
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

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55 Chs

Chapter 15: Acting or dreaming

 There are no big scenes in this movie. Strictly speaking, it is a scene between three or four people, a boy and a doctor, a boy and his mother, and a doctor and his wife. David Fincher also grasped the theme extremely well. , thriller is just a cover, communication and family affection are what the movie really wants to express.

  Although the shooting speed was not fast under David Fincher's strict requirements, it was not slow either, especially as time went by, both Al Pacino and Nicole Kidman were getting better and better. Things are getting better, but as for Ryan, he has encountered a lot of troubles, and his time away from the show is getting longer and longer.


  After David Fincher shouted to stop, Ryan was still sitting in the high-back chair in a daze, unable to recover, as if the whole world had abandoned him, and he could only hide in his own world. seeking comfort and protection.

  This is not the first time this has happened. In the past, Al Pacino and the staff tried to help him, but as soon as they got close to Ryan, he would be like Cole who saw the ghost in the script. That, becoming fearful, cowering and panicked.

  At times like this, only Nicole Kidman can approach him normally, and only her embrace can provide him with warmth and help.

  It took several minutes for Ryan to wake up. He leaned hard on the high-backed chair and took a long breath. They said that good actors can relax freely, but what about him? I can only let go but not take it back. What's going on? Especially when he is immersed in Cole's world, those extremely dark memories from his previous life as a child will always occupy his mind.

  "Ryan, you need to rest." David Fincher solemnly made the suggestion.

  "No, David." Ryan shook his head resolutely, "I am in the best condition now, please trust me, okay?"

  David Finch persuaded him a few more times, and seeing Ryan's firm attitude, I had no choice but to sit back in the director's chair and start adjusting. The following shot is considered one of the most important shots in the movie.

  The faint light reflected on the corridor. With a soft click, the door was opened through a gap. A boy wearing shorts and shorts poked his head out of the gap. Hesitation was written on his pale face. He was a little scared. After looking back and forth, he finally made up his mind and rushed into the toilet with a twist.

  Suddenly, the boy felt something passing behind him. He turned around slowly and frightenedly, and stood in front of the toilet, looking so lonely and helpless.

  After hesitating for a while, the boy decided to go take a look. He walked slowly, the hesitation on his face turned into uneasiness. At this time, there was the sound of kitchen utensils rattling in the kitchen. He thought his mother was I made breakfast and felt a little calmer.

  Entering the brightly lit kitchen, the boy asked tentatively, "Mom?"

  The woman in pink pajamas turned around suddenly and said in a low and sharp voice, "No! The dinner is not cooked yet. , what do you want?"

  Her face was covered with bruises and bruises, and her hysterical expression made it look very scary. She roared and stretched out her hands angrily, with deep knife marks all over her wrists, "You You can't hurt me anymore, Lanny! It's you who forced me to be like this!"

  The boy could no longer bear this frightening scene, turned around suddenly, and ran back to his bedroom as hard as he could. However, The hysterical roar of the female ghost continued to be heard. Without thinking, the boy got into the red tent and faced the statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus collected from the church, crying helplessly and desperately. flowed down in suppressed cries.


  Everyone, including David Fincher, breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't expect that this important set of shots would pass in one go. That boy was so outstanding. Combined with his performance over the past month, They really don't know how to describe him other than the word genius.

  However, in the red tent that they ignored, Ryan was still sitting on the ground motionless. His expression of loneliness, helplessness and despair not only did not disappear, but became more and more serious. His bright sky-blue eyes gradually lost their appearance. Brilliance and tears surged out like floods bursting from a dam.

  The little boy with black hair and black eyes was extremely thin. The clothes he wore were not only shabby, but also had many patches. The black schoolbag he was carrying was also shabby, and it was so heavy that it almost bent his spine.

  He pushed open the door of the classroom with force. Several classmates were playing games near the door, with a very unfriendly light in their eyes, and then they dispersed. As he walked towards his seat, he didn't know who was leading him. Many people in the classroom shouted in unison, "Idiot! Beggar! Idiot! Beggar!"

  The little boy bit his lower lip hard and did not even notice the blood seeping out. His body could not stop shaking. The tears in his eyes rolled back and forth, but they stubbornly refused to fall.

  "Idiot! Beggar!"

  The shouting became louder and louder. He couldn't bear it anymore. He took off the black schoolbag he was carrying and swung it hard on the head of the male classmate closest to him. One, two... ...

  "You are just a troublemaker who will only cause trouble for us. Won't you stand it when they scold you? Look at you, who are you? You are all wild children who were abandoned by your parents. What? What I said is wrong. , you dare to stare at me, I will let you stare..."

  The director of the orphanage slapped the boy one after another. The boy bit his lips tighter, but there were no tears in his eyes.

  "Ryan!" David Fincher shouted. Seeing that Ryan not only did not respond, but a trace of blood oozed from his lips, his bright sapphire eyes were gradually losing their luster, and he shouted urgently. Said, "Quick! Go and find Miss Kidman."

  Nicole was taking off her makeup and rushed over barefoot without even wearing shoes. She turned a blind eye to everything around her and rushed directly into the tent where Ryan was. , hugging him tightly into his arms.

  "Ryan! Ryan! Wake up!"

  Ryan just opened his eyes in a daze, as if he only had this body left. Nicole's heart couldn't stop trembling. She felt that the boy was She became cold, not physically, but in her soul. The Ryan she was familiar with, the Ryan she loved deeply, the Ryan she depended on for life was getting farther and farther away from her, and it seemed that he might disappear at any time.

  "No~ Ryan! Come back quickly!"

  Nicole Kidman pressed her forehead tightly against Ryan's, wanting to use her own body temperature to warm the boy's gradually cold soul, wanting to use her affectionate The call to bring back the most important person in her life.

  "Damn! I knew it, I knew you shouldn't be allowed to shoot this damn movie! Ryan, I swear! If you don't wake up, I will definitely send you to a sending school or a Catholic school! I swear to you God and Satan swear at the same time! I swear, I will personally demolish the orphanage that plunged you into pain and darkness, and I will definitely send that sow black pig to Alcatraz Island!"

  Panic gradually appeared in Nicole's eyes. , she was hysterical and didn't know what she was talking about. Fortunately, there were no black people in the crew, otherwise she would have gotten into big trouble.

  Looking at Ryan's biting lips and the blood seeping from the corners of his mouth, Nicole couldn't control herself anymore. Her blue eyes flashed twice, and two big tears rolled down.

  The tears streaked across her white cheeks, absorbing her breath, and with the emotions that penetrated into her soul, they dripped on the corners of Ryan's cheeks and mouth, and fell into his heart that was gradually occupied by coldness and darkness.

  The young man's character was extremely stubborn, just like the short black hair standing on his head. He watched the beautiful girl go further and further away. The person who had given him warmth and light for ten years finally disappeared from him forever. In the world, from that moment on, dark clouds covered the sun, and darkness replaced light.

  Time came to that night again. The young man, who was drunk, smelly, and as numb as a piece of rotten wood, opened another bottle of beer, raised it and was about to pour it down his throat. Suddenly, two drops of liquid fell from the sky and fell on the ground. on his face.

  "Why is it so familiar? This breath, this feeling..." The young man finally remembered something, let go of his hand, and the bottle smashed to the ground, "An Xin? No! This is Nicole!" "

  An Xin? Nicole!" Hearing Ryan in her arms finally make a sound, Nicole quickly said, "Ryan, I'm here! I'm right by your side, and I'm not going anywhere!"

  Ryan's eyes blinked. , the dull eyes gradually regained their luster, and the sky-blue eyes became brighter and brighter. Nicole could feel that the familiar Ryan was back again, but... she just had an indescribable feeling, Ryan seemed a little different again.

  "I'm sorry, Nicole, for making you worry." Ryan hugged her tightly, as if this hug was the only one in the world that could make him feel warm and peaceful.

  "Ryan, if...if you can, please don't scare me like this again, okay?" Nicole gasped lightly, still not calming down until now.

  "Don't worry, Nicole, I just remembered a lot of dark memories."

  "Then...who is An Xin?" After all, after living together for several years, Nicole understands some Chinese.

  "An... An Xin?" Ryan is indeed a genius in acting. His surprised expression at this time was completely natural. "What I'm saying is - An Xin, Nicole!"

  He deliberately slowed down and used one word in Chinese. He said it again after a pause so that Nicole could hear it thoroughly.

  "Nicole, I think Ryan needs a rest!" David Fincher came over at this time, "You don't have many scenes left. I will give you a few days of vacation and take Ryan around. , he was a little too deep into the drama."

  Too deep into the drama? Ryan sighed. He couldn't tell whether he was too deeply involved in the drama or whether he was in a dream.

  "Okay." Nicole agreed and looked at the boy in her arms, "Where do you want to go, Ryan?"

  "New York!" Without even thinking about it, Ryan subconsciously gave this. Answer.