quite the funny one,now seriously,off you go"


Then everything around luna went black again,when she came too,she was inside an unknown cave ans she could feel the presence of gloxinia,so she assumed that she was in the fairy king's forest,she immediately entered her pocket dimension,when she arrived she saw a system interface that told her about her power level,she currently had a power level of 30,000,and her full name was Luna Aphrodite with her middle name being lilith

When she looked at herself in on of the mansion mirrors,she saw that she had a hallow which is half golden and half black,on the golden side of her hollow she had four wings made of black mass and on her black side of the halow she had four pure white wings with a pinkish hue to them,added on to her innocent looks and devil-like body,she really did look like the perfect mixture of demon and god,she looked even more sureall than she already was.

Time skip

Beside meeting zeldris and estarossa and making them fall for her which actually wasn't on purpose,she spent the rest of her time increasing her magic power,just like when merlin took away half of meliodas power,she also put a limiter on herself,she isn't positive but them demon king without the power he had before creating the ten commandments should be around 600,000,so in these 1,000 years which is 8,000 years in her space,she trained her power level to be almost twice as much,so her power level is 1,000,000,but with half being sealed her power level is 500,000.

After that she watched a bit of the events which led to the holy war,and decided to use time skip