
Delivering bad news.

The words that came out of Ekhart's mouth angered the old man, pushing him to bang the table to express his fury.

"Very good, you are showing your true colors now. Is that why you went behind my back to depose me from the position of chairman? You ungrateful bunch of idiots, I worked single handedly to revive our corporations. Our ancestors had sold off most of our lands, it is i Luther that bought them back and restored the Verdemont name to its glory. But now i realize that I have been toiling in vain! I cannot leave my fortune in the hands of greedy vultures like you."

Ekhart dismissed his father's words arrogantly, the power was already in his hands after all.

"Oh come on father! You are old, the corporation needs young blood to run it. Stop with the threats, we are Verdemonts too and we are entitled to that wealth."