
Reborn in Naruto with Karma Seal

This is a story about a young man named Steve who reincarnated in the world of Naruto after his death. However, he is not born into a Kekkei Genkai clan like Uchiha or Hyuga but was given a karma seal in the beginning. Steve is determined to make the most of his situation and sets out to explore the world of Naruto. What to expect: 1. Weak to Strong main character. 2. Lots of training and genin and chunin missions that the MC will get 3. Some arcs will be adapted from movies, fillers, and novels. There will be original Arcs too. 4. Plot would be similar at the start but will change later on. 5. Smart and confident main character. 6. Some characters would be from Boruto too. 7. I will try to write character development of other oc characters besides mc. 8. MC reincarnates during the Kakashi era. Warning: 1. MC won’t be always winning 2. No R18 or harem( There might be romance but I am not 100% sure regarding that. I only have a few ideas regarding it now) 3. The story progression can be slow. 4. There will be deaths. 5. Don’t expect too accurate timelines. PS: This is my first fanfic. I will try to write it to the best of my capabilities. Comments are welcomed. I hope you guys provide constructive criticism regarding it and I will try to write bigger chapters as the story progresses. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters only the oc characters are my property.

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35 Chs

The Legend of White Fang 2 (Side-Story)

The next day,

Hatake Sakumo waited at the entrance of Konoha, and suddenly, three silhouettes appeared near him using the Body Flicker jutsu.

"Let's go!" said Sakumo calmly, and the four shinobi started running, quickly leaving the entrance of Konoha behind.

As the four shinobi ran, an awkward silence settled among them. Sakumo, however, was the first to break the silence. "I didn't expect all of you to agree to this mission, especially you Kanami," he said, his voice tinged with concern.

"Why?" Kanami asked.

"Aren't you and your wife Hae expecting a baby soon?" asked Sakumo.

Sakumo's question hung in the air for a moment before Kanami suddenly remembered. "Oh yeah," he said with an awkward smile. "Hae and I are expecting a baby soon." The tense mood between the shinobi started to dissipate as they all chuckled at the forgetfulness of their comrade.

"Have you decided on any names yet?" inquired Sakumo.

"If it's a girl, we have decided to name her Shizuka," Kanami replied. "As for a boy, my wife has also chosen a name..."


"That's a good name," said Sakumo, and the conversation continued for a while. After some time, Shibi asked, "Where are we heading?"

"We're heading to the Land of Waterfalls. In two days, we'll meet an Anbu who will provide us with further details about the mission and how to infiltrate Kumo," replied Sakumo.

It took them two and a half days to cross the border of the Land of fire and enter the Land of Waterfall.

Finally, the Ninja team arrived at the destination. The location was a dense forest which is full of tall trees, thick undergrowth, and vines that entwine around trunks and branches. The moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.

As they cautiously scanned their surroundings, a figure emerged from the shadows near a tree. The team quickly assumed a defensive stance. But as the figure stepped into the moonlight, they saw it was wearing a dog mask and recognized him as an ANBU ninja.

Anbu informed, "We have learned that a team of Kumo's Anbu will be meeting the Hidden Waterfall Village leader in a week. The location is approximately 1,800 meters away from here, towards the northeast, behind a large waterfall."

Anbu gave more details, "The mission is to assassinate the entire Kumo Anbu team and take their identities back to Kumo village. As there is only one entrance and exit to the Hidden Waterfall village, it's best to wait for them at the exit and avoid any unnecessary conflict with the Hidden Waterfall village."

The team nodded in understanding as Anbu briefed them on the mission details.

Before leaving, Anbu added, "We suspect that Kumo has been selling military intel about its neighboring lands, Land of Frost and Land of Fire, to Hidden Waterfall Village in exchange for money."

A week passed by,

The entire team was waiting at the branch of a tree which is 800m away from the large waterfall. Shibi said, "They have arrived."

The Aburame clan had a unique ability to control insects, which were implanted in their body since birth, forming a symbiotic bond with their host. If the number of insects grew too large to be contained, they could be transferred to a special gourd, as Shibi did.

Shibi utilized two types of insects, one of them was the Kikaichu.

These insects had the ability to extract chakra from opponents, rendering them incapable of executing any jutsu. They were also useful in tracking and detoxification. Additionally, female Kikaichu could secrete pheromones that male Kikaichu could detect from a distance of up to 5 kilometers.

"Should we move closer to the waterfall?" asked Shinku.

"No need," replied Shibi. "I've already placed a female Kikaichu on one of the Anbu. We'll know when they come out."

Sakumo nodded in agreement with Shibi's plan.

A few hours have passed,

Shibi alerted the team, "They are out."

Without wasting any time, Sakumo commanded, "Let's move."

The team caught sight of four Kumo Anbu in black attire, their faces concealed by masks.

"Wait here," Sakumo instructed his comrades, unsheathing his white chakra saber. "I'll take care of them."

The Kumo Anbu moved swiftly through the dense forest, maintaining a rhombus-shaped formation. The Anbu leader (one moving at the front) called out, "Hey, Electric Beak, pick up the pace!" But there was no response. Concerned, the Anbu halted their movement and searched for Electric Beak, only to find his decapitated body on the forest floor.

"We have been attacked." yelled the Anbu leader.

The attacker remained invisible to the team, but suddenly a bright white light appeared, moving so fast it resembled a laser beam. The team watched as the light targeted one of the members.

The Anbu leader shouted, "Defend yourself, Electric Talon!" Electric Talon quickly crossed his arms in a protective stance, but the white light swiftly passed through his defense, severing his arms and delivering a fatal blow to his chest. The attacker disappeared without a trace.

"Electric feath..." the leader's words were cut off as the white light pierced through Electric Feather's chest. The leader was about to react but the white light suddenly stopped, revealing a silhouette.

Electric Feather tried to speak, "cough… cough…grey… hair … cough…. White… fa—". Before he could finish, Sakumo quickly decided to end his suffering. With a swift motion, he took hold of his chakra saber and ended Electric Feather's life by decapitating him.

"White Fang? What is he doing here?" the Anbu leader thought. "I must inform the Raikage immediately." He infused his cells with lightning chakra and moved as quickly as possible, his goal being to put enough distance between himself and the enemy and use a summoning jutsu to contact the Raikage. However….

"White Chakra Release: Getsuga Tenshou" said white fang calmly.

A swift slash of white light emerged from Sakumo's chakra saber, cutting through numerous branches and foliage without losing any momentum. It reached the body of the Anbu leader, piercing through him before he could complete his jutsu to send the message.

His body cleaved into two parts as it fell down the tree.