
Reborn In KnB with Skills

*I do not own Kuroko no Basket* This is a novel about a Kid that got a chance of a living again after his planet was destroyed he meets God who gives him the opportunity to be reborn in another world , which he can choose, God also gives him five wishes, to help him on his new journey The kid who always loved basketball soon chooses the world of his favorite anime Kuroko No Basket Author's note *Hi guys, I always wanted to write something and I finally find a place I can write to a public, please rate if you guys like, I will inovate, this will not be like the other novels of KnB, obviously this will have various things from the anime because it's 'Reborn in KnB with skills', I will post 1 chapter per day if I see the public it gets will be active, so rate and commente please* Sorry if my grammar is bad, I will try my best

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21 Chs

3. First Friends

Time Skip

1 Year Later

It was now time to move to Tokyo and they already packed the majority of the things they needed to move

"Are you two ready to go?" Mom

"Haiii" Shin and Dad said together

"We need to get all that we need to go, lets finish this quickly" Mom

They started to work together to finish the preparations to the new house

After some time they finished doing all the things they needed to do and rushed to the airport.

In the airport they did all the things necessary to enter the plane and got into it.

Quickly the plane started flying to Tokyo!


They arrived at Tokyo and Shin was observating everything while he had stars in his eyes "So cooool"

Shin's parents just laughed at their son's behavior. After some walk at Tokyo they started to look for their new home

Finally they were in front of the house they were going to live from now on

"Mom this house house is so cool isn't it ?" His mother agreed

"It even has two floors, mom, can I have a room upstairs please~" Shin's mom looked at him and had look of 'Are you dumb or something'

"Of course my son, because all the rooms are upstairs" His mom laughed at Shin's face of shock and realization, he looked at her and swore in his mind to get his revenge later, after this he started exploring the new house while his parents were talking

"We should go and visit our new neighbors" Mom

"Yes, I hope they have children the same age as Shin" Dad

"Specially a cute girl" Mom

The two looked at each other and nodded


"Look Satsuki-chan, we have new neighbors, do you want to visit them with Daiki-kun? I saw that they have a son the same age as you and he is cute" The girl blushed a little and said

"Mom, stop this, do you want to embarrass me" The mom laughed at her daughter's behavior...

(Shin POV)

I need to preparate to the events that are going to happen in the future, which school should I go in the future? Maybe Teiko? It's better not, if I go to Teiko I will not improve in other areas because everyone in there have their part in the game

Aomine it's the small forward, Murasakibara it's the center , Midorima it's the shooting guard, Kise will not appear until the second year of middle school, and Akashi it's a point guard

In the first year they don't have Kuroko, however they have Nijimura, he was considered the best player until the generation of miracles appeared, another one I will need to be careful it's Haizaki, he can steal the moves from another player and uses it, it will not affect me because if he steal my move I can just copy again when he uses it, however if he steal the moves from my teammates it will be a pain in the ass

Lets stop thinking about the future and concentrate in the present, mom said we have neighbours, maybe I will go see who it's


"Shin-kun, please go see who it's, maybe it's the neighbours" Mom

"Hai hai" Shin

Shin was with a impression that will be someone he knows, but he didn't care that much and just opened the door

"Hi, my mom said to visit the new neighbours" Girl

Shin was shocked, these were people he already knew, but they were much cuter and more realistic than in the anime, they were Aomine Daiki and Momoi Satsuki

"Eto, hello ?" Momoi was confused the kid in front of them wasn't responding

"Sorry I was a little distracted, nice to meet you two, are you two the neighbours ?"

Both of them agreed, Momoi looked at the boy in front of her and saw how cute he was, his skin was white but not that much that would make he looks sick, his eyes had a strong red color with a pupil that looked like that of an cat, his silver hair reflected a bit when the sun hits it, even if he was with clothes, you could how his body was in a perfect shape, she snapped out of her thoughs when she heard Shin's voice

"How can I adress to the two of you ?"

"Oh sorry not saying it before, my name is Momoi Satsuki and this is Aomine Daiki, and your name ?"

"My name is Yukimura Shin, I don't want to make you two get up the whole time so if you two want you can enter to talk" Momoi and Aomine nodded and entered the house

"Please don't look to much to the details because it's a mess, we just moved today"

They walked through the house until they got to his mom and showed his new friends

"Mom these are, Momoi Satsuki and Aomine Daiki, I bought both here to introduce them to you"

"Hi Ms. Yukimura"

"Hi Ms. Yukimura"

"Ara, two cute little kids are now friends with my son, please take good care of him specially you Momoi-chan" Shin blushed a bit while Momoi had question marks behind her head

"Mom stop this, are you trying to embarass me" Shin sweared once more to get revenge for this

"Fufufu, how cute, why don't the three of you go to Shin's room to talk" Shin looked to them and said

"Come, I will show you my room"

They runned upstairs and got to Shin's room, after they were with each other more time they started talking about more things until they started to talk about basketball, Aomine that didn't talked that much started to talk more than ever

"Ohh, you play basketball to, what position you play ? You think you're good for your age ? Do you have a ball in your house ?" Momoi facepalmed and Shin sweated a bit

"I don't play in a determinated position currently, so you could say I play in all positions

To your second question, probably yes because I always winned against people more older than me

The last one it's that I have a ball but I need to search in the boxes that we got to move the things from my other house"

Aomine smiled and said

"Lets play in the court someday" Shin nodded

"Why boys always talk about sports all the time" Satsuki started pouting and looked so cute

"Because basketball it's so cool" Aomine and Shin talked at the same time

"Hai, but changing the topic how can I call you ?" Momoi

Shin smiled and said

"You can call me however you want " Aomine that was in his side whispered

"Bad call man" Shin got confused but when he heard what Momoi said he realized what's wrong



"Mura-chan, did you liked it ?"

Shin was like, how the heck can someone have no sense about calling someone

'Why Mura-chan, This is the last part of my second name'

"Wait wait, please you can call Yuki-kun"

Momoi thought Shin didn't liked the name and he reyes got moisty and appeared she was about to cry

"You didn't like the nickname I gave you ?"

Momoi was so cute that he was having a huge trouble trying not to pinch her but recovered and said

"No no, it's because I like when people call me like that"

Shin felt bad lying to her but it was for his dignity, how the heck can he let someone call him little village(A/N: This is the traduction I found sorry if it's wrong)

Aomine just facepalmed, and Momoi recovered instantly when she heard that

"Hai Yuki-kun, please call me Momo-chan then, you can call Aomine, Dai-chan" Shin agreed but Aomine protested

"Why did you said that, and why are you trying to decide it for me" Shin got a maniac smile and said

"Don't worry Dai-chan, I got you" Shin said while giving a villanous smile and a thumbs up

Aomine tried to protest but Shin just ignored everything he said

After they finished talking and playing a bit, it was dinner time and they returned to their own home

In the dinner his mom and dad was giving Shin a look that he knew they were make fun of his face

"Ara ara, my little kid its growing up so fast"

His mom was trying her hard not to laugh

"I agree with you, but you need her mother's permission Shin"

Shin noticed the evil schemes of his parents and said

"Yes mom and dad, I will inform you when the wedding happens" Shin's mom got shocked

"Haha, since when you know how to make jokes son" Shin just shook his head, closed his eyes and said

"What do you mean, it's not a joke" It was this moment Shin knew he fuc*** up

He started running the max he could but it was impossible to run from his mother

"You think you are funny huh, fufufu~ don't worry nothing bad will happen, I will just teach you good manners"

She said while she was dragging Shin by his leg towards a dark room, Shin felt his life was coming to an end, and tried his last resource

"Dad help me, I don't want to die so young, Dad please, WAAAAH" His dad started praying and said

"Oh lord he was to young to die" His Dad got a Buddha face while light covered his face

1 Week Later

Shin was anxious because today was the day he was playing for the first time with someone from the Generation of Miracles

But he wasn't afraid because he knew Aomine was still very bad at basketball because he was young and


He was anxious and excited to play,

in this year that passed when he started to play basketball he got better because he could copy every move he saw and fuse them into his playstyle

He was considered the Little Prince of the Court back in his old city because none of the kids that played against him winned even once

Despiste his title, he was still a long way to go to win against adults, first because he didn't have enough stamina,and enough skills, even if he could copy the moves he couldn't use it because his body wasn't capable of handling the pressure of them, another reason was his height and strenght

In this year his new height was 3'10", he was considered a bit taller than the rest of the kids the same age as him, His body was handsome for his age with almost no fat muscles now that he trained a bit his body, even if he trained to gain a little more of strenght he still missed the shots because he was young

In skill, Shin probably could play against at he maximum 9-10 years old kids that played for real, not like in the court he played, the kids there played most for fun

About him playing against kids of the age of 10, it was just a estimate because Shin never played in a game with people 5v5 taking it seriously

He encountered Aomine and Momoi in front of his house waiting and smiled to them

In this time of one week they got a lot closer and even started sleeping in the house of each other,

unfortunatelly for Shin he was used as a pillow because his body was soft, resulting in him not sleeping well

(A/N: Dude if you start saying about him being gay you have serious problems, they are kids and even in Shin's past life he was a kid of about 5-6 years , so yeah)

"Hey prepared to lose to me ?" Aomine

Shin just gave him a pity look

"I highly doubt that, it would be a miracle if you even do a point against me" Shin said smiling

Hi guys , please rate and comment about what you thought about this chapter ;)

I think there will be people thinking the friendship of them was a little forced, well, I can agree with you, I'm trying to improve in these chapters that are turned to 'Slice of life' I can't say if I did good making them friends but I personally liked about having the three of them together

I'm trying to improve in every chapter so please don't hate me about writting please

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