
Reborn Hearts: The Twisted Ties of Love, Destiny And Second Chances.

In a whirlwind of fate, Li Meiying finds herself transported back in time to a critical moment in her life. Just as she was about to marry the Nation's prince actor, Li Chenwei and live out her fairytale dreams, tragedy strikes when she drowns after falling off the yacht where her wedding was to take place. But instead of meeting her demise, Meiying is reborn and given a second chance. As Meiying comes to terms with her new reality, she discovers that she is now back in the time when she was contracted to marry the cold-hearted and nonchalant Wang Xuejian. Desperate to break free and pursue her true love, Li Chenwei, she approaches Wang Xuejian with a plea to dissolve the contract. However, to her shock and confusion, he refuses, going against the agreement he had made in her previous life. Now Meiying wonders why things aren't going according to plan, and why the once nonchalant Xuejian is suddenly meddling in her affairs. Xuejian begins to reveal a side of himself that Meiying had never seen before. As she navigates the complexities of her rebirth, her heart torn between Li Chenwei who she had initially chosen and the mysterious Wang Xuejian who now holds her fate in his hands, Meiying finds herself at a crossroads. With her once predictable world turned upside down, Meiying is faced with a choice. Will she continue to chase her previous dreams, or will the unexpected bond she forms with Xuejian open her heart to the possibility of a different kind of love? Can she trust Xuejian's motives? "Master Xuejian, Mistress was spotted in front of Master Chenwei's mansion" Xiaojin, Xuejian's assistant informed. "So ..." Xuejian said not looking up from the documents that he was reading. "She claimed to be his wife" "This is just another one of her dramas for attention" "She also said she loves him and also misses him" "What are standing there for, bring her back to me right now" Xuejian said as he bang his hand on his table. Note: It is not purely a love triangle story as there will also be other male characters that will pursue the female lead. Like it? Add to your library. Thanks for reading too.

CelesteVega · Urban
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31 Chs

Chef Xuejian.

Meiying had just finished freshening up when her stomach suddenly rumbled. She had only consumed two steamed buns before heading to the audition, so it was only natural for her to be hungry. As she exited her room, about to descend the stairs, she spotted a figure peeping into a nearby room. Drawing closer, she discovered it was none other than Qingting.

Silently, Meiying approached Qingting and mimicked her position, bending down beside her. "Nice view," she whispered, her voice barely audible against Qingting's ear. Startled, Qingting turned to face Meiying with surprise in her eyes.

"You're back!" Qingting exclaimed.

"Where else would I be? I returned with Xuejian."

"Oh," Qingting muttered with disappointment.

"Can you please explain why you're standing here in front of my husband's study?" Meiying demanded, folding her arms and wearing a serious expression.

Qingting was speechless for a moment, but she quickly regained composure. "I was just passing by," she replied.

Meiying let out a laugh. "Don't play coy. That's not what I saw," she retorted.

Surprised by Meiying's response, Qingting hesitated before finally coming closer. "I've noticed something different about you since you woke up. You've been acting strangely," Qingting observed.

Meiying scoffed. "How so?"

"You seem to believe that you now own this house," Qingting stated.

Amusement danced in Meiying's eyes. Has Qingting gone mad? Of course, she owns the house. Perhaps it's because she allowed Qingting to do as she pleased without restrictions. But those days are over.

Before Meiying could retort, she was interrupted by Xuejian's calm voice from inside the study. "Are you ladies planning to continue your discussion outside my door?" Although his tone was composed, both women knew there was an underlying tension.

Startled, Qingting quickly fled the scene. Meiying, however, was stopped in her tracks by Xuejian, who called out to her.

Frozen for a moment, Meiying then entered the room with a wide smile on her face. Meiying gracefully entered the room, her radiant smile stretching across her face. There she found Xuejian perched upon a ladder, meticulously searching through the collection of books that adorned the shelf.

"Have you and Qingting been embroiled in yet another dispute?" he queried, his gaze fixed upon the books.

"No, our encounter was a mere coincidence in the hallway, and we simply engaged in casual conversation," she responded, her tone filled with ease.

"So the two of you are now on good terms?" he inquired further.

Meiying couldn't help but chuckle. "No way," she retorted, realizing her slip-up. Deciding to change the subject, she swiftly added, "By the way, are you feeling hungry? I was about to prepare some noodles."

Upon hearing her words, Xuejian paused, his attention finally diverted from the books. Descending the ladder with a book clutched in his hand, he approached her with an intense gaze. In an unexpected moment, he abruptly slammed both the book and his hand together, creating a resounding noise that caused Meiying to momentarily jump in startlement.

"What were you saying?" he queried, repeating his question once again.

Meiying nervously regarded him, mustering a strained smile. "Oh, nothing important. I shall take my leave now," she stammered, promptly vanishing from his presence within seconds.

Descending the stairs, Meiying cast a quick glance back up at the stairway. Frustration welled within her, and she playfully threw a series of blows into the invisible air. Truly, Xuejian was becoming intolerable. Could it be that his behavior was a consequence of the disaster that had transpired last week? Utterly despicable.

Determined to shake off her unease, Meiying made her way into the kitchen where she encountered Chef Liang, the head chef.

"Mistress, how may I be of assistance to you?" he politely inquired.

"I am feeling rather famished," she replied.

"But, if my recollection serves me correctly, you had specifically instructed us not to prepare any food for you as you intended to dine out," Chef Liang expressed, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"I had initially planned to eat elsewhere, yet your master dissuaded me. Nonetheless, don't just worry, for I shall take charge of preparing the meal myself," Meiying assured him with a genuine smile.

"Are you absolutely certain, ma'am?" Chef Liang inquired, seeking clarification.

"Yes, indeed. Now, I simply require some space," she affably responded, strolling towards the expansive island situated at the heart of the kitchen.

"Not a problem, ma'am. Should you necessitate any assistance, please do not hesitate to summon me," he kindly offered before taking his leave.

Meiying proceeded to open the cupboards adorning the kitchen wall, retrieving noodles and selecting a few additional ingredients necessary for her culinary endeavor.

"Make that two," Meiying swiftly spun around, her gaze directed towards the entrance, where she spotted Xuejian nonchalantly leaning against the doorframe.

"I thought you weren't hungry," she questioned, a tinge of perplexity in her voice.

"I am, my dear. It's merely that I didn't want to taste your cooking ," he replied with a sly grin.

Curiosity sparked within Meiying. "What caused this sudden change of heart?"

"Because, this time, I shall be the one preparing the meal," he stated assertively as he approached her.

A mischievous glint danced in her eyes. "And what makes you believe that I would willingly partake in your cooking?"

"In that case, I shall only prepare mine," he declared, swiftly snatching the noodles from the island. Meiying promptly retrieved another packet from the cupboard, placing it in front of him.

"I would love to savor a taste of Chef Xuejian's cooking," she giggled.

"Then, step aside," he ordered, prompting her to move towards a stool positioned on the other side of the island.

Xuejian ventured toward the refrigerator, procuring a container. "What's that?" Meiying inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Chicken broth," he disclosed.

After contemplating for a brief moment, Meiying asked, "What are you preparing?"

"Chicken Noodle Soup with Egg Drop," he responded.

"Egg! May I have the honor of beating the eggs?" Meiying asked, excitement lacing her words.

"No," he stated firmly.

"But I really want to help," she persisted.

"I can manage it on my own," he retorted, declining her request.

"Then, I shall simply abstain from partaking in dinner," she threatened.

Xuejian chuckled, "More for me, then."

"I'm truly being serious here," Meiying asserted, her anger simmering.

"Cease acting like a spoilt child," he admonished.

Meiying's fury reached its peak as she snatched a knife from the utensil rack and pointed it at Xuejian. A mixture of amusement and surprise played across his face.

"Fine, you may beat the eggs," he finally relented.

A wide smile formed on her lips as she retrieved a few eggs from the refrigerator, cracking them into a rinsed bowl before whisking them vigorously.

After fifteen minutes the meal was ready. Xuejian divided the cooked noodles into two serving bowls, skillfully pouring the hot chicken and egg drop soup over them. Lastly, he garnished the noodles with freshly chopped greens before placing one of the bowls in front of Meiying.

As the mouthwatering aroma wafted from the bowl, Meiying couldn't resist sniffing the delectable creation, her anticipation growing. Xuejian approached her, settling onto the stool by her side.

"Aren't you going to eat?" he inquired, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Hush, I'm immersing myself in the moment," she hushed him, continuing to sniff the tempting fragrance.

"I thought you mentioned that it wasn't proper to sniff one's food," he remarked.

"Are you feeling angry? Do you now understand how it feels?" she asked through clenched teeth.

"Wait, were you intentionally trying to make me angry?" Xuejian queried in astonishment as she nodded in confirmation.

"You're merely wasting your time," he replied, commencing his meal.

Meiying could feel an overwhelming urge to unleash her frustration upon him. This man had been incessantly teasing and taunting her since her rebirth, leaving her to wonder what had transpired to the nonchalant individual who preferred to keep his distance.

Deciding to spare herself from further annoyance, she opted to let him be, refusing to allow him to ruin her evening any longer. With a satisfied slurp of the noodles, she closed her eyes, relishing every delightful flavor that danced upon her taste buds.

Following the enjoyable meal, Xuejian and Meiying engaged in a playful dispute over who would take care of the dishes. In the end, Xuejian emerged victorious.

Yet, as he diligently carried out his task, a slender, yet undeniably beautiful hand wrapped around his waist, causing him to halt in shock.

Meiying gently rested her head against his broad back, her voice filled with gratitude as she murmured, "Chef Xuejian, thank you for this delicious meal." A warm smile adorned her face, but Xuejian stood frozen, feeling an onslaught of emotions all at once.

Meiying looked back to their banter minutes ago, it was indeed refreshing as she had never conversed with him like this in her previous life. If only things were different she would be trying to sustain this marriage but her heart belongs to another now.

Xuejian isn't even trying hard and Meiying has started having double mind.

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