
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

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55 Chs

Chapter 19 School and Telephone

 St. John's Elementary School, like most American schools, adopts a small class teaching system. There are only a dozen students in each class. Ryan is sitting in the corner of the last row, writing hard with a pen in his hand. As for What the teacher was talking about earlier, I'm sorry, has nothing to do with him.

  "Ryan!" Mr. Bartok seemed to ask a question, but found that after he called his name, the guy didn't move. "Ryan Jenkins!"

  "Ah~" Ryan finally heard someone calling his name. He scratched his head and said very bachelorly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Bartok, I was distracted."

  "Okay." Anyway, this situation has happened many times, so Mr. Bartok simply repeated it. My own question, "Which four presidents have statues on Mount President?"

  Mount President? Capitol Hill? Ryan thought for a moment and felt that it should not be the same place. Since a statue could be erected, it must be a famous American president, "George Washington, Abraham Lincoln..." Seeing Mr. Bartok nodding

  slightly , Ryan is a little more confident in his answer. Anyway, the American presidents whose names he knows are either assassinated or very famous. Presumably they are not those short-lived ghosts, "Franklin Roosevelt."

  Mr. Bartok. His brows wrinkled.

  "Ah, I remember, John F. Kennedy and George Bush."

  ​​When he said the name behind him, some students in the classroom already snickered, and the corners of Ryan's mouth trembled. In desperation, he said, The old cowboy's name suddenly came out of his mouth.

  Fortunately, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, ending Ryan's embarrassment. What was rare was that Mr. Bartok didn't say anything, packed up the teaching materials, and left the classroom.

  It has entered April, the sun is shining brightly in Los Angeles, and the sky is clear. The second class in the afternoon is physical education. There is no broadcast of gymnastics, no simplified Tai Chi, but more enlightening and interesting games, as well as baseball and basketball.

  Of course, the most popular thing here is football, but because of age, the school has some restrictions in this area.

  "Ryan, aren't you bored? How about we play baseball together?" The person who spoke was the tallest kid in the class besides him, named Jerry, who had the same name as the famous mouse.

  This was not the first time that the other party invited him. Just like all transfer students, when they come to a new school, they will always encounter some troubles, but Ryan punched down the big black guy from the sixth grade who came to make trouble. , the way everyone looked at him changed, and some small groups of children of the same age wanted to invite him to join.

  "Then...okay." Ryan nodded in agreement. Jerry and the few people around him, although a little naive, were pretty good people.

  After a brief preparation, Ryan took the children's bat and assumed a standard batting posture like the professional athletes on the TV.

  "Wow, Ryan, you look like a pro." Peter, the catcher behind Ryan, started the scramble.

  Jerry gently threw the baseball upwards, looking confident. At the same time as Peter's voice sounded, he made a fake move and threw the baseball in his hand.


  The seemingly fast baseball was extremely slow in Ryan's eyes. He swung the bat and hit the baseball hard.

  With a "whoosh" sound, the baseball soared into the sky and flew dozens of feet before falling to the ground.

  "Wow~ Ryan, good job!" Onlookers on the sidelines cheered, and they were even happier than Ryan. "Home run~"

  Jerry blinked his eyes, looking in disbelief. Okay. After a while, he said, "Ryan, you should join our baseball team!"

  "Come on, Jerry, you know, I'm very busy." Ryan refused without thinking.

  "Yes, we all know that you are very busy, but no one knows what you are busy with? Ryan, what do you write every day?" When Jerry asked, other students shouted in the distance, " Hey, can you throw the basketball over here for us?"

  That was the voice coming from the small outdoor basketball court that was separated from the baseball field by a wire. Who knows how these guys did it, they were able to throw the basketball over here.

  Ryan took a step forward, stepped on the bouncing basketball under his feet, lifted it lightly with his toes, and the basketball lifted off the ground. Almost subconsciously, he did more than a dozen tricks in a row, even though he had never played much in this life. Yes, but the skills he developed in his previous life seemed to be imprinted in his soul.

  "Hey, Ryan, hurry up and return the basketball to us."

  The other side couldn't wait to start urging, so Ryan simply picked it up hard. When the ball fell, he hit the ball with the tightened outer instep of his right foot. superior.

  His original intention was to kick the ball over the wire and return it to those people in the distance. Who knows, while everyone was stunned, the basketball drew a beautiful parabola and hit the backboard with a "clang" sound. After that, he fell into the basket with perfect accuracy.

  Everyone, including Ryan himself, looked at each other, what's going on?

  Amid the gasps, the boy could only scratch his head. Even if David Beckham came, he might not be able to kick such an accurate ball. Well, he admitted that although he was among the fans in his previous life, his skills were still there. Not bad, but this kick was completely deceptive. If he were to kick it a hundred or even a thousand times, it might not be so accurate.

  "Hey, Ryan, wait for me."

  Ryan was walking towards the school gate with his schoolbag on his back. Jerry and the others caught up with him from behind. "You want to go home? Why don't we go play together."

  "Sorry, Jerry." After walking out of the school gate, Ryan pointed to an Audi on the side of the road, "Someone is here to pick me up, let's wait another day."

  Seeing Ryan follow a tall girl into the car, Peter asked, "That's Ryan's mother? She looks so beautiful."

  "No, I heard someone say that she seems to be Ryan's sister." Jerry seemed thoughtful, "She is indeed prettier than those big stars on TV. ."

  Back in the apartment, Nicole looked at the time and saw that it was already late. She had to hurry up. She entered the cloakroom and took out the dress prepared for Ryan.

  "Ryan, come on, can you do it yourself?" Nicole asked.

  "No problem, it's just a joke." Ryan took the dress and walked into his room.

  Although it was a bit troublesome to put on a white shirt, a dark blue Western-style dress, and a bow tie of the same color, it was not that difficult for Ryan, who had received a year of British etiquette education.

  He is now much taller than when he was filming "The Sixth Sense". His thin body has gradually gained some muscle. His long-term and unremitting exercise has finally seen results.

  "Ryan, the phone is ringing, go pick it up."

  Dressing is not an ordinary trouble for a woman, so Ryan had to quickly straighten his clothes and ran into the living room.

  "Hello, this is Ryan Jenkins and Nicole Kidman!"

  "Ryan, you annoying guy, you cheated on me!" A familiar girl's voice came from the other side.

  "Nat?" Ryan asked tentatively.

  "Yes, that's me. Ryan, is that little boy on the Sixth Sense poster yours?" Natalie was obviously questioning.


  "Then why did you lie to me and say that you were a small character with no lines in the movie."

  Ryan blinked, this... this was obviously a slap in the face, "Hey, Nat, I remember clearly that it was you who said this!"

  "Really?" Natalie on the other side of the phone seemed to be reminiscing. After a pause, she still said unconvinced, "But you didn't either at the time. Deny it."

  "But I didn't admit it either!" Just like when they talked on the phone in the past, the two always started to argue after a few words.

  "Also, is that Ryan Jenkins behind the screenwriter also you?"

  "Yes." "

  Why didn't you tell you? You still said you were my friend, but you cheated on me, Ryan!" "

  Hey, Nat, you never asked, okay? Am I going to jump ahead of you and say, Dear Nat, I wrote a play and played a major role in it?" "

  Then what you said in your letter ? I have discussed movie topics with me so many times, but I have never mentioned this matter." "

  I didn't mention it because I was afraid of hurting your young and fragile heart." Anyway, it was just an argument, so Ryan simply got into trouble.

  "Do you think such a small thing can hit me?" Natalie's vicious voice came from the receiver, "Ryan, just wait and see, I will definitely give you a good look next time we meet." "

  Then I Just wait and see."

  After the routine quarrel ended, the two people's tone became much calmer. After asking each other about their current situation, Ryan said, "Will you go see this movie, Nat?"

  "Yes. . I have asked my mother to buy the ticket."

  "That's it." Seeing Nicole appear in the living room, Ryan realized that the call was over, "Say hello to Mr. Avner and Mrs. Shelly for me. "

  This is the first weekend in April. The post-production of "The Sixth Sense" has been completed long ago. After a series of publicity, it is finally about to be released. Twenty million dollars is currently required by Miramax. It's already a big investment. Anyway, so much money has been spent, so it is necessary to hold a premiere.

  As the screenwriter and one of the main actors of the movie, Ryan received the notice from Harvey Weinstein early. Of course, at his current age, he can find an excuse to refuse, but he has already set his future path. Settled in this circle, with the increase in his works, it was only a matter of time before he attended the premiere.

  Besides, any circle has its own rules of the game, and those who break the rules will not be welcomed anywhere. What's more, he and Harvey Weinstein have already reached an agreement on certain matters regarding publicity.

  In Ryan's view, stretching one's head and shrinking one's head is also a sword. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to maximize the benefits you can get?

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