
Reborn In The Multiverse

The MC is Reborn as Percy Jackson with an basic power set template system. The MC will not travel through the Multiverse until the next book. The system will appear less until it barely appears at all.

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime und Comics
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63 Chs

School Sucks Chp 2

Percy POV

It's currently six am as I wait for Grover to arrive as we have a class soon.

So far I am loving this

My previous life wasn't anything bad or anything in fact it was mostly boring.

I graduated from a tech school helping make designs to be used in video games.

I have or rather had a family that was amazing both mom and dad got along well a sister and two brothers. Had three girlfriends, but it never really went anywhere in two relationships it was amicable. Dodged a bullet with a bait-and-switch wife thankfully, I caught on and soon broke the engagement.

My dad got me into reading books his favorites were of course the PJO books. It was my sister who got me into anime. My brothers got me into video games and comics. I was the oldest followed by my sister and my twin brothers. Although, I was not as into comics as I am anime

My life was ok

If not a bit boring after my promotion where I was put in charge of the design department. Afterward, I applied for a higher position where I was accepted, and then came my second promotion.

I was making a six-figure income monthly at 24

I couldn't have done it without my family's support

A few months after my promotion everything was quiet due to some of the games we were working on getting delayed due to a new strand of covid appearing, thankfully I didn't die from it.

"Shit, I hope I didn't die at least," I whisper to myself

While it would hurt my family I know they will move on. Besides if the multiverse is real that means one day I will see them again.

Speaking of the Multiverse that is going to be the last thing the system repairs. According to the system, I woke it up from sleep mode. In my first three worlds, I will be able to choose which ones. After, that I will be going to three random worlds that I know of. Then four will be completely randomized. Finally, after all of that, I will be able to travel to any multiverse that I want.

I have to be careful of which ones I select even though I will be able to go back to any previous multiverses that I have been in before anytime that I wish.

The van finally arrives curiously I see children getting out but they soon just disappear in a form of vapor.

I narrow my eyes as the van keeps turning into a bus and back to a van that had writing on it

Delphi Strawberry Service before the writing was covered up again

"The mist," I realized as I knew my full heritage

Which is complicated in itself.

I am supposed to be part god however it doesn't come with god ki.

The fucking rip-off

From what I could gather I am a perfect mix of Sayian and "Godly" DNA. I am pretty sure my Sayian DNA annihilated my human DNA. After I went to sleep after a huge dinner at school my body heated up once again and something in me arose.

Primal Rage

The desire to fight

The desire to become the strongest

I managed to stop myself from heading to Olympus straight away and challenging the gods. But that feeling, that desire. Every cell of my body craves combat as if I am going through withdrawal.

I know I have a huge mountain to climb to reach DBZ levels of power never mind DBZS. Thankfully, I remember what Whis said to Goku and Vegeta to keep their power in their bodies. I did manage to make a ki ball which makes me ashamed of myself due to it not coming out as a ball at all.

My ki control is trash

Everyone has to start somewhere I guess.

Finally, I see Grover Underwood my excitement at meeting someone who I taught was just fiction is overshadowed by a desire to not show weakness.

I ignore that desire.

I am not just me anymore, not Percy Jackson either the boy who is bullied and beaten up by his alcoholic, stepfather. I managed to suppress my emotions at least I hope.

My hope is destroyed by his frown.

"You ok, Perce?" He asks a bit worried as he sniffs around smelling my tail most likely

I smile at him

"Everything is fine I just feel like like a new me, How did it go on your vacation?" I ask him as his eyes light up.

"Oh it was amazing going to Yellowstone although there is a lot of it covered with human trash," He says as we walk to our class

(He is a good friend) I think to myself accepting my reality

A few hours later I am regretting not running away as Grover and I reach our room.

School sucks when everything around you is so slow each class felt like it took hours for the professor to finish talking. My new perception coming into play.

At lunchtime, I drew a lot of gazes toward me due to how much I ate.

This brings up another issue


I need money to feed myself

I am going to the Lotus Hotel And Casino sooner than I thought. Having a card with infinite mortal money is now on my list.

"It was so boring," I tell Grover falling back to my bed

"I know but what did you think of our new professor, Mrs. Dodds?" He asks me stuttering a bit.

I think about what he said for a moment and I can already guess that the "gods" are already aware of me.

Should I speed up canon?

That's the question

(Fuck it, I will) I resigned myself

"Something seems off about her dude, the way she stared at me, it felt like she is waiting for me to do something to piss her off or something," I told Grover

I have no clue of what I am doing as I am going to be going with the flow

For now

"Well, I don't know what to say to that but..."

We just continued talking the rest of the time until dinner

I can tell that he was trying to more or less keep things from going back to the undercover Fury

But, he is just so terrible at lying that I took pity on him and changed the subject whenever we went back to talking about her.

I sat down at an open table waiting for Grover to get his enchiladas thinking about what to do exactly. Sure I have the powers and potential of Percy Jackson and a Sayian who hung out with kid Beerus and Champa.

Taima was a Sayian that was sent out the same day as Goku and Broly and went through a time vortex that sent him into the past and was found and raised by a member of Beerus race. The memories stop when I or rather Taima gets himself thrown in prison as a slave and fighting Beerus and Champa's dad.

That is all I can gather from him since I didn't get an adult version of him but a young one. While my Ki control is garbage right now thanks to Sayian genetics I can instinctually draw it out.

My hydrokinesis though...

it's fucking broken

It's the full spectrum of Hydrokinesis

I can draw water from the atmosphere, freeze it by forcefully stopping the water molecules and then melting it near-instantly, controlling vapor so that it can burn someone easily. Making a knife sharp enough to cut through a metal pole, a piece of cake. Granted, I was tired as all hell, but it does eliminate most of my water needs when I can purify dirty water enough for it to be drunk.

I haven't tested my limited earthquake control or weather manipulation. One thing I haven't even thought of manipulating is blood. I don't want to test it on random people that seems like the sort of stuff I will do to my enemies.

My Sayian abilities I am sure are the same. Turning at least Super Sayian 1 will be enough to curb-stomp everything and everyone on this planet.

I hope

Who am I kidding I will need at least Super Sayian 2 in order to stand a chance of surviving. This is not a book where the characters are limited by the author but, actual living people. I am going to have to read into any mythology I can.

I guess I will follow canon until the museum at least at most until it is time for me to reach camp half-blood.

I will train slowly on my ki control and try to learn more about my powers.