
Thoughts on marriage.

Slowly by slowly, Phoebe's jaw dropped as the old woman displayed behaviors she had never seen before. The always refined and elegant matriarch of the Saxon family could actually accurately pass for a commoner so well. 

[Who is she? Can she even finish all this food?]

Grandma Saxon read Phoebe's thoughts and she chuckled. 

The old woman stretched her arms and cracked her neck as if she was warming up for a marathon. The more that she behaved like this, the more Phoebe was frightened. 

Her thoughts were still scattered when the food varieties were delivered to their table. Grandma Saxon further shocked Phoebe by taking a large sip of the beer first and exhaling loudly. 

"That's the taste." she said to herself. She then set out on a food eating marathon like she was so familiar with it.