
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime und Comics
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157 Chs

Chunin Exams Part 8

Inside Naruto's Mindscape, the Gutsy Ninja was shocked as he watched a scroll came out of Kurama's mouth. It looked just like the one Jiraiya carried.

When Naruto the Fox Summoning Scroll appeared in Naruto's hand, once again, the actions of the boys shocked Jiraiya.

"Where did that come from? Wait a second. Do you already have a summon contract?" Jiraiya questioned with a frantic expression.

Naruto ignored his God Father and proceeded to unroll the large scroll across the ground in front of them.

As the group read over the roster of previous contractors, they noticed that the scroll contained only a single name, 'Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki'

Both Kibo and Jiraiya were shocked to see the name of the Sage of Six Paths.

During Jiraiya's travels, he came across multiple myths and stories pertaining to the origin of Chakra. But thanks to the Elder Toad he knew the real history of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki.

"I've only trusted one person with the location of my Kin, and that was my father." Kurama declared before he smiled at Naruto and said, "Now, I'm entrusting it to you. I wonder if my descendants are still alive?"

After Naruto finished explaining that this was the lost Fox Summoning Scroll, Jiraiya tilted his head off to the side and said, "Frogs are just as cool!"

Kibo laughed and had to disagree as he said, "Well, Frogs can be cool, but foxes are more suitable for Naruto."

"Hmph! Go ahead, summon the foxes. What do I care?" Jiraiya pouted.

"Well, Naruto, what are you waiting for? Sign the contract with your blood." Kibo said with a curious smile.

Naruto bit his finger and signed his name before he placed his handprint on the scroll.

After being taught the hand signs by Kurama which serves as the key to activate the contract, Naruto placed his hand on the ground and yelled, "Summoning Jutsu."

A puff of smoke appeared as a small white fox emerged from the Space Transference Jutsu.

The one that arrived was only a kit and looked very adorable. The Kit turned its head and said, "You smell like the boss,"

The Kit titled its head, sniffing and inspecting Naruto before he jumped on his head.

Kurama was laughing at Naruto for summoning such a weak fox. After having his fun, the Nine-Tailed Fox then said, "Naruto every fox on this contract has my blood coursing through their veins. You don't need to hold back so much."

Naruto laughed as he tried again, this time he used ten times as much Chakra than compared to before.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed a pitch-black fox at least 25 feet tall. It had a scar over its left eye and looked both intimidating and very strong.

The black fox looked down at Naruto in surprise. When he spotted the white cub on Naruto's head it spoke, "Denden, what are you doing here? Who was lucky enough to obtain the Fox scroll?"

The kit pointed to Naruto and said, "He smells like Boss. He's the hast to be the new host, Shade."

The black fox gave Naruto a once over and laughed, "Good Chakra, good physique, and a perfect alignment with our Ancestor. Not bad."

"So cool!!!" Naruto shouted with stars in his eyes.

Shade showed an embarrassed blush as he turned his head to the side and said, "It's not like I'm thankful for the compliment! But suppose I should still thank you."

"Closet Tsundere!!!" Kibo thought to himself.

"It has been over a thousand years since the Fox Summon Beasts have been seen on this earth. I have to say it feels good to stretch my legs and leave Mount Kitsunegusa for a while. So what for what purpose have you summoned me?"[1]

Naruto scratched his head and laughed with a shy expression before saying, "Well I just got the scroll and was testing it out, I don't have any work right now, but you could inform the other foxes that they have their second contractor."

Shade bowed to Naruto and said, "As you wish master."

"Hmm, I guess that's okay, but you should summon the boss sometimes. He would love to meet his ancestor." Denden said before hopping onto Shade's head.

Before Naruto released the summoning technique Kibo asked, "Do you guys have a way to train Sage mode?"

The fox looked to Kibo and gasped, "You? How are you able to have such a physique?" Shade had a unique sensory ability that allowed him to sense danger in a similar manner that Kibo could.

When he gazed at Kibo and focused his ability on him, he saw the power of two beasts that rivaled the Nine-Tailed Fox residing inside.

"Nevermind that. Can you just answer my question?" Kibo said while tapping his foot.

The fox coughed a bit before saying, "Yes! We have the Yin-Yang pond. It's full of Neutral Essence."

"How is Neutral Essence different compared to the Toad Oil at Mount Myōboku?" Jiraiya questioned.

Shade sneered before saying, "Unlike contaminated elemental based natural energy inside the Toad Oil, our pond is more suitable for humans to train in. The Toad Oil from Myōboku is infused with Earth Natural Essence, which causes random mutations in the practitioner's physique. The Yin-Yang Pond doesn't have this problem."

Kibo was surprised that Yin-Yang and Star Natural Energies were both suitable for humans to train in. Compared to using Frog Oil to gamble transforming into a petrified frog fossil, or risk turning a simple-minded snake from taking in Hakuja Sennin's venom, it was clear what the advantage of Neutral Energies are.

Kibo then smiled as he said, "Naruto should go with them and train for this next month. Work on the Rasengan."

Kibo wrote down all that Naruto would need to know to start off in the right direction. After handing the notes off to him, Kibo turned to Jiraiya and said, "You and I need to go to Mount. Myōboku. I have a few things to ask that old frog."

Jiraiya sighed and said, "Alright then. Just give me a minute to teach Naruto the Reverse Summoning Jutsu."

After a few minutes of teaching the Gutsy Ninja, Shade showed his appreciation and gave Jiraiya a talisman.

"It's so you can come to Mount Kitsunegusa in the future. It's not like I'm thankful for your help with teaching my contractor!"

Now that Jiraiya had Reverse Summoning Talisman, he could go to Mount Kitsunegusa just once.

Jiraiya would have to return with Kibo before he headed off to train Naruto. Not to mention, Shade and the other foxes weren't familiar with the Land of Fire's geography.

If Naruto wanted to get back to Konoha, he would need the help of Jiraiya to send them back.

Before they left, Jiraiya handed over a list of other Jutsus and how to perform them so that Naruto could practice while he was away.

Naruto thanked him before using the reverse summoning technique and disappeared with the other two foxes.

Jiraiya then placed his hand on Kibo he used the reverse summoning Jutsu, taking them to Mount Myōboku in an instant.

Kibo appeared out of the smoke and looked around to see the beauty of the land. There were large mushrooms, Giant Elephant Ear Leaves that were taller than any plant he had ever seen before.

There were ponds full of lily pads, mountainous areas in the distance, and strange cone-shaped plants that had geysers of water streaming out from inside their pointed tips.

Kibo viewed the largest mountain in the distance and said, "Well, this has got to be one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen."

Jiraiya nodded his head and replied, "I had a similar reaction when I was your age. Alright then, come on, follow me."

"Lead the way!" Kibo nodded his head, and while taking in the sights, he walked towards the mountain in the distance.

Jiraiya led him through the lush swampy land and to the top of Mount Myōboku. They climbed a long series of stone steps until they arrived at a large Shinto shrine made from wood.

Standing in front of the entrance, were the two elder toads Fukasaku, and Shima.

Fukasaku was a green toad with white hair styled in somewhat of a mohawk. He had very thick eyebrows and a small goatee and wore two light black and blue capes. On the outside was a blue high-collared cloak, and on the inside was a black turtle-neck cloak with a hoody.

Shima has a green underside with purple markings around her mouth and the back of her body.

The top of her head looked as though she is wearing a hairnet with hair-rollers underneath, giving her an 'old woman' kind of look.

As for her attire, she wearing the same kind of clothing as her husband, Fukasaku.

"Jiraiya boy! It's been a while! How are you doing?" Fukasaku said with a grin on his face.

"Yes, it has been a while. What are you doing here, and who is the child?" Shima followed up.

"Granny Shima, Gramps Fukasaku! I'm here because this boy wants to speak with, Gamamaru." The two elder frogs looked at Kibo with an expression of surprise on their faces.

After inspecting Kibo's physique, Fukasaku stoked his beard while saying."My word so young and already a Sage."

"True I've never seen a human with his talent before!" Shima commented.

Jiraiya's eye's nearly popped out of his skull while questioning, "He's a Sage?!"

Kibo smiled and said, "The reason my form hasn't shown any physical changes is that I draw in natural energy from the stars. Star Essence doesn't have any elemental properties attached to it, making the Natural Energy more suitable for humans to cultivate."

"That Neutral Essence again! Is it really that much better than Elemental Energies?" Jiraiya asked.

Kibo then lifted his jaw up slightly and said, "Well, it's not that it's worse, just easier to cultivate. Earth Sage abilities have their own advantages. But you see, my Sage form is a little special. Since there is always an abundance of Star Essence, I can continually absorb it, and permanently maintain this form."

Kibo made Jiraiya feel a little weak, he had been trying to master the form for years, yet this kid who was barely a teen had apparently mastered it to a level he's never heard of before.

Kibo then turned to the elder frogs and bowed, "Elders, please allow me to speak to Gamamaru. I have something I wish to ask him."

"What a nice boy. So much better than others we've trained," Shima said smiling at Kibo.

"I'm standing right here!" Jiraiya said with his arms crossed.

Fukasaku smiled as well before saying, "I will ask if he will see you, please wait here. Fukasaku hopped into the building.

After waiting a few hours he came back out and announced "Gamamaru will see you now, 'o' child of destiny."

Kibo lifted his brow at the comment before he shook his head and walked into the shrine.

In front of him was a large bowl stone throne filled with water that had the back of the seat look like a lush green leaf, and on the front of his throne was the Kanji for the word Sennin.

The interior had the appearance of a traditional Japanese temple and was colored with a deep blue shade. Sitting in the chair was one of the largest inhabitants of Mount Myōboku, easily equaling Gamabunta in size.

His skin was brown in color with a white belly and was very much wrinkled. His age has taken its toll on him because his eyes were squinting as he tried to see the visitors in front of him. He wore a professor's hat with tassels and an orb on top of it, and a necklace with the toad's village symbol, which was the Kanji for "oil" written on it.

Kibo bowed to the Great Sage Toad and said, "Kibo greets elder."

Gamamaru smiled and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you child who's changed destiny."

Jiraiya looked puzzled when Gamamaru continued "It was 14 years ago that the stars shifted, and you were born. You have a tiring and distant journey ahead of you."

Gamma paused, almost as if he were looking at something unfold before his eyes, "You will know the joys and sorrows of life before you will form your hidden village. Along your travels, you will venture to the land of dragons, and encounter the cave of the white dragon. What you seek is there. Then you will head to the Land of Lighting to seek out a great and elderly turtle. Lastly, you will make way to the island of the Beasts, there you will encounter a great tiger that will lead you to what you desire."

The giant toad looked down at him through the slits of his eyes and said, "This prophecy is a gift to you, and when you return you will repay all of Mount Myōboku with your blessing."

Kibo scratched his head and said, "Thank you for your guidance. But the reason I came here was to ask about the snake is planning against Konoha."

Jiraiya looked to Kibo and said, "Orochimaru, I knew he was sniffing around Konoha, but I didn't think he'd plan an attack!"

Gamamaru looked as if he was contemplating something before he spoke out once again, "The event is shrouded by destiny. An important convergence of fate will occur during the peak of the village's tribulation. If successful Konohagakure's fire will burn brighter than ever before, but it comes with a wrenching sense of loss."

Kibo frowned at that last bit before he thanked Gamamaru and left with Jiraiya.

After he returned Kibo thanked Jiraiya before leaving to inform the rest of the team that Naruto would be gone for a while.

Jiraiya used the talisman to transport himself to Naruto's side and started his training.

When he got back to the rest of Team 7, Kibo told them that Naruto was being trained by Jiraiya at a mystical place.

Kakashi assumed he was referring to Mount Myōboku, but Kibo didn't bother correcting him.

Kakashi then took Sasuke to train and teach him the Chidori.

Yamato took care of everyone else's training.

Kibo chose to train alone as he headed for the Training cave to use the facility.

Time passed as a week went by; some things have majorly changed.

For one, Kabuto wasn't caught trying to kill Sasuke so Hayate didn't investigate him, which eventually led to his death.

That meant they didn't know to prepare for the worst to case scenario to occur as they did in the original timeline.

Dosu was still killed by Gaara, and because of it, the lineup for the finals had changed.

Shikamaru was now fighting Temari, again.

Kibo had to fight 2 opponents. The first fight was against Sai, his second match was against Karin, who won automatically because of Dosu's untimely demise.

Naruto instead of fighting against Hinata will be up against Shino.

After learning of the roster and who would fight first, Kibo thought it would be a good idea to inform the Hokage that something was going on in the shadows.

When Kibo arrived at the Hokage's office, Sarutobi seemed happy to see him and invited him in with a smile on his face.

"Sorry to spoil your mood, but I just got back from Mount Myōboku after having a chat with the Great Sage Frog."

Sarutobi's expression turned serious as he asked, "Did he have anything interesting to say?"

"The village will be facing a tribulation soon," Kibo answered.

"Please, elaborate," Sarutobi asked pulling out his pipe before he began loading a pinch of tobacco into it.

"During a time of promotion, a snake born in the leaf will visit the village and bring to it a tribulation," Kibo said, making Sarutobi frown while a cold light dance across his eyes.

"Anything else?" The Hokage asked letting out a puff of smoke.

"Nothing that pertains to the village," Kibo responded.

"I have to thank you again, Kibo. I'm afraid that the worst may have occurred without your warning." Sarutobi said with his earlier expression returning.

"So, I hear Jiraiya is training Naruto."

[1]Mount Kitsunegusa=Fox Wood Mountain

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