
Chapter five

It's been a few days as Nami double check on her supplies. She has been sneaking around behind her family's back. To pack her clothes, equipment for maps, a couple of books, two boxes of ammo, her red pistol and a few belis that she earned on her own. 'Then, after Arlong comes, I will grab a few tangerines and couple of large bottles of water.' She was satisfied that she will last for a week at most and the next island she knows will take a few days. It's a good thing that she sneaks the boat away from the dock and hid in the bushes.

The orange-haired girl turned around, quickly hide her backpack in the bushes behind the house and ran around the building. Nami paused when she saw her older sister walked up with a bag. "Nojiko!" she greeted her with a big grinned.

Hey tanger (tangerine-tanger)." Nojiko has been calling her that nickname ever since Nami got her revolver. "How's training?" she asked with a soft smile. Nami shrugged her shoulders and respond that it's a typical training. "Catch any bird?"

Nami:Yep, I caught six birds, we are keeping two and the rest that mom took, will sell to the market."

Nami answered as they walked inside the house. Nojiko hummed, she placed her bag on the table and took out a medical book and dug in for a few seconds.

Nojiko:"Damn! I left my notebook at the clinic!, Sorry, I have to go back and get it. I need it."

Nami shrugged her shoulders. "That's perfectly fine. I'll wait here, working on my map skill. You can go back and get it, and maybe you might catch mom on the way?"

The older sister thought about it then she nodded her head. "I can do that. I'll be back with mom, and we'll have a delicious meal once again." She smiles at her then quickly left the house.

The orange-haired girl followed her out and watched her sister leaving until she was out of her sights. Nami sighed softly, she walked through the tangerines grove to the cliff and watch the beautiful sunset. It was soothing and peaceful for Nami, until her brown eyes landed on the large, fancy ship coming toward them. A smile on her face turned frown as she felt chill across on her bare skin. 'Could they… are they…' she slowly paled. '…it's them. Arlong crew!'

Nami immediately turned around, run back inside her house and grabbed a piece of paper and feather pen along with ink pot. She quickly writes down on parchment in smooth yet little bit rush, however, enough to be readable. It took her nearly five minutes to finish writing the letter for her family. Then ran to the kitchen to grab a few snacks and a couple of bottles of waters. Then grabbed a small bag to pluck healthy, mature tangerines in it.

After that, she runs back inside of the house, grabbed a letter to place in Nojiko's medical book, making sure it acts as 'bookmark'. Nami knew Nojiko would find it and figure it out easily. 'It seems that my family doesn't have to pay for me.' She thought, luckily for her family. Nami left the house, around to the bushes where she hid her backpack.

The orange-haired girl quickly placed her things into her backpack, placed it on her back, and stormed down on the path. Her heart is pounding so fast as her lungs are needed for oxygen. However, she ignores it until she made it to the end of the island. Nami went to the boat, she places her backpack inside and pushed the boat toward the body of water.

She climbed inside of the boat once it hit the ocean. Nami picked up the oars and paddle as fast as she should with her tiny limbs. Before she knew, she is far enough from the island and she paused, ignore her sore muscles. "Damn… that was a total adrenaline blood rush there…" she let out a relief sighed.

Her brown eyes glanced over her island, where her family lives and hopefully, safe. 'I'm sorry for leaving like this… but it's for the best.' She mused with determined.





Bellemere is holding Nojiko in her arms while staring at the Alrong Pirates who take over their island, forcing them to pay for living, and once one of the Fishmen walked to them. "Pay up. 100,000 for an adult and 50,000 for a child."

Bellemere: "…I don't have it on me. It's in my house, I have to get it"

Arlong walked up with greedy smirked. "Shahahaha! Then we will follow you to your house and pay for my tribute."

Bellemere frowned as she nodded her head, jerkily. She stood up, grabbed her daughter's hand and walked down the path that leads to her house. The Arlong Pirates follow it was tense and uncomfortable for the villagers

Once Bellemere and Nojiko arrived at their house. "We'll wait right here." Arlong said with a generous offer as his eyes are warning them for pain.

The mother quickly walked inside, went straight to the chest to grab her beli enough for her and her two daughters. However, she paused when she realized something. She turned her eldest daughter. "Nojiko, where's Nami?" she asked with concerned and worried.

Nojiko stared at the letter in her hands. She saw this in her book and knew that Nami must have put it there for a reason. So, when she grabbed it and unfold the letter. And read it. "Mom… do you trust me?" she asked her mother with serious eyes.

Bellemere: "…of course."

Nojiko nodded her head, folded the letter and tuck in her pocket. "Pay for both of us." Bellemere narrowed her eyes but decided to do what her daughter told her. She will have her explanation soon. After she grabbed enough beli for both of them, she left the house and handed it to Arlong who gratefully took it. "Shahahaha! Just both of you?"

"Yes." Bellemere answered blankly.

Arlong was satisfied and jerked his head to his crew, down the path to the next village. After they were out of her sights, her shoulders relax then went back inside. "Nojiko, what's going on?" she frowned.

Nojiko glanced at the window, making sure none of the Fishmen are close. When she is satisfied with it, she turned around and handed the letter to her mother. "It's a letter from Nami."

Bellemere took it, unfolded it and read it.

Dear family,

I have to leave this island, and please, please don't come after me. I needed this, I have to train hard and become stronger. So, I can protect my precious people, my family, my friends. I can't do that right now since I am still a kid and I have a long way to go with my pistol. By the time you have this letter, and read it… I'm probably already gone, in the sea with a boat. Don't worry about me, I can survive this. I know what to do. I have my talent for navigating and I have skill with my pistol. Someday, in the future, I will return, as a strong and independent woman. I will bring my strong friends and we will take this village back. We will defeat Arlong Pirates and we will be peace once again. This I promise, for now, please stay safe. I'm so sorry for being selfish but… if becoming stronger means to protect my family, then I will rather be selfish for that. Please, wait for me, even it takes years. Just know that I would never abandon on my family, my island. Never. I will return and take back our home. For now, be safe and please, wait for me.

I love you.


"That idiot." Bellemere whispered with resigned, fondly, annoyed, and concerned. She glanced at her eldest daughter who took her medical book and sat down on the couch, studying it. "…guess we'll have to trust our little kitten and wait for her." She said with a sad smile.

Nojiko hummed. '…but how does she know about Arlong Pirates?' she mused with suspicion yet worried about her little sister.