
Reborn in Fate as Davy Jones

A man is reincarnated as Grand Rider, Davy Jones

Just_A_dude · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Disclaimer I don't own any franchise

A ship was sailing through an ocean, there was a man on the ship… well part man, the man's left arm was a giant crab arm and his right leg was a giant crab leg some of the man's hair were white octopus tentacles. The man was wearing clothes fit for a pirate captain and he had a one-handed black sword on his right hip.

The man's eyes slowly opened showing his blue eyes that plainly showed his shock before the shock melted into indifference. The man has excepted his new identity relatively fast and is thinking about his new powers, and the reason he expected his situation so fast was because he had died and already had time to think about his death and how his family is doing and has expected his death and what it meant.

Looking over his new body and getting used to using it by doing some simple exercises. After exercising the now Davy Jones goes over the information in his head, he is Davy Jones and Grand Rider a heroic spirit that is summoned to fight in holy Grail wars and an existence summoned by the Counter Force to prevent the extinction of mankind by the Beasts. Different from normal servants which are beings meant to fight individuals, Grand servants are beings meant to fight the world.

Thinking about this for a second and accepting it before Davy noticed a small box with a black string. Walking over to the box and taking in my right hand I look at it for a second before flipping it open showing a compass that doesn't point north and is currently spinning nonstop. Davy just stared at the compass with confusion in his eyes, and the more he looked at it the closer he gets to remember where he saw the compass before remembering that this is Jack Sparrows' compass, a magical compass that points to the holders most desires. The reason the compass is just spinning is that I don't know what I want, but the compass suddenly turned to my right looking to my right only to see a bottle of rum. Closing the compass and hanging it around my neck I grab the bottle of rum before downing it in one go.

Looking around at the ocean I can tell that this place is the throne of hero's and the ship I'm on is the Flying Dutchman.

'Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone.'

Already I'm being summoned already

'The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulates.

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).'

A smirk makes its way onto my face. I seal my terror skill to not scare my master on our first meeting.

'Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled.

――――I announce.

Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword.

Following the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!'

After those words echoed through the world of water, the devil of the sea vanished with his ship.

Waver Velvet watched the fog that appeared after completing the summon. Waver watched cautiously with a bit of fear about what servant he summoned before he heard. "HAHAAHAAHAHAH" maniacal laughter sounded through the garage before the fog disappeared and shock filled Wavers eyes a person was standing in front of Waver with clothes of a captain and had a crab claw for a left arm and a crab leg for a right leg with octopus tentacles in his hair.

Looking at this… thing Waver couldn't even guess who he summoned, but his questions would be answered soon. "Who dares summon the devil of the sea!" The now identified Devi of the sea exclaimed. Waver while very scared of his servant decided to put up a strong front "I am Waver Velvet, your master".

Looking at my new master and coming to realize what holy grail war he was in. Fate Zero the holy Grail war 10 years before fate stay night. Looking at my master I decided it's time to introduce myself "Well master my name is Davy Jones… let's try to get along and win this war." Waver simply looked at me in shock at knowing my identity and the kind of boost that I would get in the world and the water.

A day has passed and I have just been having fun and playing video games as well as stealing from some place's that for some reason had more money than they should (Golden rule B). And Waver told me about how the assassin is out of the war and Kirei has resigned from the war. But I didn't care and was only interested in playing video games and stealing a boat and having a cruise.

But it's getting late and the sun's about to set and seeing this I get back on land and pull out my compass and look for Kariya and become allies with him. As the sun sets, I finally spot him and he notices us as well and berserker appears by his side who is… Cu Chulainn? Looking at berserker and seeing it be his Alter self surprises me but I don't care about Waver having set up a boundary field to make the civilians go away and finally I started to speak to Kariya "Do you happen to know a Zouken Matou?" Kariya looking surprised but answered my question none the less "And what if I do" I replied with "Ah, well you see I am Davy Jones and his time has run out, but for some reason, he still hasn't died and so I decided to do it my self." Looking surprised about my identity but the surprised expression is quickly replaced with a small amount of hope. And after that, we made the deal of if I save Sakura and kill Zouken we will have an alliance. And so that was just what I did I went to the Matou home and using Mana Burst(Soul) to destroy Zouken's soul and destroy the worms I did this by imbuing my saber with soul causing white energy to cover it then stabbed it into Zouken's body with then destroyed Zouken's soul entirely and killed the crest worms. After reuniting Sakura with Kariya and with us being allies I decide to use my Connection to the Root A+ to find a way to make Kariya's magic circuits work and give him more and more power and made a technique to create magic circuits and gave him bloodline books, which can only be opened by someone with the Matou bloodline, about familiar magic. With Kariya's new and improved magic circuits and knowledge about familiars, Kariya was prepared to go and destroy Tokiomi. But I convinced him to allow me and the berserker to kill his servant first.

And now where here. In the middle of a warehouse, I and berserk were getting ready to fight. Why were we going to fight well it's to not cause suspicion of us being allies but there's also the reason of seeing us fight and show what we can do. So let's not waste time and get this started.


Saber had just got cut on the wrist by Gae Buidhe and right after Saber had crashed into the ground a flying figure could be seen that crashed in the middle of lancers and sabers fight. The crash caused a dust cloud to appear so lancer, saber, and their masters couldn't see in the cloud but they could hear a growl from the crater before finally seeing the berserker of this war a mad warrior cover in spikes (Stage 3 Cu Chulainn Alter). Diarmuid instantly recognized the berserker "Cu Chulainn what… happened to you." The others surprised by the identity of the berserker and the fact that he even is a berserker were taken aback when they heard laughing in the distance before another body his the ground not too far away the figure walked out of the crater with a boy under his right arm that seems to be over with this man's shit.

The laughing man seemed to ignore everyone else except the berserker who seemed to be staring down the Mysterious servant. But the man started to talk "Well berserker that was quite the good work out, why don't we continue this another da-"

"Don't you know its dishonor-"

"Where the fuck did all these people come from!"

Every person was surprised about the fact that I didn't notice them. Looking around with a surprised face with Waver having a deadpan look on his.

"Well since I'm here I will introduce myself, I am the Rider of this war and the one to kill all of you."

The servants and masters looked surprised at my arrogance and even looked offended but the silence suddenly broke when Lancer's master started talking.

"Waver Velvet so you are the one that stole my catalyst I'll make sure that you are punished for your insolence."

"So you were going to be my master, man I could have lucked out on this. Hey, master thanks for summoning me and not letting him be my master because I would have just killed him and be done with it."

The other servants and especially masters are surprised by deceleration, as the thought of their servants killing them never crossed their minds, but Waver just looked embarrassed.

Soon a man wearing gold armor appears on top of one of the light post when he starts talking Berserker was already charging Archer which forced the archer to use his Nobel Phantasm to shoot out legendary weapons but the berserker ether block, dodged or deflected archers NP before Archer was called back by his master much to his annoyance.

The battlefield was quiet before Rider started making his way towards the river nearby. The other servants and masters were ready for him to start a fight but were surprised when a pirate ship came from the ocean and Rider simply jumped on top of the ship and started sailing away as the ship dove into the depths.

Sometime later the overseer of the war had informed all masters and servants that the Holy Grail War was prospered until Caster is destroyed. We go searching for Casters layer and find it and mutilated body's of children, you see I may have abandoned my role as the Guide for souls lost at sea but that doesn't mean that I can't still do it so the moment Caster dies I'll guide there souls to the afterlife myself. But before that, I turn around and send my soul energy into the three Assassins behind us and send them to my Reality Marble.

Later I decided to do something like what Iskandar had done in fate zero and that is the king's banquet. Everything went normally with Archer, Saber, and me all sitting in the garden drinking and talking about our Kingship, Saber as King of Knights, Archer as King of Hero's, and me as King of the Sea's it's a self-given title but it's fucking true. Archer wants it merely so that people can't "steal" it from him, Saber wants it to save Britain which I decide since Iskandar isn't here I might as well as do what he did and criticizes her, saying that her emotional distance from her subjects led to their dissatisfaction and proposes his own ideal, namely that people should serve the king, whose extravagant ambitions inspire them in turn. When asked what my wish was I said an unlimited supply of Rum, which Archer just laughed at my wish, and Saber looked taken aback while the masters just looked at me like I was an idiot. But we were interrupted when all of the Assassins appeared seeing as they weren't here to drink I use Mana Burst(Soul) to imbue you of my flintlock pistols to destroy the assassins around us by causing the magic bullets to explode and send a copy of there powers to my reality marble. Seeing our work was done here I and Waver made our way out and glued away on the Flying Dutchman.

On our way back to our hideout Waver has been having second thoughts about whether he is a worthy Master for Rider, but Rider encourages him to believe in himself. Suddenly, Waver, Rider, Irisviel, and Saber sense magic from the Mion River. When they arrive, they witness Caster summoning a giant demonic monster. Seeing this I decided that I should do my job as a Grand Servant and kill the Beast and make a badass introduction. While Saber and Lancer are making a plan to destroy Caster water started to create a maelstrom with Caster in the middle of it the others taking a notice of this watched as a ship exploded out of the water the servants and masters noticing it is Riders ship and they can even hear his laughter from the shore. "Hahaha, so you decided it was a great idea to battle in MY domain. Fine I will show you the night of the King of the Sea and my ship The Flying Dutchman!" After those words were said the ship exploded with power and pirates like that of Davy Jones crew from Pirates of the Caribbean. The servants and masters were surprised by the name of the ship and the pirate crew's appearance, but his next words caught them all of guard. "It seems my ship alone won't be enough… well let's just get more Ghost Hunting!" Multiple ghost ships with crew similar to Riders suddenly appeared from the depths and started to fire with spiritual cannons causing massive damage to Caster's demon. But seeing this still not kill Caster Rider decided to do it himself by imbuing Soul into The Flying Dutchman causing everything in its path to be vaporizer, Rider increased the power of the maelstrom causing Caster's head to be closer to the water. And Rider just sailed into the Monster's head at speeds unimaginable and personal staved Caster in the face calming his soul and sending the monster back to the Throne of Hero's and a copy to his reality marble.

The other servants and masters saw the power of Rider and now knew his true identity, there is only one man to have been captain of The Flying Dutchman and that was Davy Jones. Realizing the power that Rider had and his identity they knew that Rider might be the most powerful servant in this war.

When we went to go claim our prize for killing Caster I and Waver found the dead body of Risei and seeing this I simply just take all of the Command seals with me and leave.

So I Saber is currently in front of me and Waver looking for Irisviel and got into a bit of a fight and the moment that she noticed that she wasn't here she quickly left.… so the only servants left are Saber, Archer, Berserker, and me. And it seems that Berserker and Archer are fighting and Aoi didn't get strangled… cool.

It seemed Berserker lost and Kariya died, but not to worry you see Kariya sold his soul to me so all he has to do is decided to come back to life and he will, but he's going to take Sakura and Shinji on a cruise to learn magecraft and get Sakura over her trauma. You see the Matou bloodline line has sold their soul to me so there still alive it's just they when they die they'll be a part of my armada and they gain a higher mystery, Waver has also done a similar thing.

Later that night, Waver and Rider see magical flares sent up near the theater, meant to lure them into a duel with Archer. This strangely happened in the original Fate Zero and my theory is that Fate is making the world go down the same ending, so it doesn't matter what happens in the middle of the Holy Grail War but the ending will be the same.

So I and my new first mate Waver make our way towards Archer for our fight. As I and Archer prepare to face off I unsealed Terror EX causing Archer to be momentarily disordered and giving me enough time to use my crab arm and cut off one of Archer's arms making him a little bit more than pissed and so the battle began. (if you haven't noticed I'm terribly at fight scenes)

Archer summons multiple golden portals around Rider but he just ignores them and charges Archer once again. Multiple Noble Phantasms shoot at Rider but they just harmlessly pass through him (Soul Form EX) and in Archer's shock cuts of his other arm. Rider seeing that Archer can't use EA with no arms quickly activates another Noble Phantasm, "Davy Jones Cabinet!" A portal that looks like an aquatic ravine appeared under Archer sucked him through the portal into boiling water causing him to suffer physically and take damage, in the astral plane due to the placed phantom element, and mentally, due to the mental tortures that happen in the mind of Archer. The time of fall is only 5 seconds, but for Archer, it is hours, and in the end, Archer dies instantaneously sending him to the Throne of Hero's and a copy of his soul to be sent to my reality marble.

I and Waver had reached the location of the grail only to find Saber blocking our path "So Saber it's just you and me the Devil of the Sea vs the King of Knights." But before we could have our fight Kiritsugu showed up and made Saber use her Noble Phantasm seeing this instead of stopping it I told Waver to run and with the help of my ship, I was able to send him off with a letter that I wrote that told of where I left magecraft books for him to study and about to not regret anything in his life. Getting Waver as far away as possible I watch as the grail was destroyed and the black ooze fell from the sky and consumed me and the Grail asked for my wish quickly cutting Angra Mainyu's influence from the Grail temporally and ask a none corrupted grail for "Unlimited Rum Works." And after that I let myself be sent back to the Throne of Hero's with unlimited rum.

Back in the world of water and with this time UNLIMITED RUM I decide to test some things out with my reality marble The Demon of the Sea Terror: Flying Dutchman's Penance. I can summon Sea monsters but what sea monsters, I summoned some sea serpents there pretty cool and I summon some sharks which are just really big and terrifying. I also summoned some mermaids and since I am the King of the Sea, the mermaids became a Davy Jones fan club so they were very excited to see me, and they were very beautiful. I also summoned giant squids and they were very big. But after sending them back I summoned an Aspidochelone, which is a giant turtle or whale that appears to be an island so they are powerful. I then summoned Charybdis which is a giant worm thing that sucks in water and causes a giant whirlpool to drag ships in and swallow them whole. I then summoned Bakunawa a servant so big it ATE THE FUCKING MOON, and he was big. I the. Summoned Cirein-cròin a sea servant with legs that can eat 7 whales that can disguise its self as a silverfish. After that, I summoned Curruid, the Lernaean Hydra, and Jormungandr who looked like the one form god of war. I summoned the Kraken who was big and Moby Dick who for some reason had a serpent-like tail and a sword thing in his mouth. I also summoned Capricorn who was a dark-skinned mermaid with goat horns and cartoon stars on her body's and tail with cartoon stars in her eyes, and she was more like a ditzy servant trying to please their lord so I just kept her around to try and boost her confidence and she moves by swimming through the air.

I once again felt the pull of a summon. I deactivated my Terror skill and had Capricorn go back to my reality marble for now, and I simply waited to be summoned. My last thoughts were "I wonder what war I'll appear in next?".

I felt my body materialize and I looked at my surroundings. Only to be surprised at the sound of people fighting, not like 'fighting' fighting but arguing about to become fighting, I looked at the 4 people arguing, the 2 others watching, and the 1 person trying to break up the fight. There was a red archer, a holy knight, a blue spearman, and a cloaked witch. I stood by the purple assassin and the black giant and watched with them at the scene happening right in front of us. And last but not least the Holy maiden trying to stop a fight from breaking out.

I watched on as the 4 servants looked like they were about to fight and the maiden had a look of distress on her face.

… Watching for a little bit longer before deciding to go and intervene. I slowly walked up to the 5 servants while the purple assassin looked at me questionably and the black giant didn't even seem to notice my existence.

Davy "I can't tell what I'm looking at, a bunch of Fucking children or a bunch of Fucking idiots. So what doesn't one of you Fuckers tell me what you are."

My voice snapped the servant's attention to me, but when they looked at me they were very surprised at my appearance, you know with the crab arm and leg, but were more surprised at the fact that they don't know my identity.

Davy "BUT not only are you fighting among yourselves and not getting a single idea of our situation, instead, you decided to act like children. AND so help me God if you don't give me a good reason, I wiLL FUCKING STRANGLE YOU WITH YOUR INTESTINES!"