
The scummiest of them all.

On hearing David's words, the two women stared at each other in disbelief, Grandma Mayfair was outrun by a mixture of emotions mostly shock and surprise.

Phoebe surprisingly burst into laughter when her eyes met those of her grandmother, her reaction startled David the most.

"What am I missing?" He asked as he perched himself on the edge of the chair.

Pulling her brows into a frown, grandma Mayfair wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Child did you say Dickson was involved?" She queried.

David nodded; his face still shadowed by confusion. "Yes! My cousin Dickson. He used his Saxon influence to persuade people into signing that damn petition. When I see him, I swear to God...." His palm met his fist to express what he intended to do.