
Downfall of the Ishtar familia


3rd Pov

The moment Aiz returned with Arthur she noticed a white drop on the corner of her cheek. The High-Elf frowned and asked," Aiz what's that on your cheek?". Noticing her blunder Aiz Wallenstein quickly replied," It's milk", the virgin Elf accepted the answer though slight suspicious, but again she didn't hear anything inappropriate with her heightened senses. So, she didn't think it was something else.

(A/N: Meanwhile Arthur who separated the dimension of entire kitchen 🤣)

As they began the dinner the girls started vying for Arthur's attention. "Daddy feed me!", Norn said as she pulled her chair beside him and opened her mouth. Arthur fed her with a spoon, Aiz wasn't to be outdone as she silently her mouth and gestured him. Arthur fed her and she blushed happily, soon Aisha joined in as well while Riveria couldn't help but find herself out of the place.

She awkwardly looked as Arthur fed and cared for his daughters and Aiz, shame filled her mind as she looked at the blatant show if affection in front of her! ' Doesn't he have any shame or awareness that I am here? He is probably doing this intentionally! ', she couldn't help but think.

The High-Elf couldn't help but feel angry.

Also, the way her daughters acted was too suspicious,' Don't tell me his daughters love him in that way? ', a dangerous thought came in her mind, and she looked at Norn and Aisha. Anyone can see, their relationship with their father was unhealthy,' Or Maybe I am just overthinking ', she slumped as was made to bear the torture for an hour, till it was time to leave.

' I am finally free! ', Riveria couldn't help but think as it was time to leave, having a polite smile on her face she said," I thank you for having us... Though we must leave now- Aiz", she looked at the girl hugging Arthur, rubbing her cheeks against her chest as Arthur patted her, they looked more of father and daughter than*Ahem*, " Aiz, we need to leave", she said in a voice that screamed she wouldn't take for a 'No' as answer.

Aiz pouted and kissed Arthur's cheek before leaving him reluctantly. " I will see you... as soon as possible ", she said as she went beside Riveria. They left the house, while Riveria was having a headache,' How will I tell Finn and Loki about this? ', she could already imagine the chaos.


" No!!!!!!! ", Loki screamed in despair as she fell on her knees," Why? Why God, why? Why should you be so cruel one me? What I have ever done- other than blowing Asgard a few times, killing a few pesky Gods, and stealing every God King's weapons at least once and using it at them other than that, I don't deserve this!", Loki sobbed, while Finn and Riveria looked at their Goddess speechlessly as she listed her crimes.

" Loki- you are a god", Finn stated himself wondering to whom she was praying to. " So what? Can't I swear to God?", she retorted. " I thought Mr. Soul mate is a playboy... but this is at different level", Tiona said, and Tione nodded, they were getting worried for their innocent friend now." Damn it... I shouldn't have asked Freya about soul mate bullshit", Loki gritted her teeth.

" So, what to do now?", Gareth asked stroking his beard, and Riveria said," What to do? What else can we do? Say to an entire familia of High-Level adventurers to leave their man because of Aiz, not mentioning he has two children ", anyone can see she was frustrated. As a second Mother to Aiz, how can't she be frustrated, when her daughter's love life is going to be this messed up.

" But still... A harem familia", Finn said with respect flashing in his eyes, everyone knows his dream is to glorify and revive his race, for that he wants to have a pallum harem. Unfortunately, he hadn't found suitable women yet to enact his plan, the idea of having a pallum familia of high Level-Adventurers as his harem was oddly satisfying.

While everyone was having a serious discussion, two people were spying on their discussion. Bete's eyes became red with anger and Lefiya snapped as they heard about Aiz's mate having an entire familia as his harem. They looked at each other and nodded, quietly going away. However, they have made up their mind, a storm was about to unfold.


Meanwhile another storm has already unfolded as the Freya Familia was about to begin their plan. " My children, thank you for gathering here. As we have planned, it's time for Ishtar familia to disappear for good. I order you, absolutely decimate that bitch's familia", she said and her familia cheered. 

Freya wanted to get rid of Ishtar as soon as possible and rescue that girl Haruhime. She was going to get that girl in her familia to further strengthen her familia. The Freya familia soon marched outside of Folkvangr. The crowd seeing the entire Freya Familia, the news quickly shook the entire Orario, and soon it reached the Loki familia's ears.

" What? The entire Loki familia has been mobilized?", Finn asked with utmost seriousness, and the entire Loki familia's eyes widened. " Don't tell me that bitch again snooped out of Folkvangr?", Loki asked, and the Raul said," I have seen them surrounding their Goddess, they are going towards Entertainment district."

" I see so Freya has decided to make a move huh?", Loki said and chewing her nails, things weren't looking good. Previously things were better when Ottar was a Level 7, but now him achieving Level 8 massively boosted the strength of their familia, while Loki familia's elite forces were still at Level 5s, and big three still at Level 6. Only Aiz has leveled up as of recent.

" What do we do?", Raul asked with panic. Finn quickly said," Mobilize the entire familia, however we will remain at Twin Manor. We won't be interfering in Freya Familia's path and remain at defensive", this was for the best. Finn decided to remain at defensive so Fairy Force can deploy their magic much more easily and safely.

He knew using their magic in the city will be devastating, but if Freya Familia attacked it will leave them with no choice. And at moment they were the best choice against Freya Familia. Soon the entire Loki familia went into defensive mode. Meanwhile Freya familia began their assault on Ishtar Familia.

" Damn it! Why? Why now?! Fucking bitch", Ishtar swore as she looked at the chaos. The Freya Familia was wreaking havoc on Entertainment district. As soon as they saw an amazon, they slaughtered them without mercy. Ishtar knew if she remained here any longer, she would die so she quickly called for her ace, Phryne Jamil.

" Call Phyrne! Tell her to get her quickly!", she shouted at amazons, she needed to escape, she needed to run away as soon as possible. " My, My, Ishtar do you mean this bitch", her face became pale as she heard the voice, she turned to see Freya alongside Ottar, Allen, Hogni and Hedni. Phyrne's head was in Allen's hands, her face was smashed beyond recognition, yet Ishtar recognized it.

" No-", she fell on the ground in despair. Allen spat on her head and threw it in front of her," Seeing her face almost made be puke", he said with a grin. Ishtar clenched her fists," Why bitch?! Why? Why did you attack us?! You broke the rules!", she shouted with anger. Freya laughed and said," Rules? They are for the weak, and I am not weak- I am untouchable by the likes of insects like you, except for my Odr of course~He can touch me in every way he wants~", she giggled at the end.

The glares of her familia member became more intense. Especially when they heard about 'Odr', they didn't know who was the new person that had gathered the attention of their Goddess, otherwise they would have already killed him. Since they couldn't take their anger on 'Odr' they shifted the focus on Amazons.

" Idiots! What are you looking at?! Get them!", Ishtar used her charm, making her distraught familia members attack the Freya familia, however they were slaughtered with ease. " Hahaha, you should see your face Ishtar", Freya laughed, Ishtar knew it wasn't going to change her fate, yet she did it anyway. " Bring that girl-", Freya said, and one of the Gulliver brothers brought Haruhime.

" Haruhime?", Ishtar's eyes widened," Of course, did you think I didn't know about her? To be honest your plan of sacrificing her soul to empower your familia members was quite good, of course you would have lost anyway, against me. Still, did you think you were on control, Ishtar! Here in Genkai! And henceforth in Tenkai! I am untouchable", Freya signalled Allen.

Allen got in front of Ishtar and slapped her. Freya snapped her fingers, as Ishtar's figure fell down, extremely slowly as if time had been slowed down for her. " Cough!", Ishtar fell, she was shocked as she coughed out blood with teeth. She tried to unleash her arcanum, she couldn't take the insult anymore and decided to return to Tenkai. However, it didn't work.

 Freya got beside her and chuckled," Wondering why your Arcanum is not working? Uh~Let me tell you, I simply froze your divinity in time, without it you are just a mortal now", Freya's eyes twinkled while Ishtar looked at her in disbelief. " Time? Since when you could control time?", Ishtar said in disbelief, that slap had just felt like for days her now.

" Well,", she kicked her hand breaking it," Ughhhh!", Freya's smile became sadistic," I will enjoy this", she said. Soon the cries of Ishtar filled the room, by the end she groveled at Freya's feet for mercy. " How boring", goddess said as her familia members stood beside her, Haruhime trembled in fear. The scene of torture of the goddess that had reduced her to a mere slave, was terrifying.

It made her realize the power that Freya held; it was unfathomable in her mind. Allen made her kneel before the Goddess, " Child, this bitch has tortured you for long, degraded you to a slave, won't you take your revenge on her?", she asked and glanced at the mutilated figure of Ishtar, groveling at her feet,"Kill me", she weakly mumbled. The torture had broken her.

" How disgraceful, mortals have more resilence than you Ishtar", Freya said and then looked at Haruhime," My Goddess, forgive me- But I can't take revenge on her", she replied trembling, Freya frowned, to her Haruhime was extremely stupid. However, knowing that Arthur might have eyes on her she didn't say anything else.

" Whatever, Haruhime from now onwards, you are a member of Freya familia, get it?", Freya said and Haruhime nodded. " Good, let's go- the show is over", Freya stood up from her throne and the figure of Ishtar was enveloped in golden light as her Divinity was released. Ishtar returned to Tenkai, forever scarred. Freya firstly thought to erase her very existence, but then she let her go as a warning to entire Tenkai.

As they left the Entertainment district, Haruhime witnessed corpses of Amazons littered all over the place. Her face became pale," Do not worry child, your friends were spared", as if knowing her worry, Freya broke the news much to Haruhime's relief. The Freya familia retreated to Folkvangr. Despite Loki familia's worries, Freya familia didn't attack them.

The moment the dawn broke, the city descended into pandemonium. The entire Orario was shaken to its very core by the movement of Freya familia's merciless slaughter. The entire entertainment district, a place of pleasure and relief was reduced to a graveyard as the corpses of Amazons, broken limbs, heads were splattered all over the place.

Such a terrifying scene even horrified battle-hardened adventurers. The Guild was in a chaos as well. The death toll was too high, on a rough estimate more than half of amazon population of Orario died. The Guild decided to penalize Freya familia and get answers for their actions, but Freya familia dismissed them and instead threatened to demolish the guild, if they tried to restrict them anyway.

" Lord Ouranos, the movement made by Freya Familia has shaken the very core of Orario, and they have even threatened the guild ", Fels said while the Primordial listened, he sighed and said," It is not Good for the development of Orario... I shall give them an ultimatum, if she crosses line again she will be sent back to Heaven, as for her previous actions. It shall be forgiven", he made a decision.

Getting Freya familia out of picture wasn't possible. They were hope against Black Dragon alongside Loki familia, however if Freya was to terrorize Orario, then the Goddess would have to be driven out. What the Primordial didn't knew, he held no sway over the Goddess anymore, as she was a Supreme Deity as well.

To be continued...

(A/N: I have said it in discord but let me say again I am on hiatus for next three months.)