
It all falls.

His words were truly the opposite of what she expecting to hear. She stared at him in total shock cause he too was abandoning her and knowing his ambitions, it was probably for Phoebe, that bitch.

"You said you loved me!" She said, in an angry voice.

"I do but now that you have been kicked to the curb i can't do anything about it, my mother will not let me marry you. I will become a laughing stock if i take you home as my wife. Besides, love alone cannot sustain a marriage, I want the Mayfair connection dear.

I am willing to take care of you if you will be my mistress. I love you, so i will make sure you never lack for anything. I can buy a big house, cars and everything you want."

Ruth recoiled away from his touch, disgusted by the suggestion. She was Ruth Mayfair! how dare he suggest that she become his mistress?

Dickson scoffed. He did not want to mock her but it was obvious she still needed time to understand her new reality.