
Reborn in black clover with Demon Slaying magic

Having reincarnated multiple times in the past, our MC is given the chance to reincarnate in another world as a vacation. Remembering the time he spent on Earth, he chooses to reincarnate into the world of Black Clover with the sword skills and breath styles from the Demon slayer manga.

Arada · Anime und Comics
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252 Chs


Pulling away from her once again, Grim saw that Mariella's eyes seemed to have glazed over and become unfocused.

'Damn, that was my second time kissing someone and she's already lost in the bliss.'

Sending over a mocking smile in Alecdolla's and Mariella's husband's direction, Grim carried the dizzy woman over towards the other ladies he had previously been surrounded by. Placing her down on a chair, he planned to leave her here to recover.

"Um sir Grim!" A middle aged noble woman abruptly called out to him.

"Hmm?" Hearing his name being called, Grim turned his head to look in that woman's direction.


The moment their eyes met, the woman suddenly found herself short of breath as she felt her heart skip a beat as those yellow eyes of his seemed to mark her. Unlike with the other noblemen that she was used to dealing with, the look in Grim's eyes gave her the feeling that he was a predator looking at a piece of meat.

And for the first time in her life, this usually arrogant noblewoman was at a loss for words.

"I- Well I just wanted to know if... If I could also dance with you?" She asked in a quiet voice.

'Dance with me?'

Feeling the piercing gazes of the rest of the noblemen standing on the other side of the room, Grim felt the corners of his lips moving upwards.

"It'll be your honour."

Taking him by his outstretched hand, the woman's face flushed red.

"Me next!"

"Me too!!"

"I want to dance with you to sir Grim!"

Hearing all the ladies desire to dance with him, he sent another mocking gaze towards the noblemen.


That night, Grim danced with 90% of the noblewomen there. What was shocking though was his stamina. One after the other, he danced without taking a break and made sure that he gave each woman an equal amount of time. And of course, he made sure to tongue wrestle with them in front of their husbands and fiancés.

Watching him engage and feel up their spouses, the noblemen attending the ball wanted nothing more than to cut Grim up into a million little pieces. But after watching how he treated nobility during the tournament and hearing the rumours about his base hopping exploits, they had no choice other than to watch since they couldn't beat him in a fight.

"Heh, pussies." Grim laughed loud enough for them to hear him.


Hearing his comments, the noblemen could only swallow their anger and hang their heads low. Being so used to living in comfort, these fuckers didn't have any combat experience nor did they even know how to properly use their magic.

'What a waste of mana.'

Once he was done with his current dance partner, Grim whisper some words into her ears before walking towards Alecdolla and Mariella's husband.

Seeing him coming over, both men put up their guard.

Walking up to them, Grim merely nodded his head and greeted them by saying "Cucks" before walking right past them and holding his hand out to Alecdolla's wife.

"May I have this dance?"

Sitting in front of him holding a glass full of wine was a pale blonde haired woman around the age of 45 but with the body of a woman in her late 20s. Wearing a tight looking strapless purple dress that assented her ample bosom, the woman gave off what Grim's fractured memories referred to as Milfy vibes as her mature charms drew him in.

"You want to dance with me?" She chuckled after hearing his offer.

"Is that problem?" Grim smiled.

"Hmm?" She hummed before looking at Alecdolla. "What do you think dear husband? Should I dance with this low born trash?"

Hearing that word "Low born" again, the smile on Grim's face stayed motionless as not a single hint of emotion could be seen.

At first he wanted to dance with her in order to embarrass Alecdolla, but after hearing the way Alecdolla's wife referred to him as, he decided to change up his plan a little.

Seeing his wife looking at him, the prideful Alecdolla actually turned away as to not meet her eyes.

"I-well... Whatever you think is best." He stuttered refusing to look at her before walking away with Mariella's husband.

"Is that so." His wife chuckled before looking back at Grim and taking his hand.

But before she could reach it, he suddenly pulled it back and with a smile on his face he said.

"Sorry but now that I think about it, I don't want to dance with you."

"What!" The woman's eyes went wide. "What do you mean you don't want to dance with me!"

"Well... I just don't think you'd be able to keep up with me."

"Keep up with you! You arrogant piece of human gar-"

"Quiet bitch."


Opening his eyes a little bitch, an invisible pressure seemed to burst out of him and slam into her.

"Gyaah!!" Suddenly finding it hard to breathe, Alecdolla's wife grabbed the front of her dress as she looked up at the low born trash and couldn't help but shudder when she saw those beaming yellow eyes.

"You called me trash earlier didn't you." Grim's cold voice pierced through the pressure. "But tell me, what makes me trash compared to someone like you?"

"What?" She squeaked.

"I said what makes someone like me trash and someone like you special? In my eyes our roles are completely reversed."

Gritting her teeth, the woman looked at Grim with defiance.

"What do you want?!" She spat.

Seeing that look in her eyes, Grim smiled slightly.

"Lets start with a name."


"Nice to meet you Valentina, do you mind if I call you Val?"

Instead of answering him, she shot him a murderous gaze.

"Val it is then." He grinned before offering his hand out again.

"Lets dance now."

Staring at his hand for a moment, she eventually looked up at him.

"I thought you said I wouldn't be able to keep up with you?"

Hearing her comment, Grim chuckled softly.

"Don't worry, I have no expectations of you."

Hearing that seemed to light a fire in Valentina as she felt like he had insulted her on a personal level. As a woman in her mid 40s, she had been to more ballroom dances than she could even count, so for a 16 year old commoner boy to say that she wasn't able to keep up with him made her feel like he was spitting on her pride.

Taking him by the hand, she pulled and rushed to the dance floor.

"Sorry, but I'm the one leading here." Not letting her run ahead of him, Grim pulled her back and wrapped his arm around her waist before escorting her to the middle of the dancefloor in front of her husband who was clenching his fists tightly.

"What do you think you're doing!" Valentina growled. "I didn't give you permission to touch me!"

"Wow, the fact that you think I care is amazing."



For the past 3 songs, Grim and Valentina had been dancing non stop. And while Valentina was accustomed to dancing, after three songs she was starting to feel her limit closing in.

'How can he still dance without even looking the slightest bit fatigued?!'

"So what do you say?"

"What?!" Hearing Grim's words, she was snapped back to reality.

"I said what's up with you and your husband? Why's he so nervous around you?"

"That is non of your concern."

"True, but-


Lowering his hand down slightly, he a grabbed a handful of her cheeks causing her to yelp.

"Would you rather have me grope you or answer my question."

"You disgust me!"

"And the fucks I give are still zero." He chuckled. "So what's it gonna be?"

Seeing that he wasn't gonna let the matter go, Valentina had no choice but to answer him.

"My husband was born into a family whose status was lower than mine." As she explained some of the noble hierarchy to Grim, she didn't realize it but she was becoming more and more comfortable with him as she even start talking about some personal details.

Listening to her, Grim couldn't help but think how easy it was to deal with women from nobility. Surrounded by nothing but spineless men who could do nothing but talk and flaunt their status, it was no wonder that someone like him who didn't care for status and used actions to convey his meaning would catch the interest of so many nobles.


As the two danced to the pace of the music, Valentina slowly found herself starting to enjoy Grim's company as he quietly listened to her complaints. Unlike her husband who did his best to avoid her, Grim seemed to welcome her presence.

But just as the two were about to move onto the next dance, the sight of Mariella getting up attracted Grim's attention.

Showing Val a kind smile, he apologised to her and excused himself.

Watching him walk away and leave her on the dance floor only to take hold of another woman's hand. Valentina felt her body tremble.


Seeing the two of them leaving together, Valentina clenched her fists and followed after them.

Gotta love how Grim's slowly creating chaos without actually fighting or using [Roast no Jutsu].

Random Fact: Named her Valentina because I was drinking a valentines day smoothie while writing.

Random Fact 2: So I just watched Helluvaboss on Youtube (Pilot-ep 3) and I got to say, Grim would really fit in there. After watching the prequel pilot of Hazbin Hotel and getting to see the world in more detail, I gotta say, Grim might even thrive there.

Anyway, check it out if you haven't and I'll see yall in tomorrow's chp.

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