
Reborn in Shadows

Consumed by dread, twenty-year-old Travis Ford ends his life, only to awaken in a medieval dungeon as a slave. Stripped of his former identity, he faces brutal labor and relentless punishment. But instead of succumbing to despair, he uses it to fuel a grim determination. Escaping into a dense and dangerous forest, Travis survives against all odds, honing his fighting skills with a makeshift sword. Transformed into a relentless warrior, he is driven by an unyielding desire for revenge against those who enslaved him.

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8 Chs

Chapter 06: A New Plan

The following morning, we departed the tavern early, the chill of dawn cutting through the mist that clung to the landscape. The journey back to Azrael's keep was uneventful, the tension between Ragnar and me easing into a silent camaraderie forged through shared trials.

As we approached the imposing fortress, my heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The keep's towering walls and dark, looming spires cast long shadows, the very structure seeming to pulse with a malevolent energy.

Ragnar led the way, his stride confident and unyielding. We passed through the gates and into the inner courtyard, where soldiers and servants went about their duties with mechanical precision. Their eyes flickered toward us, curiosity and fear mingling in their gazes.

The grand hall was as cold and imposing as ever. Azrael's throne dominated the room, its dark stone and intricate carvings reflecting the eerie light from the torches that lined the walls. Azrael himself sat upon it, a figure of detached authority, his gaze fixed on us as we approached.

I stepped forward, the bag containing the Azure Bloom clutched tightly in my hand. "My lord, we have returned with the Azure Bloom," I announced, my voice steady despite the nerves that churned within me.

Azrael's lips curled into a faint, calculating smile. "Show me," he commanded, his voice a cold, sharp whisper that echoed through the hall.

I carefully drew the flowers from the bag, their ethereal glow casting a soft, blue light that seemed to brighten the dim hall. Azrael's eyes glittered with satisfaction as he regarded the blooms.

"Impressive," he murmured, his gaze shifting to meet mine. "You have done well, Marcus. You have proven your worth… for now."

I bowed my head, hiding the simmering hatred beneath a mask of obedience. "Thank you, my lord."

Azrael's smile widened, though it held no warmth. "Remember, loyalty is everything here. Continue to prove yourself, and you will be rewarded. Fail, and the consequences will be severe."

He motioned for a servant to take the flowers, then fixed his gaze on Ragnar. "And you, Ragnar, have performed your duty admirably. You may leave us."

Ragnar bowed slightly and turned to leave, but not before giving me a final, meaningful look. I stood alone before Azrael, feeling the weight of his scrutiny.

Azrael's gaze softened just a fraction as he addressed me again. "Marcus, your dedication has earned you a measure of my trust. You will no longer reside in the cells. From now on, you will be given a room among the guards."

I tried to mask my surprise, bowing deeply. "Thank you, my lord."

As I turned to leave, Azrael's voice halted me once more. "One more thing, Marcus. My daughter will be arriving soon. Ensure that you conduct yourself appropriately in her presence. She is…important to me."

I nodded, a thousand questions swirling in my mind. "Yes, my lord. I understand."

Dismissed, I followed a servant through the winding corridors of the keep. The room assigned to me was modest but a significant improvement over the damp, cold cell I had been confined to. It was sparsely furnished, with a bed, a small table, and a chair, but it offered a degree of comfort and privacy I had not known since my capture.

As I lay on the cot, staring at the ceiling, the mention of Azrael's daughter gnawed at my thoughts. Who was she, this enigmatic figure deemed important enough by the tyrant to be mentioned specifically? And what role did she play in the twisted game of power that Azrael orchestrated?

I turned over, trying to find a comfortable position, but my mind was too restless. Thoughts of Alaric's lifeless body haunted me, the image seared into my memory. I had sworn to avenge him, to bring down the man responsible for his death. The path to that goal was murky, fraught with danger and uncertainty, but one thing was clear: I needed leverage against Azrael.

The idea took shape slowly, a dark and desperate plan that I could scarcely believe I was contemplating. Azrael's daughter. If she was truly as important to him as he implied, then she could be the key to his downfall. The thought of threatening an innocent life sickened me, but the weight of my promise to Alaric drove me to consider it.

In the dim light of the room, I began to formulate the plan. I would need to learn more about her—her routines, her guards, her vulnerabilities. It would take time, patience, and subtlety. Any misstep could mean instant death, not just for me but possibly for others who might unwittingly get involved.

But I had no other choice. Azrael was too powerful, too entrenched in his fortress of fear and control. A direct assault was suicide. Yet, using his daughter as leverage, however abhorrent the idea, might force his hand. Could I truly go through with it? Could I become the very monster I sought to destroy?

I sat up, the room's silence pressing in on me. My hands trembled slightly as I contemplated the enormity of what I was planning. Alaric's face appeared in my mind's eye, his smile, his laughter, his unwavering belief in justice. Would he understand my desperation, or would he condemn my willingness to sacrifice another for the sake of vengeance?

"This is for you, Alaric," I whispered into the darkness, trying to convince myself as much as the memory of my fallen friend. "I'll do whatever it takes to make him pay."


Thank you for reading the chapter! Your feedback means a lot to me, so please leave a review or comment. If there's anything you didn't like or suggestions for improvement, I'd love to hear them. See you next time!