
Reborn in the SCP universe

This story follows our wonderful protagonist as he, well... dies... but fear not! This is not the end! He is greeted by an extremely bored god that has been seeking a new form of entertainment, and for better or worse this god's chosen our protag to be sent into the SCP universe! Now he's forced to scramble desperately to survive, but luckily he was given two gifts from this god. An anomalous ability of his own, and his choice of one safe class scp item! ‐----------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimers: You only need basic knowledge of the SCP universe to read this. I will do my best to explain events, SCP's, and characters from the wiki that become relevant to my story. This story begins shortly before the Omega 7 incident with Able. But our protagonist doesn't truly get involved with The Foundation until the beginning of Resserection. This is not one of those stories where the protagonist is super overpowered, I personally don't like those stories and I'd like to focuse on finding creative ways to use the elements I've been given to improve the main character's situation. I don't own anything SCP, like at all.

Rez62 · sci-fi
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8 Chs


After a few minutes of silence Kaleb finally spoke "alright, I've made up my mind."

"Well then by all means, do tell" Dionysus lazily replied.

"My first choice is the Architect. Does that allow me a second choice?" Kaleb asked.

"Yeah, yeah sure" Dionysus replied without even looking away from his plate of cookies. Which at this point was mostly empty.

"Then my second will be those gloves that distribute damage to the nearest person."

with that said Dionysus stops eating to think "Interesting choice... why that one if I may ask?"

Kaleb smiled and said "well I was going to choose the ultimate multitool but I knew you would consider it to be to powerful"

"Ha, got that right. Anyway what kind of power do you want?" the god asked trying to move things along.

This is what Kaleb spent the most time thinking about. He needed his ability to fill two categories, versatility, and uniqueness. It was following this train of thought that led him to his conclusion.


"hmm, well while not over powered it is a bit strong so I'm going to give it a few drawbacks" Dionysus thought outloud whilst stroking his beard. "What? Don't look at me like that it's nothing bad, it's just going to work like a muscle. It'll get stronger though constant use and practice, but you'll need to put in the work to get there."

With that said Dionysus stands up from his seat and stretches. "Alright with all the choices made it's time to get started"

The god turned to look at Kaleb with a mischievous glint in his eye, "hope you got a game plan"

And with those words his world fades into darkness...