
Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

A guy on his Deathbed wishes God to reincarnate him as Isekai, well God doesn't listen to him but Voice of the World does and reincarnates him as Rudeus. See how he will rise to the top of the Multiverse, change the whole Multiverse's destiny, and bang beautiful women on his journey. Note: Mc will be a chaotic Evil, Manipulative, Lusty Bastard. It contains Netori since he will Cuck a lot of guys. No Netorare so he won't be Ntr'd like Naozumu. Author's Note: English is not my main language so there may be many grammatical mistakes. Note- The pic is the property of the original owner and doesn't belong to me.

Akros_Zero · Anime und Comics
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78 Chs

The Shattered Worlds(Bonus Chapter)


3rd Pov

There was a reason Arthur destroyed the worlds from where the reincarnators hailed. Mostly because many characters from their world had their hands on the technology to transverse multiverse, and even if he were to destroy just those small portions of people, there was no guarantee what will happen considering many events were already altered. Perhaps he would have left weak worlds of romcom alone but Minerva who mostly did the job of destruction didn't bat a eye before destroying them as well.

For a moment many weaker worlds were terrorized by the invasion from beings which natives can refer as Outer Gods, and considering how Arthur's one skill had Eldritch horror's name on it was much truer than ever. None of the cries for mercy mattered to Arthur a lot, as he had gained a few hundred billion souls. Though mostly of lower quality, and he had absorbed the souls of reincarnators for himself, it was still enough to evolve his wives.

Arthur didn't forget the fact that Rimuru was capable of performing Demon Lord Evolution through Gluttonous Lord Beelzebub. After gaining these many souls he wanted to evolve his wives, and Minerva as always made a suggestion for him. " They are too weak as of now, let them realize their current potential and that will be the best time to evolve them", she said.

Arthur agreed to her as if they evolved now not only, they would waste their potential, but also getting so much power at once might cause them to lose control of it. There was also no hurry as he had solved the main problem that might have threatened them; thus, he had stored all those souls ready to use them later for their evolution. After that he processed all the secrets he got from the memories of the Guild's member, and he can only say this massacre was totally worth the effort.


Arthur's Pov

I have got a number of new abilities, none of which were worth mentioning considering how weak they were except the ones I obtained from the EX-rank members, though the information I got about was more than enough to brighten my mood further. It was about the mysteries of Multiverse, and well let's summarize whatever I have got.

Firstly comes the matter of Prime Earth that Gojo has spoken about earlier, it's basically a small multiverse of parallel Earth that can be said to be pretty much in the center of the Omniverse, or the term they are using for bigger Multiverse which contains worlds that can be classified as Multiverse of their own. Though unsure if it's just a Hyperverse or not, that's not of my concern as of now.

Basically speaking the Prime Earth shares a Unique connection with Multiverse, basically many of the ideas that anime creators, comic creators, etc. have are basically some worlds out there, even if some of it's plot doesn't matches. As for the reason behind it, there are speculations, some wild one but it's still unknown for most of the fact. 

Also while Prime Earth greatly weakens supernatural beings due to it's world laws it doesn't means it is an invincible world. Heck Asura who was well, betrayed by his brother in his past life, when he revisited his world, he destroyed one of the Prime Earths, the world he hailed from and it barely was any different from the Earth I was born in, it was the Shadow Monarch who reversed time and saved the world.

Thus it's not like that world some real world, or an higher world and the current one I live is an weaker or lower world. I can go back to Earth and payback those cheaters if I want, which I will be doing after my goals in Tensura world are done. Now next we come to the topic or reincarnators and what the Sung Jin Woo and others had uncovered.

Just like in many anime and novels the mc reincarnated, it was basically the same situation but difference in perceptive. Also these reincarnators like me are basically destiny changers. The stronger the world we reincarnate the greater our prowess is to change destiny. We can change plot without any backslash, not because we are some fateless beings, but it's our destiny of being fate changers due to our situation. We are a kind of singularity, it's not like our other versions exist, but rather they aren't reincarnators, they are Og or just Au versions of Og.

Minerva will be delving in this topic further, though she had already told me how my destiny and fate is already way above many multiversal beings, and my broken ability of transcending the Universal and Multiversal temporal line theoretically makes me immune to the manipulation done by even complex multiversal fate beings or possibly Hyperversal beings.

It won't be lie that's a cheat, and how it's not an origin skill but a mere unique skill leaves me to doubt about it's strength, but with my new information my confidence in this ability has increased. Next comes about the composition of the worlds in the Omniverse, Guild has divided worlds into a low world, peak of which can be said worlds like My Hero Academia, then Mid-level worlds peak of which can be said Danmachi, since it has tenkai.

Then comes High level worlds like Campione, they are basically separate multiverse of their own, every High level world shares the same characteristics, and then comes the Forbidden worlds, and let's just say the Guild had my job in transversing the boundless multiverse million times easier. Forbidden worlds are those worlds which exist and basically have very strong level of strength, thankfully they are separated from rest of omniverse with a very strong Multiversal wall.

Sung Jin Woo and his friends have found several of these worlds and there co-ordinates in simple terms. They have ranked it according to what knowledge they have from their anime, comics or other sources. They have made this choice after going through all the major source material from hundreds of different versions of Prime Earth.

First one is naturally... Marvel and I get chills hearing the name, thankfully I belong to Tensura which is classified as a Forbidden world, as for difference in strength between these forbidden worlds, the Guild is still not very sure, but they have again ranked in what they have got and deciphered, Sung Jin Woo and others have used their abilities, magics or rituals to know it more accurately.

Second Forbidden world or verse is well Dc, third one is Sylicaverse. They rather chose an less known name for this world, it's basically the world of 'Misfit of the Demon King Academy ', fourth one is Tensura. Yes, I have precise co-ordinates and according to Minerva I should be able to enter this multiverse smoothly, which I will be doing after a few small tasks, which won't take much time considering I can manipulate Universal time.

Fifth Forbidden world is Moon Type, sixth one is Dragon Ball, seventh one is some unknown Xianxia world, eighth is the world of 07th Expansion series or the world of Umineko no Naku koro Ni, ninth one is unknown world as well, and other than that they have not discovered any other Forbidden verses, they really achieved something impressive considering their strongest member was only Sung Jin Woo, a peak Universal being.

I grinned as this knowledge will be very helpful for the plans I had, though before that I enjoy a leisure life for a while. I quickly entered Mushoku world, and fastened it's time compared to the Multiversal Temporal lane to be very fast. It would be finally peace for a while.


3rd Pov

In a barren Universe floated a broken world, it was none other the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Meanwhile the Metaphysical body of the world, the world's will fumed with unconcealed anger. " Damnit! Damnit! ", the world spirit, which had the form a beautiful female, with black hair, and yellow eyes looked at the shattered planet. 

She was a but the matured world spirit of Jujutsu Kaisen, a mid-ranking world. As of recent she had started diverging into various timelines getting stronger, but when a Destiny Changer was reborn in her world, her powers boomed. The destiny changer was reborn as Gojo, her second choice for the main protagonist in various worlds were Itadori wasn't suitable.

If it was some idiot multiversal god trying to send her Apostle into her world to leech energy from her, or some parasitic or symbiotic system doing it's shenanigans, she wouldn't be that worried. Afterall, she had the ability to select the protagonist or guardian for her world, she was literally the world itself.

Fighting against protagonist was difficult as hell, and many reincarnators fell before their might but destiny changers or the reincarnators from the Prime Earth were an exception. Their destiny or fate was to rewrite fate itself, they indeed have fate and destiny, but it wasn't observable or readable as their very nature was to change the fate, including their own, giving them the highest potential in their respective worlds.

Of Course many, in fact most of them fell before they can rise to that level or just fell after choosing the wrong opponent. Thus she wasn't worried that much, but after he encountered a Multiversal Guild, she started focusing on him wondering if she should make a deal with him to develop herself. She had talked with some other world's wills and they spoke greatly of that guild.

" Thankfully I hadn't made the deal ", she muttered in relief and then became frustrated recalling what happened. Gojo was outside of the world, everything was going as usual when an outer god attacked her. The outer god was a female and she had long blue hair, and blue eyes, she was a very beautiful being enchanting her as well. But her intentions weren't beautiful like her appearance, she quickly released an aura announcing her presence being way above Universal beings.

She was an exceptionally strong one and that world timeline without any protagonist, not like any protagonist could battle her. She manifested before her and tried to appeal to her, throwing out enticing offers but Minerva didn't bat an eye before killing everyone one in that timeline, and devouring their souls after which she shattered her.

" Blame your idiot Gojo for that, if you don't have something better to do, at least try to make less idiotic characters like him, otherwise if my master were to get displeased again, I won't spare you and completely annihilate you ", she threatened her before leaving her world. The world's will obviously wasn't very happy about this, but there was nothing she could hope to do.

That outer god was way above what she could handle, with the handful of world spirits she knew wouldn't have helped either, not after she heard how that so called Multiversal Reincarnator's Guild angered some Outer God, whose attacks scarily enough had the traces of Eldritch horror's powers, they had disappeared with all the worlds associated with them losing that particular timeline of Destiny changers.

There was nothing they could do nor they had the idea of pursuing those beings, and obviously her friends were unwilling to do it either. Almost all of them had experienced invasions in one of the timelines or other so it was nothing new for them, and to look after a possible Eldritch entity because loss of a single world. They weren't that stupid, Eldritch horrors could fuck them as they want, even reality and destiny, and the worlds wills could do nothing about them, even fate and time feared them.

They were abominations, above anything of normality. But the reason Jujutsu Kaisen's world's will was so unwilling to accept it because it was the first world invasion of her, and the preparator had completely destroyed her one version, severely weakening her. She had no possibility of recovering that timeline or world, she could only wait for a new one to arise naturally.

Mostly importantly that outer god had damaged her world's origin, the main reason for her extreme anger. She was weakened to the verge of becoming a low-world, it would mean the power system of her world becoming nerfed as well which would effect negatively her other timelines. It would take a lot of time for her to recover from this," Fucking Bastard!! That's it, any reincarnator in my world now will be my top elimination priority!!", she decided.

Just like that, Jujutsu Kaisen and many other worlds became a nightmare for future reincarnators, and getting an end that would even make the demons have a chill.

To be continued...