
Reborn in black clover with Demon Slaying magic

Having reincarnated multiple times in the past, our MC is given the chance to reincarnate in another world as a vacation. Remembering the time he spent on Earth, he chooses to reincarnate into the world of Black Clover with the sword skills and breath styles from the Demon slayer manga.

Arada · Anime und Comics
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252 Chs

Explosive Power


Watching in horror as Grim's sword tore through her brother's body, words refused to form in Lilith's mouth. For the first time in her centuries long years of life, she was scared.

'I-I'm really going to die...'

"Haah..." Flashing the blood off his sword and staining the ground, Grim watched as the two halves of Nahamah's body crumbled to the floor.

"Incredible." Nacht muttered from a distance.

Still kneeling on the ground and slowly recovering his lost mana, he too was at a loss for words. A supreme devil... A devil of the highest fucking order just died! How could he not be at a loss for words!

Something that shouldn't theorectically be possible just happened before his very eyes.

Supreme devils?

Immunity to physical damage?

What a goddamn joke!

Even with all those haxs and powers, it meant nothing in front of his sword.

'He really did it... He did the impossible...'

He knew Grim was strong, his fight with the past wizard kings was more than enough to prove that. But even so, he had greatly underestimated the power of [Demon Slaying Magic].

With [Demon Slaying Magic] and [Anti-Magic] on our side, WE'VE WON.


For the first time in ages... Nacht laughed.

'The fuck happened to him?'

Listening to Nacht's joy filled laughter, Lilith and Grim both shared a confused look.

"Well anyway." He turned his attention back to the female devil. "I'm gonna kill you now."


"W-Wait, wait, wait!!" She yelled in panic seeing his sword rise into the air.

'I-I can't die here!'

"You're still not satisfied right?! W-Well me too!! I wasn't even able to display everything I was capable of yet!"

"Oh?" Grim's eyebrows rose slightly. "Is that so."

"100%!! Killing me now would be such as waste! Wouldn't you rather fight me at the height of my power? At a level that even you cannot comprehend!"

"...A level that I can't comprehend huh?... Okay."

*Releases her from his gravity*

"Show me what you got."

Releasing her from the gravity of his [Red Sun] and letting her drop, he watched her scramble over to her deceased brother's dissipating corpse.

'Oh? His body is breaking down just like Zagred's... Devil deaths are so weird.'

Freezing Nahamah's body to stop its dissipation, Lilith felt like her heart was stuck in her throat as Grim's inhumane like gaze ran all over her body.

"One chance." Grim's demonic voice echoed in her ears. "Don't disappoint."

Shivering at the sound of those words, her desperation was on full display.

'I have to live, I have to live, I have to live.'

With this singular thought driving her forward, she grabbed hold of both halves of Nahamah's sliced face and pressed them against her own.

'Don't worry Nahamah, our time isn't over yet.'

Holding onto his corpse, a deep black substance flowed out and swallowed the two devils whole.

'Together, we'll kill this monster!'

"What have you done!"

Stumbling his way over, Nacht looked at the masked Grim with a mixture of panic and concern in his eyes.


"...Started round 2."

"Kekekekekhahahahahahaha." Dark laughter flowed out from within the black substance.


An insane amount of hot and cold mana that threatened to destroy the surrounding area suddenly erupted out of the black substance.



Contrary to Grim who was marvelling at the dark wave of negative mana, Nacht held the sides of his head as it took everything in his power not to fall to his knees.

'This mana, it feels like its driving me insane!'

Stepping forward and taking the full brunt of it, Grim's eyes lit up the moment he lay eyes on the devil emerging from the black substance.

Nahamah and Lilith... They had fused into one being.

"We... Will... Kill... You..."


Releasing even more mana than before, from the floor to the ceiling, everything was covered in burning ice and freezing fire.

"Prepare... To... Die..." Speaking with the duality of both Nahamah and Lilith, the power radiating off the devil was far more than a simple one plus one.


Releasing his own mana in response to hers, white flames flooded the area.


Seeing her own ice and fire being pushed back by a being whose mana levels were inferior to her own, hatred flashed through the fused devil's eyes.


Vanishing from sight, the sound of sword and ice clashing echoed out.

*TING!!* *TING!!* *TING!!*



With every successful collision, ice, fire and white flames rained from the sky.

"Fusion eh? Do I have to guess your pronouns now?"


In between dodging the fused devil's attacks, Grim didn't forget to talk some shit.

Thrusting their left arm forward, a powerful beam of Devil fire identical to the one Nahamah had fired off earlier but several times more power formed in her hand.



Jumping back and backflipping away, Grim's foot made contact with the fused devil's wrist and forced her hand up towards the sky.



With the beam of devil fire redirected upwards, rage filled the fused devil's eyes while Grim laughed.


*Swoosh!!* *Swoosh!!* *Swoosh!!*

[8th Tail: Fire Thief] [5th Tail: Blaze Born]

Running along the side of a giant falling icicle and dodging the ranged attacks from the fused devil above, the grin on Grim's face continued to widen as he tapped into the unique abilities of the 5th and 8th tail to siphon off all the flames in the area and convert it all into raw physical strength.



Stomping down hard enough for large spider-like cracks to begin spreading through the ice, the muscles in his legs started to tighten up as an explosive amount of might burst out from his body and he shot through the air with enough force that the icicle behind him shattered into pieces.



Cutting through the air with his laughter, the fused devil barely had time to think before Grim was upon them.

'So fast!'

"Night Night you gender confused prick!"

With all the fire in the area converted into his own physical strength, Grim's pulled back his right arm that rippled with incredible physical might and-


Slammed it straight into the devil's stomach.


Unable to even respond to the situation, the veins in the fused devil's eyes practically burst as that punch nearly tore a hole through their stomach.

*BANG!!* *BANG!!* *BANG!!*

Feeling several organs in their body squished and turned to mush, the air whistled loudly as the fused devil's body was thrown skywards and the shockwave from the punch and stomach connecting created a loud sonic boom.


Crashing through the ceiling and several layers of earth and soil, the fused devil finally broke through to the snow covered surface. With an indented stomach and blood spurting out of their mouth, the momentum from the punch finally fizzled out as the fused devil's body crumpled out of the air and hit the ground. 

*Cough* *Cough* *Blerghh!!*

Violently throwing up several mouthfuls of dark blood and small bits of inner organs, the fused devil felt pain like never before. If moving didn't hurt so much, she would of curled up into the fetal position and started crying.

"You're still alive?"

Hearing the echo of Grim's demon-like voice, all the blood in the fused devil's body ran cold as it barely managed to raise its head and see Grim hovering above the snow.

"Now then *smiles* what should we do next?"

'No, no, no!!'

Landing on the snow and without any other thought in his head, he started making his way towards the defeated devil.


Walking at a slow pace, every step he took rung in the fused devil's ear.

"Maybe I should cut your throat open and play around in the blood that gushes out?"

"Or would it be better to break all your limbs and then toss you into the sea?"

'This boy... HE'S A MONSTER!'

"Ooh! I know." He stood over them with a demonic grin.

"Instead of killing you, wouldn't it be more fun to test out just how resilent a devil's body and mind truly are? Ahh, I can imagine it now, the delicious screams you'll make as I play with every inch of that devilish body. I think I'll start with your eyes first, I've always wanted to see if a spoon could scoop them out. Then I'll see if its possible to twist your ears off, then I'll try to pull your nose off and rip your mouth off your face. And when I'm done playing with you face, I'll slowly make my way down to the rest of your body. Crushing your fingers and ripping them off sounds particulary fun, I can't wait to try that."

With every word that left his mouth, the face of the fused devil became paler and paler. 

It even started questioning which of them was the real devil?

Another long chapter before the fight climax.

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