
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

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55 Chs

Chapter 7 The film company came to visit

 Nicole Kidman sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, exuding a cold and sharp edge like an iceberg. Although she was very angry in her heart, she did not say a single harsh word. First, Ryan opposite her would just ignore her. , and secondly, I couldn't bear to reprimand him.

  If what happened the night before yesterday only aroused her doubts, and what happened today, if she could no longer see that this little guy had a plan, then she would be really a fool.

  When she thought about letting the famous Tom Cruise go all morning, Nicole Kidman couldn't help but want to cover her forehead. She didn't expect that just after going to the supermarket, the big star actually called her home to make an appointment. She went out, but Ryan, the bastard, while agreeing to tell the story, pretended that nothing had happened and didn't even mention it for most of the day.

  If Tom Cruise hadn't couldn't help but call again after waiting for nearly a morning, I might have been kept in the dark.

  "You did it on purpose?" Nicole raised her head and glanced at the unscrupulous boy. He had no consciousness of making a mistake at all, and changed his tone of affirmation, "You did it on purpose! You did it on purpose the night before yesterday!"

  Ryan didn't think about it at all. Being able to hide it from Nicole, he simply spread his hands and shrugged. He had done everything anyway, and the worst he could do was to be grounded. How could a dead pig be afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

  "Ryan Jenkins, what do you want to do?" Although Nicole's anger was suppressed again and again, these slow and slow words still made people shudder. "Do you know that this will bring What are the consequences?"

  She had never underestimated the boy's intelligence, and sometimes she even felt that Ryan was smarter than herself. She absolutely did not believe that he could not see that doing so would ruin her audition.

  Of course, judging from Tom Cruise's somewhat cold tone when he hung up the phone, it was already a fact that he was ruined.

  "You have a crush on him, right? Nicole." Nicole Kidman, who was sitting across from her, was stunned by Ryan's question. "Don't deny it, I'm not a fool." For the

  first time, Nicole was worried about Ryan's precociousness. Feeling a headache, she hesitated and nodded, "I like

  him, but only a little." "I don't like him, I really don't like him!"

  Ryan's words made Nicole stunned again. They had been together for several years. Years later, this was the first time she heard him express his likes and dislikes so obviously.

  With just this sentence, Nicole thought she understood the reason why he did this, and without even thinking about it, she made a decision in her heart, "Okay, Ryan, since you don't like him, I will try to have as little contact with him as possible. "

  Ryan thought he was going to have to spend a lot of words and tricks, but he didn't expect Nicole to make a decision so quickly. From this, he also saw his position in her heart. There were thousands of words he wanted to say out loud. , and finally it became just one sentence.

  "Thank you, Nicole."

  Nicole didn't say anything more, but came over and hugged him hard. He felt her coldness, and she felt his warmth. At this moment, it seemed like there was only one thing left in the world. Girl and boy, she is his support and he is her everything.

  "Ryan, if you don't like it in the future, just tell me, okay? Don't make me worry."

  "Yeah~ Thank you, Nicole."

  "It's just a pity this opportunity." The duck that was about to be obtained flew away like this, Nicole Still couldn't help but feel a little sad.

  "Come on, Nicole, that role is not suitable for you at all."

  Ryan, who was not yet ten years old, climbed up from Nicole's arms and put on a somewhat funny look that wanted to have a good talk. Anyway, Such conversations often happen between the two of them, and Nicole doesn't mind, "Ryan, I know you are smart and precocious, but do you really understand movies?" "

  Who says I don't understand movies?" Ryan's nostrils trembled. Almost towards the ceiling.

  "Okay, then you have to tell me the reason."

  "I heard Pat say the general content of this movie. The heroine is a complete vase. She only needs to show her style and figure. There is no There is room for your acting skills." Ryan paused and looked at Nicole's cold face again, "You know, Nicole, you are a little too beautiful. Of course, this is an advantage and not a disadvantage. I can totally do it. I can imagine that if you play this role, you will definitely be surnamed as a vase. When the time comes, it will not be an ordinary difficulty to turn around. Are you willing to be a vase?"

  Ryan's words are a bit awkward. It sounded good, but how could Nicole Kidman not understand the truth? It was just that she urgently needed a work to open up the situation in Hollywood and gain a foothold. However, after hearing these words, the first thing she thought about was not Own.

  "Ryan, you are such a brat, when did you start studying movies again?" Just as she finished speaking, Nicole remembered that when she was in London, this guy bought a lot of information about movies and scripts. A book on writing, could it be said...

  "Does this still need to be studied? Don't forget, I am a genius!"

  The image of a big red-haired monkey suddenly flashed in front of Ryan's eyes, making him feel a chill and hurriedly He shook his head to stop his random thoughts.

  The black Cadillac slowly parked in the small parking lot in front of the apartment. In the back seat of the car, a fat middle-aged man with some Jewish features looked at the woman beside him and asked again, "Pat, is this script really written by a ten-year-old kid?"

  "Correction, Harvey, Ryan is just over nine years old, not even ten years old."

  They are all in this circle, and they don't look up. Look down, Pai Kingsley and he can barely be considered friends.

  "I'm just a little surprised. It's incredible. Although this story is related to children, this kind of movie full of loneliness and family affection doesn't look like it could have been written by a child." As he walked towards the

  apartment, Harvey Weinstein still couldn't help but say a few more words, and Ms. Kingsley laughed clearly, "Harvey, actually after you see that boy, you will no longer have such thoughts." " Really

  ?" He knew a little bit about Kingsley's situation. Since he could be praised so much by her, maybe the boy named Ryan was really different. "Then I'll wait and see."

  The doorbell rang. Just as Nicole was about to get up and open the door, Ryan jumped up from the sofa and rushed to the door in a few steps.

  "Hi, Pat, you're finally here." Ryan said hello to the female agent first, and then looked at the big fat man behind him. Although it was a little different from the image in his impression, he recognized it instantly. .

  "Hi, Ryan, and Nicole." Entering the small living room of the apartment, Patrick Kingsley introduced both parties, "This is Mr. Harvey Weinstein from Miramax Pictures, ha. Wei, these two are Ryan Jenkins and Nicole Kidman."

  After a few simple greetings, Weinstein got down to business, "Ms. Kidman, are you Ryan's guardian? "

  Yes." Although she was in a confused state, Nicole nodded.

  "It's like this. Miramax Films decided to buy the script of "The Sixth Sense"..." Before Harvey Weinstein could finish his words, Nicole interrupted, "Script? The Sixth Sense?" What script?"

  As she asked this question, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little weird. The eyes of Nicole Kidman and Harvey Weinstein fell on Pie Kingsley almost at the same time. , obviously wanting her to give an explanation.

  Kingsley looked at Ryan and saw that he was sitting firmly and motionless. No need to ask, this little guy must have not told Nicole about the script and their visit today, so she had to explain, "Ryan gave me He gave me a script he wrote and I gave it to Miramax Pictures. After Harvey read it, he decided to buy the script. I called him this morning. It seems that Ryan forgot to tell you. Yes."

  "Ryan~" Nicole looked over.

  "Nicole, I just want to give you a surprise, okay, I apologize."

  Ryan explained the reason to Nicole in a few words. He wrote the script when he was in London and later handed it over to Send Kingsley, and the other party called in the morning. He deliberately wanted to give her a surprise, so he hid it.

  "My dear, you scared me a little. I know that when you were in London, you read many books on script writing, but I didn't expect..." Nicole's hands waved a few times unconsciously, as if she didn't know what to say. After calming down, he looked at the man opposite and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Weinstein, can you let me see the script first?" "

  Of course."

  Weinstein took out the script and handed it to him . As for Nicole, as an excellent businessman, having enough patience in the face of interests is a basic quality. While waiting, he observed calmly, especially the boy named Ryan.

  He is a bit thin and frail, and it can be seen from what happened just now that his behavior is a bit out of touch. However, those sky-blue eyes are extremely bright, with maturity and wisdom that is not for this age flashing from time to time. Maybe this time it is really It will be very fruitful.

  The script is not too thick, about a hundred pages at most. Nicole has read a lot of Ryan's works and is very familiar with his writing. She browses it very quickly, but the more she reads, the more uncomfortable she feels, that loneliness and helplessness. The boy who needs someone's care and warmth is clearly Ryan from before he was seven years old, and that single mother has her own shadow no matter how you look at it.

  In fact, some scenes in the script, in her opinion, were based on his life after meeting her. The mother and son in it were clearly two people who depended on each other and were not relatives but were better than relatives.

  But why do these touching scenes appear in thriller-themed scripts? Perhaps it has something to do with the remaining black memories of Ryan. Nicole sighed in her heart, suddenly feeling that she still didn't care enough for him.