
Reborn Hearts: The Twisted Ties of Love, Destiny And Second Chances.

In a whirlwind of fate, Li Meiying finds herself transported back in time to a critical moment in her life. Just as she was about to marry the Nation's prince actor, Li Chenwei and live out her fairytale dreams, tragedy strikes when she drowns after falling off the yacht where her wedding was to take place. But instead of meeting her demise, Meiying is reborn and given a second chance. As Meiying comes to terms with her new reality, she discovers that she is now back in the time when she was contracted to marry the cold-hearted and nonchalant Wang Xuejian. Desperate to break free and pursue her true love, Li Chenwei, she approaches Wang Xuejian with a plea to dissolve the contract. However, to her shock and confusion, he refuses, going against the agreement he had made in her previous life. Now Meiying wonders why things aren't going according to plan, and why the once nonchalant Xuejian is suddenly meddling in her affairs. Xuejian begins to reveal a side of himself that Meiying had never seen before. As she navigates the complexities of her rebirth, her heart torn between Li Chenwei who she had initially chosen and the mysterious Wang Xuejian who now holds her fate in his hands, Meiying finds herself at a crossroads. With her once predictable world turned upside down, Meiying is faced with a choice. Will she continue to chase her previous dreams, or will the unexpected bond she forms with Xuejian open her heart to the possibility of a different kind of love? Can she trust Xuejian's motives? "Master Xuejian, Mistress was spotted in front of Master Chenwei's mansion" Xiaojin, Xuejian's assistant informed. "So ..." Xuejian said not looking up from the documents that he was reading. "She claimed to be his wife" "This is just another one of her dramas for attention" "She also said she loves him and also misses him" "What are standing there for, bring her back to me right now" Xuejian said as he bang his hand on his table. Note: It is not purely a love triangle story as there will also be other male characters that will pursue the female lead. Like it? Add to your library. Thanks for reading too.

CelesteVega · Urban
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31 Chs

Do You Now Understand The Truth?

Xuejian was obviously exhausted when he finally drove back home. The entire morning, he had meticulously scrutinized surveillance footage and conducted interviews with numerous witnesses. His unwavering determination to unearth any shred of evidence that could vindicate Meiying was unmistakable. The dark circles under his eyes were a testament to his dedication.

After the conference, his assistant, Xiaojin, had informed him that there was still work to be done at the office. However, Xuejian insisted on working from home. All he wanted now was to sit down with Meiying and discuss the events of the previous night.

As he entered his residence, a commotion from the dining hall caught his attention, leaving him both shocked and amazed. Meiying was pouring wine into the glasses held by the maids, taking swigs straight from the bottle herself. Butler Yang stood nearby, observing with a sense of responsibility, as expected of him.

To Xuejian's confusion, Meiying began dancing and even encouraged the maids to join in. He couldn't help but remember that this was the same carefree and lively Meiying he had known in their school days. It seemed that her fall from the tree had somehow awakened a part of her personality that had been suppressed since their marriage.

Watching Meiying dance and laugh with the maids, Xuejian had an unexpected thought: perhaps he should thank whoever had removed the ladder from the tree that caused Meiying's fall.

Still dancing, Meiying approached the entrance of the dining hall and froze upon realizing Xuejian had been watching. The entire room fell silent. Xuejian, far from being angry, looked rather amused.

"Everyone, return to your duties," he commanded, and everyone left in an orderly manner, save for two maids who began tidying up. Butler Yang stood before Xuejian and greeted him, "Master, welcome back. Mistress felt the need to celebrate after you cleared her name," he explained.

Xuejian simply nodded. Meiying, attempting to escape unnoticed, was suddenly scooped up by Xuejian in a princess-like fashion. He carried her to her room, entered the bathroom, and gently placed her in the shower before turning it on. Meiying's screams echoed through the room.

"Xuejian!" she yelled, her lungs seeming as if they were about to burst. Xuejian couldn't help but notice that this was the second time he had heard her call his name since they got married.

"We need to talk, and I can't talk to you while you're drunk," he said before leaving the bathroom, while Meiying glared at his back.

Once Meiying finished in the bathroom, she put on a bathrobe and realized Xuejian was nowhere to be found in the room. She decided to get dressed before going out to find him. As she entered her walk-in closet, she was surprised to see Xuejian organizing his male clothing into the empty wardrobes.

"What is going on?" she asked in confusion.

"Since we've been sleeping together, I figured that I should just move in," he informed casually, continuing to arrange his clothes.

Meiying stared at him with her mouth agape. It suddenly dawned on her that if she continued to spend nights with Xuejian throughout the year, there was a high possibility she could lose her virginity.

She hugged her bathrobe tightly, grabbed her nightwear, and quickly left the closet to change in the bathroom. She needed to figure out a way to make Xuejian leave on his own accord.

Later that night, after Xuejian had finished everything, including his bath, he called Meiying to his study for a talk.

They sat opposite each other on the couches. Xuejian retrieved an envelope and placed it on the table before passing it to Meiying. She hesitantly opened it.

Meiying froze. How did Xuejian obtain this? Was he now stalking her? "Did you hire people to follow me?" she asked, anger bubbling within her.

"Well, yes. I was worried about you after your fall from the tree, so I assigned people to watch over you, suspecting someone had intentionally removed the ladder," Xuejian explained.

Meiying scoffed. "You intruded on my privacy without permission," she retorted.

Xuejian sighed, determined to get back on track. "Let's... just focus on the issue at hand. Why did you go to Li Chenwei's house that day?"

Meiying blinked, unsure of how to answer. Should she tell him the truth? No, perhaps it's best not to. Revealing the truth might lead him to think she's gone mad and institutionalize her, thereby bidding farewell to her one opportunity to be close to Chenwei and fulfill her dreams.

"I went there because...well, I'm actually an ardent admirer of his! So when I regained consciousness that morning, my only thought was to catch a glimpse of his face. It brings me a sense of relief and helps quell my fears," Meiying couldn't believe the words that escaped her lips. She felt repulsed, as if she were describing the actions of those fanatic individuals.

Xuejian, on the other hand, looked at her as if she were a stranger. Does he truly know who this woman is? He squinted his eyes, searching for any flaws in her behaviour, but found none, or perhaps she's simply adept at concealing them.

He then had to pretend he believed her, "Okay."

On the other hand, Meiying couldn't let this go, as he had just trapped her, so she attempted to do the same. "When you mentioned wanting to talk to me, I thought it was about your INFIDELITY," she emphasized the last word.

As Xuejian was already prepared, he went to his desk and fetched an iPad, which he handed to her along with his cellphone. "Play them both simultaneously."

Meiying felt perplexed, but as she glanced at both screens, she discovered a video on the screen of the iPad and a recording on the screen of the cellphone. It seemed like the recording on the cellphone was an audio for the video on the iPad. She pressed play on both.

On the iPad screen, Zhou Lumei approached Xuejian in the hallway, just after he concluded a phone call.

"Long time no see, Master Xuejian," she smiled.

"Likewise," Xuejian replied, attempting to walk past her, but Lumei grabbed his arm.

"I've missed you so much. When will you divorce that dreadful wife of yours?" she inquired, her smile concealing an ugly expression. This infuriated Xuejian, prompting him to push Lumei against the wall.

"If you utter those words one more time, I'll rip that mouth off your face," he threatened, releasing her. However, as he attempted to walk away, Lumei spoke up.

"I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival for countless years," Lumei expressed with a hint of longing in her voice.

Xuejian slowly approached her, his gaze filled with resignation. "Then perhaps you should give up," he said, his eyes fixed upon her. "I'm aware that there are already suitors lining up for your affection..." he raised her chin up, "With a face as beautiful as yours, it is certain that you will capture the heart of a more dashing and prosperous man than myself." That was when Meiying suddenly entered the hallway, causing the video and audio to abruptly halt.

Meiying stared at the iPad in disbelief and released a nervous laugh as she looked away from Xuejian. In her mind, she reassured herself, 'It was clearly just a misunderstanding.'

"Do you now understand the truth?" Xuejian inquired, to which Meiying simply nodded. Overwhelmed with embarrassment, she couldn't find the words to speak.

After hurling insults and curses at Xuejian, she was now faced with the realization that he was not only innocent but also willing to defend her. Memories rushed back to her, recalling the conference where he had bravely cleared her name and warned anyone who dared to tarnish her reputation. Xuejian was evidently striving to become a better husband, but why?

Meiying looked up at Xuejian, who was locked in a gaze with her. "Why?" she questioned, her voice filled with confusion. Xuejian looked back at her, bewildered by her inquiry.

"Why are you doing all of this? Why are you helping me, standing up for me, and even accompanying me to the cast gathering, despite being fully aware of your own busy schedule? Why have you changed now?" Meiying intended to ask why he hadn't shown this kindness in her previous life, but the words remained unspoken.

Xuejian stared at her for a moment, allowing the weight of her words to sink in. "I don't want you to suffer any longer, and I wish to redeem myself for my actions in the past two years," he finally revealed, his voice filled with conviction.

Meiying's eyes welled up with tears, teetering on the brink of a breakdown. Had this scenario played out in her previous life, she would have fought to win his love after hearing such heartfelt words. However, things were different now; her heart belonged to another.

Her only wish now is that when she divorces him, she hopes he finds happiness.

Meiying, he might never find it without you in his life...hehehe.

Sorry for the late update, I feel like a wilted flower today. But Thank you very much for reading.

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