
Failed plan

"A shaman!" The police chief exclaimed.

"Yes, a shaman." Amon repeated with emphasis. He turned to Shark, the only officer that had bothered to protest the injustice Phoebe had faced. What was the relationship between the two, he wondered. Was she really dating David? 

The police chief stood up and pointed to the two officers. "You two have been suspended pending investigation. You dared to punch David Saxon's girlfriend, sexually harassed her and tried to book her under a false name. Before all the big shots involved in this case call for my head, i will serve them yours. Arrest them." 

Shark and Maeve put the two officers in handcuffs. 

All the officers had forgotten all about the single reporter in the station that had been fishing for a big story. They didn't even notice when the reporter slipped out. The only remembered when Citrus daily, released an article online which shook the entire country.