
Short battle of the suitors

The playful accusations and denial continued until David dropped Phoebe at the cafe. He did not follow as he had other business to attend to. He went to the Alfa security firm to dig as much information as possible on Abel Castor. He didn't want Phoebe walking into an unknown mess.

First he went to speak to Roman who was in their surveillance room.

"How are the guests in the house next door?"

He was referring to the Gabriels and Ruth that had moved into a house close by at Roman's demand.

"They are following the instructions we gave them, can they dare to disobey when we have their son?" 

David was pleased by the answer, he had told Roman to ensure that the Gabriels gave Ruth a taste of what Phoebe endured all the years when she lived with them.

"What about the person i asked you to look into?"