
Reborn in Marvel with cheats

Damon Rose lived a good life, and was reincarnated and became op in marvel...

TachyonicCha · Anime und Comics
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I died?

Damon Rose is a transmigrator with a good life. Yet his only regret in life is to have children but his downstairs part didn't work as he wanted. He tried everything, surgery, black magic, etc.

Yet his wife still loved him, and he adopted 10 children of different ethnicities, all of his children became successful and influential. 

He was named the most influential father in the world, and in honor of his death, they named a whole day after him.

This day was of course on Monday, because who doesn't like a free day on Monday. The day was named Rose Day in honor of the man with the world's best family.

Everyone in his family became rich and influential, and everyone contributed to the human race.

On his deathbed, Rose looked at his family which consisted of 100+ people who were of the 1%.

Damon never had more than one million in his bank account because he spent it all on his children, and everybody loved him so much.

"Dad, are you gonna be fine?"

Damon looked at his oldest son who was now a grandpa and smiled, "Jack, I feel death gripping my soul, so I don't think I am gonna be fine, haha!"

Everybody had tears in their eyes, this man right here was the one who believed in all of them even when they didn't.

Rose, who was the only daughter that was adopted by his wife, Damon smiled and patted her head. "Rose, I can feel your Mom calling me, I think she is waiting for me."

Wiping the tears away, Rose smiled and said, "I know that Mom is waiting for you, so Dad, can we pull the plug?"

10 minutes later...

Damon Rose passed away peacefully with a smile on his face, and this face was made into a statue as a protector of peace and tranquility.

In a empty universe, a ROB yawned and suddenly got scared by a young handsome Asian man in front of his bed. "AH! Who the hell are you?"

Damon shook his head and looked around to find himself in a room that was filled with random things, "Where am I?"

"You are in a universe where only I reside, how did you get here?"

"I remember dying, and I thought I would end up in heaven."

The ROB laughed, "Heaven? That is hilarious."

"What do you mean?"

ROB smiled, "I see your universe, and where you came from. Heaven in your universe didn't exist since it is one of the prime universes."

Nodding, Damon had no idea what he was talking about. "Prime?"

ROB nodded, "Prime universes are where things are normal, like the one who is reading this fan fiction right now."

"Um, what?"

ROB laughed, "Nothing for you to worry about, but since you are from a prime universe, how did you end up here?"

"Right, you don't know either, well since you are, what would you want?"

Looking down, Damon wondered what he wanted, but without hesitation, he asked, "Can I just live with my wife?"

Shaking his head, ROB laughed, "No, your wife, is gone for good, she became nothing after death."

Damon smiled sadly, "Was she at least happy in her last moments?"

ROB thought about it, "Yeah, she became one with the universe, so she saw your whole life without her, yet she couldn't interact with you."

"She was surprised you didn't remarry considering your age when she died."

"I felt like she was the only one I would need, and even if I got another wife, they would never compare to her."

ROB smiled at his loyalty, "She told me to tell you to reincarnate and live your own life the way you wanted."


ROB nodded and yawned, "Now hurry up and choose what you want to do, I am a bit tired."

"I um, can choose anything?"

ROB thought about it, "Yes, you can even become a whole universe, anything is not off limits."

Damon smiled and heard a voice in his head, "You are weak."

"Wow, can't wonder what you went through to have a split soul, haha!"

"Split soul?"

"Yes, your soul is split into yin and yang, the good part and the bad part. Only the worst pain can allow you to split your soul like this, so, what have you done?"

Looking away, Damon coughed, "I don't want to talk about it."

Chuckling, ROB said, "You will have problems if you don't merge your soul, so would you like to merge with it?"

Closing his eyes, Damon nodded and ROB started to chant some words that flew into Damon's soul that was black and white.

Remembering everything he did to survive, Damon was almost overwhelmed by the experiences he locked away, the memories, and the pain.

It all came back like a tidal wave of death and despair, Damon breathed calmly and the merge was complete.

ROB widened his eyes and smiled, "You achieved true balance, which is quite rare, haha!"

Landing on his butt, Damon was sweating and gasping for air, in a few minutes he calmed down. "I tried to forget those memories but, I guess even black magic has its limits."

"Black magic, haha! No wonder your wife paid the price."


"Equivalent exchange bro, alright, can you tell me what you want now?"

Thinking about it, Damon smirked, "Can I have the power to enter into a prime universe?"

ROB laughed loudly, "Hell no, it is impossible, even with my powers, but you can maybe do it, but it's a small maybe. Since you are taking too long, I will only give you two cheats."

Damon finally answered after 2 minutes of thinking. "Can you send me into the MCU universe?"

"Fine, but it is gonna be a merge of MCU with Marvel comics, is that fine?"

Nodding, Damon said, "My next cheat is...to become composite Rick Sanchez, but without the appearance, just the intelligence."

"Wow, you thought about it, haha!"

Nodding, ROB chanted some words and an infinite amount of white lights entered into Damon's soul.

He suddenly felt his brain become so fast, as fast as a trillion universes combined, or even more.

"I know a lot of stuff, like a whole lot, wow, I, this, wow."

"Just go, and wreak havoc, haha! You are gonna be fun to watch."

Snapping his finger, Damon felt his body and knew how ROB teleported him, by folding space infinitely using his universe as a set point and overriding the universe's laws for a split second.