

It had been six years from that day. A lot of time has passed. During this time I have completed many missions but due to my request of going on solo missions I was never allowed to go on an S rank Mission. Something about safety. I was too bored to argue with the monkey and his companions. So I have done mostly A to C rank missions and the occasional D rank ones. Once Hiruzen gave me the Tora mission ignoring my protests, but when the cat was found tortured through Genjutsu and burnt in some areas, Hiruzen never dared to give me E rank missions. 

Anyway, Naruto has grown up fine. He is still as energetic as ever but I have managed to make him a little bit tame. During this time, Some mummy had leaked the News about Naruto being the Jinchuriki to annoy me so I decided to give him a gift by sending him the heads of 50 of his subordinates. Although I did not hear what happened in the end Naruto was never bothered again. The secret of Naruto being a Jinchuriki had been spread and the monkey passed his law in the name of protecting Naruto. Idiotic dunderhead. So whenever Naruto left the clan complex he was met with hateful glare and stare. At first Naruto was bothered by it but when I told him nt to let it bother him he agreed with me and said, " Yes, Big brother Ryujin, I will prove to them that I Naruto Uzumaki am the best. I will become the Hokage so that everybody will stop glaring at me and look at me with admiration." Pretty big words for a then three years old. Well what he wants to become is none of my concern. His life ,His rules .

Anyway, the interesting part came when I started to teach Naruto. In the original series it was shown that Naruto did not have the patience to sit and learn. But the Naruto in front of me was quite the opposite. Although it took him a little time to learn the concepts but once he did understood it he never forgets it. In six years he has finished reading all the books from the Third year of the Shinobi Academy.

Then there was the Monkey, who came to visit every now and then to meet naruto. More like to see how much he has learned. And every time he leaves he would murmur," So much like his parents." Fucking old coot.

Present Day

" Ryujin-Ni when am I going to learn Ninjutsu?"

" You will learn it when I deem that you are ready to learn it. For now how is your calligraphy?"

" It's good. Even the Hokage said so."

" The Current Hokage is an old idiot. Don't listen to him. Practice more." I shouted back.

" Emmm..." Some one cleared their throat.

Looking back I saw Hiruzen standing in the doorway of the study room.

" Hello Hokage. Why have you come to my house at this ungodly hour." I questioned, unbothered of the insult I threw at him earlier or the tick marks on his face.

" I came to deliver these scrolls personally for your next mission as the Anbu cannot pass through your sealing barriers." He replied," Though it seems you are quite busy."

" Yes I am." Taking the scrolls from him I opened them. Reading for a bit I said," I remember saying that I don't need a team?"

" They will just accompany you to observe. They will not take active part in your misson. The mission is very important and the first S-rank mission that I am assigning you. Don't fail." He said and then popped out of existence.

" Ryujin -Ni when will you leave?" Naruto asked me.

" Tomorrow Morning. Be a good kid while I am gone. The forms for your admission for the ninja academy are on the table. Take them and go to the academy tomorrow. New admission begins tomorrow. If anyone gives you trouble tell them my name."

" Don't worry Ni-san I will be fine." Naruto said.

" Anyway, continue to practice your calligraphy. Practice it more. I will awaken your chakra when I come back"

" Okay. Got it."

" Good. Now go to bed."

" Good night." 

Well I will be gone for a while I guess. S rank mission in the land of Lightning. Assassination of some rich noble. Well not a problem. There will be three people accompanying me. Kakashi, Tenzo and Yugao. So an ANBU team huh. So much for Observing me. Anyway this will not take long.


Ryujin Ni-San has already left for his mission. I don't know much but from what I have heard, he is very strong. I remember once when I was walking with him through the streets and people started to glare at me hatefully. Seeing that I was getting upset Ryujin ni-san just stared once at the people. They all vanished so quickly that I thought they were all shinobis. I once had asked the Hokage about how strong Ni-san is and the old man said that Ryujin-Ni is very very strong, and one of the strongest Ninjas of the village.

Waking up the next day I ate some breakfast and took the admission forms from the table. Walking out of the house I locked the door and headed towards the Academy. It was early in the morning and there were not many people in the streets, so there were way less glares that I usually get. Reaching the Academy I went towards the place where I saw a lot of children of my age. There I saw a Ninja wearing a leaf forehead protector sitting at a desk. Getting close I could already hear the parents starting to murmur about me and glare towards me. Not paying them ay attention I walked up to the Ninja and handed him the papers. Seeing me the ninja also glared and said," I am sorry I cannot take your admission."

" Why?" I asked quite confused.

" The new admission needs to be sponsored by someone and since you are an orphan and the Hokage has not recommended you I cannot accept your admission." He declared with a twisted smile on his face.

Not giving him the pleasure of winning I said in a more cheerful tone," You do not need to worry about that. Ryujin Ni-san has written me a letter of recommendation." Taking out a letter I said, "Here it is " and handed it to the ninja. His face did a full change as he read hrough the letter once, twice and thrice before looking at me in disbelief and said, " I-I-I am So- Sorry Uzumaki-Sama. Your Ad-Admission has been accepted. Please come to the academy from the first day next week for class assignment. TT-Thank You." with a lot of sweat covering his face.

" I don't know what Older brother has written in the letter but if I get the chance I would like to read it though.


The demon brat handed me a letter. Opening it I read,

Hello Kito Ushiko,

I am Ryujin Uzumaki, a jonin of this village. Yes I am the one you are currently thinking of. If you have been handed this letter it means that you have stopped my little brother Naruto from taking admission in the academy. So here's what will happen.

I know who you are. I know how you look. I know where you live. I know who you love. If you don't do your duty and accept the admission then I will personally come after you. It doesn't matter where you go and hide, who you call for help, I will find you. And when I do, I will take my time taking out my anger on you. And even the Hokage will not come to save you. This Genjutsu will help you to make your decision.

Everything after that was Black. But not for long as that man, Uzumaki Ryujin appeared in front of my eyes. Although the man is a konoha Jonin his reputation and actions exceeds even Kakashi of the Sharingan. A ruthless man who doesn't fear even the Hokage. If you open a bingo book to the page number 6 , you will find an entire page dedicated to this man. 



















This screams only one thing. The man is dangerous. And like any sane person I would not like to be on his bad side. 

" For the next 30 minutes I will give you a taste of what will happen if you don't comply.

and so it began. For 30 minutes he tortured me. Even in a genjutsu I could not break out of it. The pain felt so so real. After he finished he said, " Time's up. Do your duty or I can make the genjutsu last for 3 days straight.

No. NO NO NO NO NO . I will do what ever you say please.

Suddenly I came back to the real world with that yellow haired boy in front of me. Looking up I said, " I-I-I am So- Sorry Uzumaki-Sama. Your Ad-Admission has been accepted. Please come to the academy from the first day next week for class assignment. TT-Thank You."


After exiting from the academy Naruto decided to walk around the village for a little bit. A quiet street in Konohagakure. Snow falls gently, and a young Hinata Hyuga, about six years old, is cornered by three older kids. They taunt her and push her around, making her cry. Young Naruto Uzumaki, also about six, walks by and notices the commotion.

Hinata: (crying) P-please stop...

Bully 1: Look at her, acting all high and mighty just because she's from the Hyuga clan!

Bully 2: Yeah, those weird eyes creep me out.

Bully 3: Let's teach her a lesson!

Naruto: (running towards them) Hey! Leave her alone!

Bully 1: (sneering) Oh, look, it's that weird kid, Naruto. What do you want, loser?

Naruto: (determined) I said, leave her alone! (stands protectively in front of Hinata)

Bully 2: (mocking) What are you gonna do about it? You can't even fight.

Naruto: (clenching fists) I won't let you hurt her! (lunges at the bullies, swinging wildly)

Bully 3: (dodging and pushing Naruto down) Ha! Nice try, but you're no match for us.

Hinata: (whispering) Naruto...

Naruto: (struggling to get up) I won't give up! (charges at the bullies again)

Bully 1: (annoyed) Enough of this! (rips Naruto's red scarf off and throws it aside)

Hinata: (gasping) No!

In the end the bullies tore up Naruto's scarf, beat him badly and left, but they never noticed the pair of cold lifeless eyes looking at them from the shadows.

Hinata: Are you okay?

Naruto: Yes, don't worry about me, I heal fast. 

Meanwhile a Hyuga man appeared running towards Hinata, " Lady Hinata. What happened?"

Turning towards Naruto and sneering, " You demon what have you done to the lady?" He did not give either of them time to respond as he hit Naruto in the chest with a Juken strike. Naruto fell down unconscious and despite Hinata's protests the guard took her away.

Later when Naruto woke up he was inside the Clan complex with Ryujin sitting in front of him with his eyes closed.

Ryujin P.O.V.

It has been one day since I went on that assassination mission. I thought of taking my time to complete it but suddenly a voice spoke in my head, " My lord. It's an emergency. Young Naruto has been injured with a Juken strike to his chest."

" What! How?" I exclaimed worriedly. 

The team that came to observe me were bewildered seeing me in this state. They never thought the Great Ryujin Uzumaki would lose his cool out of nowhere. 

"What' going on?" Tenzo asked Kakashi.

" I am as clueless as you are." he replied. Yugao remained quite and continued to observe.

I wasted no time and created 2 shadow clones. Shunshining to the location of the Hidden team I said out loud without giving them time to respond, " I will be heading Back to the village. An emergency has occurred. The clones will complete the mission. You can stay and watch it."

Kakashi spoke up," What emergency has happened that you are abandoning your misssion"

" Naruto has been gravely injured." I said and without giving them time to respond I disappeared in a flash. A red Flash.

All of their eyes widened and Tenzo spoke up," That jutsu just now..."

" The Flying Raijin." Kakashi said in a low tone.

" What shall we do?" Yugao asked

" We will stay and continue the mission. If the clones fail we will complete the mission." Kakashi said. 

Appearing right next to Naruto in a flash I was thankful that I had previously marked Naruto with a raijin seal. Picking him up I teleported to the Namikaze estate and put him on the bed. curing the boy was not a big deal for the likes of me and I did it in an instant. Putting my hand over his head, I got all the information I needed. Gathering the Memories in a orb I told my shadows to guard the house and Naruto and went straight to the Hokage tower.

Walking past the secretary who tried but failed to stop me I walked in the Hokage's Office. There Hiruzen was having a conversation with Hyuga Hiashi. Seeing me Hiashi spoke up, " You!! Do you have any idea what your ward has done to my daughter?" He seemed very angry. 

I glared at him releasing a bit of my haki to put him in his place." Sit down or die." Hiashi seemed to be shaken for a moment before he tried to put up a brave face but the Hokage beat him to it, " Ryujin, weren't you suppesed to be on a mission? Have you finished it." 

" It should be finished by now." Walking up to the desk of the Hokage I placed the orb and said, " Watch this and I will speak after that." The orb started to play the images.

After a full 30 minutes the orb stopped and I spoke up, " I go out of the village for one day and this happens to Naruto. What the hell are you doing Hokage?"

Hiruzen looked quite ashamed himself, " I had no Idea of this happening. I will look into the matter and punish those kids and the Hyuga who attacked Naruto."

Hiashi to had an ashamed look on his face, " Forgive me Ryujin-Dono, I was misinformed of the events and was led to believe that Naruto attacked my daughter. I will punish that man Myself."

I stayed silent for a few seconds before saying," I don't care if you punish them or not. I want you to understand what they have done, and who they have done it to. Those three kids and your clansman has brutally attacked the Clan Heir of the Uzumaki clan and the future daimyo of a country. Do you think I will let this go that easily."

Hiruzen and Hiashi's faces paled as the implications set in, " What are you saying?" Hiruzen asked.

" I want the three kids to be locked up with their chakra sealed and never to be released again. This is the most mercy I can show them. For the Hyuga, He is no kid, He did what he did, knowing what would happen. He attempted to Kill the heir of the uzumaki and whirlpool. I want his head. Nothing else will suffice." I said with finality.

Hiashi's eyes widened hearing this, " Please Ryujin- Dono. I beg you. This was just a misunderstanding. The Hyuga clan will punish Hyuga Ko by sealing his chakra and his eyes. He will not be allowed to leave the compound and will beg for forgiveness in front of Naruto- San. The hyuga clan will also pay for the best medical treatment to cure and bring Naruto Sama back to his perfect health. Hyuga Ko is the son of an elder from the main branch. Please accept this instead of killing him." He begged

" No It's either his death or I will leave the village with Naruto. a village which cannot even keep it's children safe is not worth staying in." I said with finality.

This time Hiruzen spoke up," Ryujin please don't be hasty. I promise you that this kind of situation will not happen again. Please forgive the Hyuga family this one time."

" You want forgiveness." I said pausing a bit. " Very well. I will forgive you." Hearing this the eyes of Hiashi and Hiruzen lit up. I continued, " Since Hyuga Ko has attacked Naruto only once I will find it in my heart to forgive him. But.." I drawled on " only if he is able to withstand one attack from me. If he agrees to this all will be forgiven. If he is injured that will be his punishment and if he is not well that will be it." I finished. 

Hiruzen looked at Hiashi and Hiashi nodded, " Very well I agree to your terms."

" Great. Inform the Hyuga clan of this and come to training ground 12 tomorrow. I will personally be preset to make sure Ko receives the punishment." Hiruzen said. He never expected Ko to come out of this unharmed. Well anything was better than dying right? Well he would know tomorrow of how wrong he was.