
0. Where am I?

The last thing I remember before I blacked

out, was that I tried to save a little girl from a car, but after that ?


I don't know where I am.

I don't know what to do.

I just don't know anythnig.

And it is so cold.

Why is it so cold, where am I?

Now that I think about it, I don't even rember my name or my age or what I looked like before all of this happened.

I feel like I'm floating

"you don't have to fear anything my child, everything is alright"

I don't know who said that his voice was strong but not that loud; I had to concentrate to hear his voice.

But who is that voice?

"you may not know me but my name is kami and before you ask, yes I can read your thoughts."


I tried to speak but no words left my mouth.

I was confused, why can't I talk, why can't I see, what is going on here

" I know you are afraid that you can't talk but you don't have anything you have to fear. Just breath in and out and everything will be all right."

Slowly I can see a smal light and in the first time I was here I can finally feel something.

" Ah I see my time is slowly over, but before that I have to tell you something really important. You have gained a new change in life, because of your pure heart.

Go on an change the things you can remember.

Because you will be reborn in the Naruto Universe."

The voice laughed a bit before I hear his last words " good luck and have fun
