
Chapter One Death and Rebirth

Kai was on edge. He was walking home from work and something just felt off. He looked around nervously. He didn't know what was wrong but his instincts were warning him of something.

"Come on I just want to go home and finish Naruto," He complained to himself.

As he approached a traffic light. He saw a truck barreling towards the intersection. As it approached it veered towards him jumping the curb. Kai felt pain then everything faded to black.

'TRUCK-KUN REALLY?!??!?!" He thought as he died.

Kai thought death would be quiet. Why was there shouting? Opening his eyes he saw a Man in an orange swirl mask holding a knife. A blonde man with a white Robot stood opposite him.

'Why are they so big? Is there an anime convention in town?' Kai thought to himself. Looking around he saw a red haired woman holding him. 'IM A BABY?' He thought confused before crying. A blond haired baby across from him started crying as well.

"It's going to be OK mother is here." The lady said soothingly a weak smile across her face.

'I guess I was reborn.' Kai thought. 'It looks like I'm in Naruto.'

Watching the fight play out like Canon Kai felt a burning rage. "Why? Why can I think and remember but not interfere?!" I know these people from the anime. But their my family why can't I do anything!" He cried frustrated.

Seeing the fox trying to kill them and their parents sacrifice. He heard a conversation. "Naruto look after your brother. It will be hard on him with no Chakra." Kushina

Minato spoke next. "I'll have to seal the other half of the fox in me. With no Chakra Kai can't handle the strain."

The third arrived soon after while Minato and Kushina were on their last breaths.

"I'll look after them." He promised solemnly. "They will be safe and when ready they will know the truth of their parents."

After they passed Hiruzen took Naruto and Kai to the Hokages office. Danzo was already there.

"Give me the the the boy." He said looking at Naruto. "We will announce that all of them died."

"No." Hiruzen said. "The two of them are the children of heroes. They will be treated as such."

"The fourth has too many enemies. We need to hide their lineage." Koharu chimed in

"Agreed Hiruzen, we need to hide the Jinchuriki. The root would be a good place to hide the weapon." Himura agreed lending support to Danzo.

"ENOUGH!" Hiruzen yelled. "You forget I'm the Hokage not you."

"What will you do then?" Danzo asked disrespectfully.

"They will be placed in with the other war Orphans." He said. "I will attempt to contact Jiraiya and see if he is willing to take custody. They are his godsons after all."

"Hmph do what you want!" Danzo said angrily before walking off.

The other two left right after. Looking at the two babies. Naruto sleeping soundly. Kai looking at him quietly.

"This old man has made many mistakes." He said solemnly. "I have allowed injustices to run rampant. I'm a disgrace to what my reacher built." His shoulders seemed to straighten. "But I will do right by these two."

Calling three Anbu. "You will look after these two. Keep quiet about where they are and who their parents were." He said to one.

Looking at the other. "Contact all clan heads in Konoha. There will be an emergency meeting in one hour." The anbu nodded before vanishing.

"Find Jiraiya." Hiruzen ordered. "This takes priority over anything else he has going on. He is to get back here ASAP. Then you are to try to find Tsunade. She is the closest relative they have blood wise." The ninja nodded before vanishing.

"I'm getting to old for this shit." Hiruzen grumbled.


"Hiruzen is a fool." Danzo ranted deep in his root base. "He should have given the brat to me."

The two root members stood there. "I don't care about the one welp." He continued. "No Chakra a waste that should have been pit down."

Looking at the root members. "Go amongst the civilian population." He ordered. "Start rumors. The brat Naruto is the demon fox who killed the hokage."

The two emotionlessly nodded.

"I'll have the brat one way or another." Danzo said. "Then I'll become Hokage."