
Conspiracy Theorist!

Come next day, I dialled up the HPSC staff and got them to prepone the independent hero work program, setting class 1A on a straight path to the confrontation with Nine, a whole 3 months in advance of canon.

Well, then again, something had to take the place of the Shie Hasseikai raid arc, eh?

And so we went, straight to the remote island town of Nabu, where the heroes had retired early upon some "convincing" from the HPSC.

La Brava, on the other hand delivered to me all locations, hidden or otherwise, of the HPSC, along with, to my great surprise, the hidden files from their secure servers in the HPSC headquarters.

And boy, oh boy, do they have some dirt on them.

Toppling anti-hero regimes, secret death camps, suicide squads and illegal human experimentation on minors in black sites.

Wow! Just, wow. They are so much worse than I had initially pegged them for.

Quietly, an idea bloomed mind. An easy way to get the HPSC out of the picture, without sacrificing Gentle like a disposable piece.

I immediately emailed the most damning files, anonymously to all major publications and news channels.

And then, just for good measure, I leaked it on the internet's deepest darkest corners, or at least on this world's analog to 4chan and Mastodon.

With that, and a hard day of helping the people of Nabu, I and everyone retired for the day.

Early the next day, I went for a morning jog and once I was in a remote cove, behind the beach, I teleported to the military base in Kyushu, brainwashing the entire base and stealing their remote detonator explosives.

Teleporting over to the branch locations of the HPSC in the files, including the black sites, I planted the explosives in all sites and then met Gentle and Aiba in front of their headquarters in Tokyo.

"Gentle, you ready?" I asked.

Gentle removed his full face obsidian helmet with white streaks in a knightly pattern, and flashed a bright smile.

"Yes, sensei!"

"Good. Remember the script. You go in, set up the camera, give the speech, point out the resources on the internet and then blow it up. The explosives are in the suitcases. Take them over two at a time, four on each floor. And most importantly, if anything goes wrong or right even, blame Stain." I reminded.

Gentle nodded, and picked up two of the 16 suitcases, before leaping into the main street, across the road.

I watched from the shadows of the alleyway, as the guards were knocked out, and he rushed into the building.

Using my telekinesis, I killed the two knocked out guards.

Gentle made a handful of more trips back and forth, before he got to filming the video.

I watched the livestream, and unexpectedly, Gentle did great.

"Good Morning Everyone!

Now generally, I would introduce myself before explaining the situation, but not today.

Who I am doesn't matter. What I have come to find out does.

The dark deeds of the HPSC need to be brought out into the light!

Since their creation, the HPSC has been the bulwark that keeps hero society's corrupt tattered husk standing, even as the vermin that are the fake heroes eat away at the ideal it once represented.

But all throughout, I never blamed the HPSC for any of it. After all, they were just simple office workers doing their jobs, right?

The actions of the heroes aren't their fault. They can't read minds and see the future, so they can't tell who's going to abuse their hero licenses.

But apparently I was wrong! Not only do they allow these corrupt heroes to get their licenses, in some cases they even encourage them to do so.

Why you ask?

So that the HPSC can then blackmail them with their crimes to do dirty jobs for them under the table.

Now I know what you're thinking.

What proof do you have of it, mysterious masked person on the internet?

For all you know, I could just be a nutjob conspiracy theorist, right?

That's where these come into play."

Gentle said, pulling out a manila folder from his jacket.

"When I first chanced upon this curious set of documents from the HPSC, I didn't believe their contents either. But once I checked it out, each and every one of these claims turned out to be correct.

I have released this document onto the internet for all to see. I have also sent a copy to all major news channels and publishers.

So if you don't see an expose on it from your local news channel, you'll know that what I have said is true and the HPSC has shut down the conversation around it.

Try and censor me now, you paranoid precrimes fucks!

So you're wondering now, what do these documents contain?

And let me tell you, it's some graphic stuff.

But I advise you not to turn away from the hard, cold and unpleasant truth.

The HPSC has committed many sins against the people of this nation and they need to be brought to light.

Let's start with something simple, something you expect out of barbaric, lawless middle eastern and african nations.

I'm talking about child soldiers.

The HPSC has been luring in poor, young and idealistic children and putting them through gruelling and sometimes fatal training camps in their black sites to use as assassins against their enemies.

Who are these enemies?

Just about anyone that the HPSC feels is a threat to their national order and the corporations whose bribes line their pockets.

Is a hero doing the right thing and refusing to advertise a harmful product to children?

Frame him on false charges and get him to commit suicide via 37 shots to the back.

Is a person with a mutant quirk too ugly?

Guess what, he's getting assasinated.

A reporter doesn't agree with their ideology?Mysteriously found dead in a car accident soon after.

Do they suspect you of just thinking about committing a crime. Dead.

They won't even wait for you to do something.

If they feel like you're going to do something they don't like, whether you actually want to or not, it doesn't matter. They'll send their child assassins after you.

All of these children are also then put forward as heroes when they grow up, and blackmailed into doing further dirty jobs with their pasts held captive by the commission.

Some of them are evn propped up as ideal heroes, despite the horrible deeds they have been forced to commit.

Let's take the example of one of our favorite young heroes.

Hawks! His real name, which you wont find on any public records, by the way, is Keigo Takami.

When he was a child, his abusive father, who was a villain got apprehended by Endeavor, leaving him and his mother to become homeless.

Now in the slums, there wasn't much money to be made and his mother was, let's just say, less than ideal as a caretaker.

Then, one day, young Keigo saved some people from a car accident.

When this came into the HPSC's notice, they immediately offered him a faustian bargain.

Come with us and do what we tell you, and you won't want for anything ever again.

And with sweet nothings and empty promises, they brainwashed little Keigo into becoming an assassin and then once he was too old to be useful as an assassin and they had a shortage of heroes under their thumb, they wiped his past, and propped him up as the new and rising hero, Hawks!

Handsome, capable and unblemished by his now non-existent past.

They did the same with Lady Nagant, by the way, if anyone was wondering about that.

When she was a yound idealistic schoolgirl, they filled her head with propaganda and convinced her that killing whoever they told her to was her helping society because it was for the greater good.

The same excuse used by dictators and despots across the world to justify genocides and ethnic cullings.

And if you thought that was all, oh boy are you in for a treat.

Remember the housing collapse in Southern Japan that left more than a million people bankrupt and homeless, skyrocketing crime rates.

It was the HPSC. They made backdoor deals with some of the richest and biggest players in the market, both black and white, to sell of poorly built, hastily requisitioned land at dirt cheap to their corporate and underworld overlords. That's how this seemingly out-of-the-blue housing collapse happened so fast and unnoticed by anyone.

And the people who got their hands on those less than legal property deals? The worst of the worst.

Villains, megalomaniacs, international inhuman conglomerates and dictators.

Any of you ever wonder how the league of villains got their hands on enough money to fund three separate labs and human experimentation subjects?

Guess again! It was the HPSC." Gentle said, with a flourish, as a helicopter could be heard buzzing outside.

"Hear that? It's the HPSC's task force coming to silence me. So with that I must bid you adieu!

But fear not! As I mentioned earlier, all the files are available on the internet for those who seek the truth, no matter the cost. Stain, sir, I hope you're watching. If I fall here, carry on the torch of our movement. Bring the HPSC to justice!" He said, before he grabbed a table lamp off the table.

Elasticizing the air to create a slingshot, he launched the lamp into the window, shattering it.

With a bow, he jumped out of the window behind him, off the fourth floor and into a portal I had waiting for him, as me and Aiba teleported away as well.

Behind us, the headquarters blew up in an mushroom of smoke that could be seen across the city.

The windows shattered and molten glass flew throughout the block like shrapnel, shredding through parked cars and mailboxes.

The building slumped upon itself, as the supports gave way, like poorly baked cake, with an very moist air pocket within.

Across the nation, the HPSC recieved a crippling and near fatal blow to their operations in one fell swoop.

And with that, I had taken out two of the most worrisome groups in the short term.

Now, Stain's movement and the HPSC would come to a head and tear each other to pieces and me my crew could take our pick at the juiciest bits of their conceptual corpses.