
The proposal and the acquisition!

After Aizawa-sensei left, I took Eri, Himiko and Haruto out to the mall, and got him incorporated with AFO, in the bathrooms, while they played.

Next I called Deku, asking him to meet me in the mall's parking lot.

Finally, it was time to get One For All.

While we waited, I wiped out the negative effects of AFO from Haruto.

Once Deku arrived, I pulled him into a corner putting him in a trance.

"Give Haruto your quirk!" I commanded and he pulled out a singular hair brimming with energy, and handed it to Haruto.

As soon as Haruto was about to take it, seven wills clashed against my trance program as one, attempting to break it.

Yes, there you are, you fucking freeloaders!

Today's the day you die!

I bombarded them with fiery trance psi, ripping them apart, one by one,burning their existence away, until no more consciousness other than Deku's remained.

Then, with a super digestion and quirk duplication, I handed Deku a strength enhancer quirk with roughly a fourth of the power of OFA.

Then I took an injection of Haruto's blood, gaining all the powers, without the backlash!

That should do.

Breaking him out of the trance, I slapped him awake.

"Deku! Deku! You listening?" I asked.

"Huh, uh yeah, Haru-chan. You were saying um..?" He racked his brains over trying to remember.

I put my hands across and humphed.

"So you weren't paying attention at all, huh?"

"N-no..of course not, Haru-chan. I'd never.." He sputtered nervously.

"Really? What was I talking about?" I teased.

Deku fumbled nervously trying to recall our non existant conversation as I looked on in amusement.

Oh boy! Gaslighting is so much fun!

Especially with innocent and naive people like Deku! Maybe I shoul-


A searing headache hit me.

Gamer's mind!

Was something mind controlling me?

Or was the emotional level getting too high?

Wait no. The emotional level was barely at mild amusement.

That means!

I looked inward, checking my consciousness.

No. Nope. Ille!

Nothing in here.

Then what was causing the program to be in high alert?

I used Laplace Junior and found out the answer.

It was me. I was becoming corrupted by my power and experiencing a drastic shift in personality leering dangerously into psychopathy and sociopathy.

Eh? That's so easy to solve.

I quickly wrote a trance patch to the Gamer's mind, solving the problem.

No more psychopathic episodes or power trips now.

Back to Deku, he just sighed and admitted that he wasn't paying attention.

"I figured as much!" I exclaimed.

"I said I was going to propose to Himiko, and I'll need your help in setting it up. You in?" I asked.

"Ooooh! Finally! I'm so happy for you!" He cried out cheerfully, hugging me with a crushing strength.

"Kgh..yeah, yeah, just ..." I replied, breaking out of his bear hug.

The next day, I moved into the dorms taking Himiko along for help, on her insistance.

As expected, all according to plan!

Yesterday, after meeting with Deku, I secretly bought and sercreted away a beautiful diamond ring, with specks of lapis and ruby adorning it's sides, taking the form of a flower.

A custom order I had put in a week earlier.

As we finished moving the stuff in, the class gathered to see what my room looked like.

"It looks surprisingly homely!" Uraraka commented.

"Yeah, like your cool uncle's man cave!" Mina replied.

"I guess having a girlfriend does make it better huh?" Kaminari said, looking at Jiro.

"And that fully stocked fridge! It's like a manly paradise!" Kirishima said.

"Yeah. And all those bottles of spicy sauces were super neat too! Yoy really like spicy food huh?" Sero asked.

"Not as much as you like asian decor, Sero." I replied, xausing Sero to chip up.

"You noticed huh? How was it?" He asked.

"Nice. Really themey." I answered.

"Is that a guitar?" Tokoyami asked.

"Oh, you play the guitar?" Jiro asked pointing to the guitar case by the bed.

"Yeah. You like playing the guitar too don't you? I saw you move in some cases into your room earlier." I replied.

"Uh no, I mean yes, but it's just a hobby. It's not worth mentioning.."

"What do you mean not worth mentioning? It's an excellent hobby to have. Right Kaminari?"

"Yeah! I couldn't play an instrument for the life of me. It's super cool!" He said, as Jiro's face lit up with a blush.

Hehe! Playing matchmaker can be fun too sometimes. And these idiots need to get together aready!

"Die riajuu!" Mineta muttered under his breath, biting his lip so hard blood gushed through.

Soon the others got the idea of touring everyone's rooms and a competition blossomed out of it to determine whose room was the best.

Naturally the winner was Sato, for his chiffon cake.

Hell, even I voted for him!

The cake was fucking delicious!

Meanwhile, Deku was out on the roof preparing the flowers and poppers.

With that just one thing remained.

I stuffed the ring box in my pocket and called Himiko over.

The sun was about to set, and the time was ripe with romance.

"Himiko! Wanna come to the roof? The sunsets from UA High's hills are to kill for." I asked, as Himiko eyed me suspiciously.

"Haru Shikimori! What are you planning?" She asked mousily.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Can't I just want to watch the sunset with my dear girlfriend sometimes?" I replied, acting hurt.

"Yeah no. That's so unlike you, I'd easier believe you were planning to throw me off the roof than to spend romantic evenings with me." Himiko said.

"Agh!" I clutched my chest.

"I'm hurt by your lack of faith in me! Am I that bad of a boyfriend?" I asked

"We've been dating for over six months now and we've had four dates, three of which were with the kids and two on whom you slipped off to save people or fight Stain!" Himiko fired back with a lethal shot.

"Then let me remedy that today, with a grand romantic evening today. Come, let's go!" I said, extending her a hand.

She grabbed it, staring at me still suspicious of my intentions.

As we came to the roof door, I placed my hands on her eyes, as she eeped cutely.

"What's this?" She asked, grabbing my hands.

"Don't struggle! Just trust me on this will you?" I said, opening the door as the faint fragrance of a florist's worth of flowers flooded in.

"Ooh! Something smells nice!" Himiko commented as we made it to the little garden Deku had made earlier. Standing to the side, Deku switched on the camcorder, and gave me a thumbs up as the rest of the class climbed up to see what was happening.

The sun was beginnibg to set over the horizon and the sky was painted a majestic red-purple, as I took of my hands and let Himiko stare in bewilderment at the impromptu garden around her, before she noticed the sunset, in all it's glory, fainting illuminating the roof, it's sunlight a glaze on the flowers.

I pulled out the box and got on one knee as Himiko began to squeal adorably.

"Yes! Yesuesyesyesyes!" She shouted even before I opened the box.

"At least let me open the box, Himiko!" I cried.

"Yes, yes, go ahead!" She said, hopping in place like bunny.

I opened the box, revealing the dazzling ring.

"Himiko, love of my life, will you marry me?" I asked.

"Yes! Yes. A thousand times yes!" She said, jumping on me, delivering an unexpected but much appreciated french kiss, to the applause of my classmates and Eri and Haruto.

"Smile!" Said Deku mischievously, as I moved to stop him, only to be pinned to the ground by Himiko's violent make out session.

A familiar click sounded out, as the flash blinded me.

And that's how my proposal to Himiko ended, with a lot of PDA, unwitting viewers and the most awkward photo I would ever take in this world.


next time - demise of the Hpsc arc.

thanks for watching and see you later bros!

also check out my other fanfic, mha : mania!

GoldFingercreators' thoughts