
Broken Dagger.

"I should be dead!" She said, "There no way I survived that fall!"

"Well, you did die. You've been dead for a good ten months now." I said

"Then how? Is this the afterlife?" She asked.

"Nah. This is the real world. You are alive. As for how?

It's because I revived you!" I explained.

"Are you a ... god?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yes, but actually no. I am a very powerful quirk user." I explained, I said, twirling around on my heels, pointing finger guns at her.

"Is this a joke to you?" She asked, when all of a sudden a rumble rang out from her stomach.

Lady Nagant fell on her knees, puking up maggots, and embalming fluid.

"Uweigya!" She heaved, glaring daggers at me.

"What? It's not my fault you have to do this!" I said.

Lady Nagant raised a questioning eyebrow, wiping the puke from her chin.

"Okay, maybe a little. But remember it was you who came after me. I acted on self defense." I justified.

"You blew my head up!" She shouted.

"As if you weren't about to do the same?" I retorted.

"It's different!" She said.

"Oh, it certainly is. One of us was trying to kill a 14 year old, student reporter and the other one was me." I replied.

"14 year old reporter my ass! What 14 year old can revive the dead?"

"A very powerful 14 year old!" I interjected.

"You're a war criminal trying to assasinate the Prime Minister." She accused.

"What? Is that what the HPSC told you?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Wait, what do you mean-" she asked, looking at my confusion, as a revelation struck her.

"No. It can't- it can't be! Does that mean all those people...no! I'm not a murderer!" She cried, clutching her head.

"Well, technically, you are a murderer. Remember, you run assassinations for the commission. If anyone here's an assassin, it's you!" I replied.

"Tell me honestly, did you seriously not think of doing any research on the targets they gave you? Were you that much of a blind believer?" I asked.

Lady Nagant didn't answer.

She just kept looking at her hands, mutely.

"Surely you had your suspicions?" I probed.

"You're a smart girl after all, Nagant."

After a long pause she spoke.

"Yes. I...had my suspicions. But I never thought...I never would have..." she defended what little remained of her fleeting self and sanity.

"And yet you did! Lady Nagant, happy to do what's for the greater good!

Or the greater profits of your paranoid superiors, at least." I said, mockingly, handing her the dossier about the HPSC's exploits.

Even as she read it, she kept muttering to herself, slowly breaking down, shaking like a leaf in the wind.

Good. It's working then! Now just a tiny little push and she'll be right in the palm of my hand!

"You don't know what it's like.. with the HPSC, they ..." she cried.

"And that excuses you killing innocent people, somehow?

Each of those people you killed had families, loved ones that waited for them, cherished them.

They lost a part if their lives at your hands and no excuse will ever bring them back, Nagant.

And somewhere, deep in you heart you know that to be true!" I said, poking her chest with piercing accuracy.

Nagant began to cry, desolving into a weeping mess.

I moved to comfort her, oatting her head, shushing her, only to have her cry even harder.

For nearly an hour she cried into my arms, until no more tears ran from her eyes.

Finally, she looked up at me, and asked.

"What now?"

"Now." I said, pulling out a packet from my coat, and handing it to her.

"You can choose the path of your life.

Come with me and atone for your sins, dismantling the HPSC. Make them answer for their crimes.

Or, on the other hand, you can take the packet and go away. There's a new identity for you in there. And don't worry, I won't ask anything of you. You're free to just leave and never see me again." I said.

"But..why? Why would you go so far to help me? After all I did, after I tried to kill you?" She asked, her voice hoarse, like grated radish.

I looked her in the eye and pulled the same old reliable, parting the rain clouds above, gently, as the sunshine illuminated me with a soft glow.

The wind blew the leaves into a pleasant ruffling melody and the birds chirped beautifully.

And I answered.

"Do I need a reason to help someone?"

Slowly, the dull darkness of her lovely eyes quivered with flecks of light, as her entire being focused on me, filled with a renewed reverence.

A bit too much reverence, if you ask me!

Like a cult member sort of thing.

And I don't run a cult!

[A/N : And that's how I met your mother! Lol!]

"I'll do it! I'll work with you. No, please let me work with you. Let me atone for my sins. It's the least I could do!" She said, shoving her head into the ground in a dogeza.

I knelt back down, and gently patted her fluffy head.

"No need to bow. Of course you can work with me."

She looked up and right into my eyes, and made to say something but stopped, instead wiping her face with the uniform.

"Let's go shall we?" I said, extending her a hand.

She took it and stood up, her legs still wobbling madly, through the atrophy of the few days between her death and burial.

"Here, I'll carry you." I said, swooping her off her feet, in a princess carry, as she blushed something fierce, before nuzzling into my chest, resignedly.

Waifu get!

Though, I wouldn't really do anything with her other than use her to hunt down my enemies.

Unless she initiated, of course!

After all, great men have great lusts!


[A/N : You're a real scumbag aren't you, mc!]

Or not. Himiko would kill me if she found out after all!

And more than that, I'd never knowingly do anything to hurt my lovely, little wife, no matter how horny I got!

Yup. I won't do it. I won't.

I looked at Nagant and her adorable, thicc juicy....

No! No horny!

Damnit! Why doesn't Gamer's Mind work in times like these!?

Though, I did secretly taking a smidgen of blood from her.

If I can't have Nagant, maybe I can convince Himiko to play the part!

mass edit and a double release.

if you haven't read the other chapter i added, it's hulk-zuku. check it out.

thanks for being such nice readers.

and bye!

GoldFingercreators' thoughts