
Reborn in black clover with Demon Slaying magic

Having reincarnated multiple times in the past, our MC is given the chance to reincarnate in another world as a vacation. Remembering the time he spent on Earth, he chooses to reincarnate into the world of Black Clover with the sword skills and breath styles from the Demon slayer manga.

Arada · Anime und Comics
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253 Chs

Fighting without magic

'Why is every other magic knight base better than ours?'

Standing side by side with Luck and Finral, Grim and the others stood staring at the giant building in front of them.

"*Sigh* Time to get started."

After fighting both the Purple Orca's and Azure Deer squads, Grim found himself becoming more and more disappointed with this kingdom's magic knights. While he might not have fought every member of the squads due to some of them being out on missions, he reckoned that it wouldn't have made that much of a difference.

Vanishing from sight, Luck and Finral watched from a distance as Grim walked towards the last magic knight base.

'Hmm... I wonder how I could go with pure martial skill?'


"W-What is happening!!?"

Dashing towards the gathered magic knights, Grim took advantage of his ki sensing ability and the transparent world to accurately read his opponents actions and quickly use the smallest amount of movement to evade their long ranged attacks before closing in on a crystal mage.


Enhanced by his [Breath of the Beast] base strength, Grim ruthlessly slammed his palm into the crystal mage's stomach knocking the wind out of him and creating an audio boom before striking up with a palm upper cut so strong that it lifted him off his feet.

"RICK!!" Someone screamed as the saw the eyes of their friend roll into the back of his head after getting hit by Grim.


Ignoring the screams of the magic knights, Grim grabbed Rick's airborne leg and with all his strength he slammed his body down into the concrete.

Listening to the sound of Rick's bones breaking from the force of the slam, the faces of the magic knights that Grim was fight cringed as they felt as if their own bones were shaking.


Not bothering to waste anymore time, Grim released the leg he was holding and charged towards another mage located ahead of him. While the mages were shocked at Grim's methods of dispatching one of their comrades, at the end of the day they were experienced magic knights.

Seeing him charging towards one of their weaker members, three earth mages stood in front of their comrade protectively while a steel mage shot a bullet at Grim from the right side.

Simultaneously, a lightning mage shot a stream of lightning at him from the left side while a chain mage ran after him from behind. A perfect tactic that would deal with most opponents, it was just a shame that Grim wasn't most opponents. With his ki sensing combined with the transparent world their actions were as clear as day to him as a smile slithered onto his face.

Before any attack could reach him, Grim was mere moments away from arriving in front of the three earth mages. Seeing this, the three earth mages created an earth wall in front of them to block his advance. Grinning like a mad man Grim didn't slow down in the slightest as he charged towards the wall before doing something that no one expected. Instead of breaking through it was pure force, Grim chose to stretch out his leg and use the wall as a platform to kick off of and performed a clean backflip.

Watching as his figure soared over the three directional attack, the faces of the three mages fell as the stream of lightning flashed through the empty space before striking the steel mage. At the same time, the bullet fired by the steel mage had lodged itself deeply into the lightning mage's shoulder causing his to howl in pain. Worst of all was the chain mage as it turned out he added a pointed edge on the end of his chain. Landing back on the ground as the chain pierced through the earth wall, the smile on Grim's face deepened as he stood right next to the outstretched chain. Grinning wildly he grasped the chain, and with a small tug he pulled the chain back ripping the earth wall that was attached to the pointy end out from the ground. Pulling on the other end of the chain that was being held by a dumbstruck chain mage, he pulled the mage off his feet and towards himself before connecting his foot with the mage's face.


Kicking the mage into the distance, Grim who now had full control of the chain started swinging it around. Despite it having a heavy block of earth attached to the end of it, his base [Breath of the Beast] strength allowed him to swing it around like it was nothing. Now equipped with a weapon, Grim made full use of it as he started swinging it around wildly catching many mages off guard and sending a dozen of them flying with several broken bones.

Watching them fall like bowling pins, Grim increased his swinging speed to the point that he felt like he was creating a powerful mini air current despite not using wind magic.

As the magic knights fell one by one, only one thought emerged in Grim's mind.

'Where's their vice captain?'

Unlike the other vice captains in the leaflet, only this one was remembered by Grim. Kirsch Vermillion, the older brother of Mimosa Vermillion and the cousin of Noelle Silva.

"Ah, how unsightly."

Walking out from the entrance of the Coral Peacock base's door, a young man with long side-parted hair that is tied back with a braid going across his hairline and a thin band around his head walked out. Sporting two black hanging earrings and the Coral Peacock magic knight vest, Grim paused his assault on the broken magic knights and shifted his attention onto the newcomer.

"Kirsch Vermillion."

Halting his steps, Kirsch took a moment to look Grim up and down before showing off an expression of disgust.


"Ah, that's more like it." Grim smiled dropping the chain and looking at Kirsch. "For a moment I was worried that you'd turn out to be a nice guy... But that attitude of yours will make this so much more satisfying."

Letting out a yawn, Grim stretched his arms.

"Now I know that you weren't there when I said this previously, but lets see if your status can protect you from my power."

Finally at the last magic knight base, about time to. Mostly just there to show how much stronger Grim with mana control/ki/transparent world is compared to Grim at the start of the ff. Now I know that he's obviously stronger, but these fight were just to show how incomparable he was to his past self.

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