
Reborn in naruto as darui's adopted son.

Follow a guy as he tries to have fun in this new chaotic world filled with child soldiers, psychopathic elderly people and men that can destroy entire nations single handedly. His best course of action in order to do that is to avoid the village where 90% of the death happens. Atleast until he's 13. ****** " " = talking out loud ' ' = thinking ( ) = sound effects * * = POV switch or time skip ****** = end of chapter and my questions.

Captain_0bvious · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Can't you make an exception?

*P.O.V Switch and the next day*

"Carrion, wake up"

"Five more minutes" I said tiredly

(Crackle zap)

"AH! What the hell!" I shout in shock. "What was that for!?"

"You weren't getting up and this was the quickest way to get you up." Said Darui

"That makes sense... But why wake me up in the first place?" I ask confused with an eyebrow raised

"Because you aren't allowed to train for 2 weeks."

"... Huh?"

"The Raikage will start training you then." He explained

"But why can't I train in the meantime?"

"Probably because you will be doing extreme training then, so you need to rest your body." He gave a more detailed explanation again.

"What about chakra control, Can I train that?" I asked

"No, no training of any kind. What you will be doing in two weeks will push your limits and could cause serious damage if you train at all for a two week period before it starts." He said with a serious look in his eyes

"Got it, no training at all... for 2 weeks..." I said getting more and more depressed with each word. "What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

"Study? I don't know, just no training."

"Okay~" I said hoping the days pass quickly.


Achievement get: bored as hell.


*two weeks later*

"Where are we going?" I asked

"The outside training ground, it's pretty much a giant ravine filled with different metals and rocks." Darui said in return. " We are going there because it's much more durable than the other one."

"... What will the training be like for us to need a better training ground?" I asked a little concerned

"Not too bad at first, but it will get far worse later on."

"I have a feeling that by the end of this training I will be at the strength of a high chunnin or low jonin."

"That is what will be happening, and when you reach that level you will start learning the lightning cloak."

"... damn."

"Yeah, and then you will attend the academy and be made a genin when you finish that."

"..." I stare at Darui dumbfounded

"Yes I am aware that it is stupid, but you will be going to the chunin exams as soon as possible so you just need to hold out till then."

"Can't you make an exception and make me a chunin or jonin straight away?" I asked, almost pleading

"We have already explained why we won't."

"Aww." I look at the floor disappointed.

All of a sudden I get yanked back by the back of my shirt as a massive boulder lands where I was just walking.

"Seems like we're getting close, from now on pay attention to the surroundings, a lot of people come here to test out jutsu and end up causing huge boulders to go flying." Darui says scolding me.

"Sorry, I will be serious now." I salute *smack* "ow, I'm sorry."

"When people say they will be serious, that usually means they will be serious." He says "you can still act like that, just don't say you will be serious, C will chew you out because of it."

"Really? I can goof around as much as I want as long as I say I won't be serious?" I ask surprised

"That isn't what I said, you can joke around and be a bit lazy or be non-shalaunt but don't go too far."

"I see, thanks for clearing it up, does that also include meetings with the Raikage?"

"Only if it isn't an official event, around other people, and he allows it. Yeah."

"Thanks" *Boom* another boulder lands near us. "Is this the normal amount of flying boulders here?"

"No, normally there are a few more but most of the people that normally train here are out on missions so only two or three people should be here at the moment." He says while pinching his chin, thinking about it. "If I recall correctly it should be Yugito and The boss- The Raikage here for now."

"Yugito is here aswell?"

"Yeah, she is to help with your training for now, as for the flying boulders-" *Boom* "It could be Yugito and The Raikage warming up"

"Ahhh, I see, but let's rewind for a second. Did you just call the Raikage, boss?"

"Don't tell anyone that, the only people that know I call The raikage that are the Raikage, Yugito, B, and C."


"No, everyone knows I call him that but no one complains because he allows it and we were trained by the third Raikage together."

"So why do you always say 'the Raikage' then?" I tilt my head, dodging a small but sharp piece of rock that embeds itself in the ground behind me.

"So you don't copy me, I am your father now so I have to set a good example."

"That makes sense, but it isn't working since you are about to put me through months of torturous training." I say jokingly

"I need to correct a few things about that sentance. Firstly, it won't be a few months but a few years. Second, you wanted this and can leave at anytime. Thirdly, it isn't up to me anymore, but the boss."

"... But you're my dad, you should be able to stop this if you feel like it's too much for me."

"Normally yes, but since you struck this deal with boss by yourself and without me. It is between the two of you so I can't intervene."

"That's perfect, that means you can't stop my training. Just don't complain when I catch up to you, dad."

"In your dreams, if you get stronger than me than how would I protect you?"

"You don't need to be stronger than me to protect me, but it would certainly help." I chuckle. *Boom x3* "The amount of flying boulders is increasing, does that mean we're getting close?"

"Yeah, we just need to wait here for a few more minutes and then boss and Yugito will meet us here.".

*2 minutes later*

"It seems like you're on time as usual." A feminine voice said before appearing infront of us. "Been a while Carrion, how have you been? Got into anymore trouble?"

"I have been good, although quite bored these last two weeks. As for getting into trouble, I wouldn't say that."

"You got a few cracked ribs just two weeks ago." Darui interrupted

"Because I was sparring with the Raikage."

"Still sounds like trouble~" Yugito said with a smirk

"Not really trouble since I got the best reward ever."

"I guess so, anyway, the Raikage has told me what I need to teach you and how to do it. He would train you himself but he has a lot of paperwork to do." Yugito said getting the conversation back on track. "Darui you need to go see the Raikage and B, they are currently going to B's house."

"Alright, I'll get going. Carrion, don't hurt Yourself to badly." He says before using the body-flicker to quickly leave.

"I don't hurt myself that often." I mutter to myself

"Are you ready to start your tort- training?" Yugito says with a sadistic grin

"Your smile says I don't have a choice" I say a little worried

"You don't."

*Two hours later*

"What the hell... is with this... training... regime?" I asked between breaths

"This is just the start, now take a five minute break and we will start again." Yugito smiles

"I might... regret... this decision... soon."

*1 and a half years later*


Sorry for the short chapter and not explaining what kind of training Carrion is doing, I have been quite busy and am struggling with what to do. I have ideas for later on in the story but I can't write them out before I get there.

Thank you all for reading this, and thank you for your patience.