
It's gone.

Phoebe eagerly looked at the Saxon spirit. She had long been envious of it's abilities to do different things with the snap of a finger. She on the other hand could not even lift something heavy from point A to point B without the help of the ghosts. She could not even create or breathe life into paper men. More importantly, she had zero shamanic skills and she relied on the Saxon spirit for everything.

This was an opportunity for her to gain that abilities to rely on herself in case the spirit vanished one day.

"It's cultivation, right?" she clapped her hands excitedly.

"Why do you keep calling it that? It's....." The spirit sighed and let it go. Whatever she wanted to call it didn't matter so much as putting to practice what she was taught.

The spirit waved it's hand and a book dropped into Phoebe's hands. It was a large book with a plain gold cover. On the middle of the hard cover was an image of two rows of sharp teeth and a black tunnel between.