
Salada's World Martial Arts Tournament

Vegeta continued to practice the techniques he brought back from the Narutoverse. There, one had to operate their energy in a certain manner for certain effects.

Each technique was unique, needing to traverse through their energy circulatory system in different patterns to activate such arts.

Kind of like using cheat codes by manipulating the Ki in their bodies in the proper manner. The Kamehameha and other Ki attacks worked similarly, only the Dragon Ball methods were more brute force, whereas Jutsus were far more gentle, refined, and complex.

Vegeta realized that he didn't have time to waste cultivating here, so he focused on making a Movement Art, Martial Art, Support Art, and Energy Art.

His Movement Art took him 3 months to perfect. He called it Instant Step Technique. It allowed him to go from zero to his max speed instantly.

His burst of speed was quicker than lightning, and because of his tough physique and sharp senses, Vegeta didn't suffer any disadvantages.

For example, things like running into an object, making life-threatening mistakes, and trying to turn at high speeds, just wasn't an issue. Normally, a shift in momentum at such speeds would rip a person's skeleton out of their body, but because he had Ki and could fly, Vegeta could just move in the other direction to cancel out his momentum.

Next, Vegeta used another 3 months perfecting his Martial Art. When he finished, he named the Martial Art the Oozaru Style.

It invoked the primordial strength of his Oozaru form creating a technique that multiplied his physical damage output by tens of times. Every punch and kick would be imbued with Primordial Energy that tapped into the power of their ancestry.

This was a massive breakthrough for Vegeta. Normally their Ki attacks barely modified their strength at all. Even Goku's Super Kamehameha merely multiplied the strength of their Ki by 3 times.

After he finished laying out the basics of his martial arts style, Vegeta spent another 3 months mastering his Support Technique.

He called it, Auto Heal. Whenever he took serious damage, Vegeta's magic would kick in casting a Full Heal or Regenerate Spell without consciously casting the spell.

Depending on the severity of the damage, it wouldn't activate unless absolutely necessary.

Vegeta then finished off another 3 months completing his Energy Art. The energy art was an improved version of Super Galick Gun, he decided to name it Galick Buster. As it was several times better than his original attack, it seemed appropriate for Vegeta to call it a buster of his original signature move.

Instead of a 2.8 times modifier, or the 3.5 times boost of his Galic Kamehameha, the new Galic Buster was able to increase his Ki output by 15 Times.

Vegeta opened his eyes to discover that he had already trained for two years inside the Timeless Training Grounds. While this was barely anytime outside, the fact remained, he had done nothing but sit on his ass and contemplated the whole time.

The only good news was that he decided to stay in Super Saiyan 4, to increase. The multiplier while meditating was a good idea that Vegeta took full advantage of.

On top of that, through the aid of his ability to cultivate ambient Ki, Vegeta still had his base power advancing at a very slow growth rate.

Not only did this surprise Vegeta, but it also made him ecstatic too.

"I can get stronger just through meditation! Hahaha! Well, I suppose it makes sense, Piccolo does the same thing, so now I can do it too!" Vegeta said as he threw his arms into the air.

"Even my SS4 modifier has risen by 5,000. Hmm...maybe I should regulate meditation training for the Saiyans. If I knew the boost would increase this quickly, I would have done so a long time ago."

Getting a whiff of his 2-year stench, Vegeta decided to take a bath and changed his clothing before leaving.

The only downside to cultivating was that it made time seem to flow much quicker. He barely felt like any time had passed at all, and it took him an entire year just to covert his Ki and Mana into Origin Energies.

"If I'm not careful, I might just end up cultivating for decades without even realizing it." Vegeta thought as he looked at the recovered dragon-balls.

After he rested up, Vegeta summoned Ryujinn and wished for a library to be made in both his and Goku's Training Grounds.

The library held all the techniques Kibo made or discovered and would make or discover in the future.

The special property of his library was that it would transfer all the techniques into Ki and Mana techniques that could be used in this reality.

The second wish was for all of the Z fighters and their closest Kin to receive the knowledge on how to Cultivate Origin Energy, and that he was the one who made this wish so they didn't panic.

Once the dragon disappeared, Vegeta noticed a large library appeared in the center of his Training Grounds living area.

After exploring it a bit, he felt a little down that it didn't have new techniques yet. It would only add a new Skill Book once Kibo invented it.

If Goku wanted to learn how to better craft his Ki techniques, he would have to read the information stored in the library like everybody else.

Waiting around for another year to pass, Vegeta used the Dragon Balls once more. He only wanted to make one more wish, and that was to fill up the Training Grounds with potent Origin Energy for Cultivation purposes.

Since everything was in order, Vegeta set off to return home.

Surprised by the information spilling into the Z-Fighters' heads, was almost instantly overcome when they all sensed Vegeta's Ki.

After exiting the Timeless Training Grounds, everyone knew that Vegeta had granted them this knowledge because the Saiyan King experienced its effects first hand.

The Z-Fighters were beyond thankful as they set off towards the Training Grounds to cultivate this new form of energy.

For the next few months, everyone trained inside the Timeless Training Grounds. Thankfully, due to the fact that they had eternal youth while training inside the pocket dimension, they didn't have to worry about losing track of time.

While they trained, Vegeta informed Krillin that reaching a Super Human State was possible, it just required a special training method.

He lent the dragon balls to Krillin, and after he made his wish, the knowledge on how to become a Super Human entered his head.

Krillin and the Humans were over the moon. Although they still didn't get Zenkai boosts, they still had a quicker Ki growth rate compared to the Saiyans.

Humans had always managed to advance their Base Ki to insane levels, even forcing the Saiyans to go super and above to handle their progress.

Krillin being the best example. In the Saiyan Saga, he trained for one year and increased his power by more than eight times, While that doesn't sound to impressive, he gained around half the bonus Goku got for training in 10 times gravity.

He managed to almost double his power in the six months it took him to get to Namek, with just mental fighting. No actual combat training and routine physical workouts took place between him and Gohan, all because the ship couldn't handle the strain.

If Krillin had trained in a gravity chamber like Goku the entire time, he might have been able to surpass Goku entirely.

It took Goku 6 days to get to Namek and increase his power level by a minimum of 6 times and a maximum of nine, depending on how much the Zenkai gave him from his fight with Vegeta.

Krillin spent 6 months traveling to Namek. One can only imagine how strong he would have gotten if he had a Gravity Room.

Even if humans adapted slower to gravity training, Krillin could have had continued to push himself to 100 times with Gohan and trained in it for an extensive time.

On Namek he went from around 3 Thousand to 75,000 with the aid of his hidden potential being unlocked. It rose even higher during his fight with Frieza.

In order to cut his tail off in 2nd form, Krillin had to at least reach a fourth of Frieza's power.

After being killed by Frieza and seeing his best friend achieve a power he could never hope to match, Krillin lost faith in his abilities as a fighter and repressed his own power throughout all of the rest of Z.

Sparks of his potential could be seen when he hit Imperfect Cell with a head butt that actually hurt him, and most recently in Super where he went toe to toe with Gohan and Goku.

Today, Krillin could even take it further by stacking his Kaio-Zenken along with his Buddist Techniques.

After training for several years with the tools Vegeta gave them, the Z-Fighters far surpassed their old selves by a large margin.

Vegeta was sure that even the weakest of humans these days could smack around most Kais like they were chew-toys.




Slowly, time passed by. For seven years the Z-Fighters continued to grow in anticipation of Fu's return.

However, it never came.

Eventually, it came time for the the first Universal Tournament to take place on Planet Salada. Both Earth, Salada, and a few other races from the mightiest warriors in universe showed up to the Strongest Under the Heavens Tournament.

In the years of peace Salada's population exploded. Being able to breed with other species and transform them into Saiyans allowed their community to reach the millions.

It also added a lot to their future genepool. So, he didn't have to worry about inbreeding and genetic dead ends.

Earth had many warriors that learned Ki control. Not only was it popular to master one's Ki, it was a great benefit to their health, so many humans practiced it even if they weren't fighters.

One could see how much longer Martial Artist lived, based on Grandpa Gohan. He was 104 and still able to move around like a 40 year old that had super powers. Of course, after taking the Elixir of Immortality, Gohan had returned to the prime of his age.

These days, it was very rare to see a car on the highway. Most people just flew to work by using Ki or advanced technology.

The strongest earthlings mostly from the Kame school. The graduates always met the requirements for becoming G.P members.

By earning space currency, they could trade their paychecks in to their government in exchange for a larger quantity of Earth currency, making working the Galatic Police a very enticing job to have.

Most funds went into purchasing spaceage technology and information, while the rest was put into Earth's Defense Force. A new militant force in the universe that protects the sanctum of Earth and all of its citizens.

Vegeta had used this time to declare the opening of his tournament. He waited around until the end of the Earth's tournament but didn't enter.

After it was all over, and Lazuli was once again being bribed by Hercule so that he continued to be Earth's Champion, Vegeta made his announcement.

Vegeta shook his head and thought, "She does this every year...girl likes her taking money from that chump. Well, at least Hercule's a lot stronger than he was in Cannon. Having a power level of 1 million isn't too bad for his lazy ass."

Since Martial Arts never went, 'out of style' the Budokai Tenkaichi became more popular than ever before.

With the funds Earth's government received from the G.P, they could afford to make the tournament a Yearly Feastival instead of the usual periodical 5 year event.

Vegeta didn't sense the Kais on Earth and didn't find any trace of Babidi's men or his ship when he searched.

No matter how long he cast his senses over the planet, he always came up empty.

Vegeta was feeling rather frustrated that he couldn't find it before he thought, "Would Babidi even come to Earth? Sure it was less conspicuous than going to Salada, but my planet does have a higher tier of fighters."

Vegeta looked up at his planet in the distance and said, "Could he be camping out on Salada?"

While the announcer declared Hercule the victor, Vegeta butted in to inform the public that the Strongest Under the Heavens tournament would be held in a week from now on Planet Salada.

The crowd knew of Vegeta and cheered at the appearance of the King of Saiyans.

Before the hoard of reporters could get to him, Vegeta teleported back Salada.

Arriving at his castle, Vegeta sent his senses out and noticed something on his planet felt off. Grinning as if he had figured it out, he looked off into the distance and laughed.

"I'm ready for you, Babidi," Vegeta said as he turned around and spent the last week preparing or spending quality time with his family.

When it came time to start his tournament, Vegeta flew out with his family and noticed the massive crowd gathered around his arena.

Quickly scanning the group full of Humans, Saiyans, and races across the galaxy, Vegeta searched for any familiar faces with the Majin marking.

The Saiyan King wasn't too surprised when two earthlings with the M-shaped seal on their foreheads. They were inside the guest room for registering themselves as fighters.

"It's actually them?! Couldn't he find anyone else to use?" Vegeta thought while staring at the bald youths.

Vegeta placed his hand on his chin and closed his eyes before thinking, "Hmm, Babidi must be trying to avoid catching the attention of the Saiyans. If our warriors went missing, it would be easy to find them because of how much power they have. So, instead, he must have decided on using Earthlings to infiltrate the tournament."

Vegeta was looking at the same two pawns that beat up Videl and drained Gohan of his Ki. He laughed with excitement as the tournament was getting ready to go into full gear.

Taking his seat on the throne at the top of the arena, Vegeta kept sending his senses out in search of the Supreme Kai.

It was as Vegeta thought. The Kais were amongst the crowd, supressing their God Ki and blending in with the other contestants. However, many of the fighters who had access to God Ki noticed their exstance this time around.

Shin was confident that he could get into the finals and speak with the King. However, he severely underestimated the Saiyan race.

Vegeta sighed because he knew this Supreme Kai was very bad at his job. One was partly Beerus's fault because he sealed the Elder Kai, thus leaving the poor Kais of Universe 7 with no teacher.

The other was his inability to take advantage of the universe's wonders. There were many people he could have learned from, but thought himself above those lower ranking Kais.

Vegeta didn't think too harsh on them since the Supreme Kais were without a proper teacher.

The strongest most wise of the Kaioshins was absorbed into Buu's being. They were only clueless because of the loss of the Grand Supreme Kai. Without him, the Kais were severely lacking in power and knowledge.

Vegeta waited until all the preliminaries were over. In order to get through those tests he set up, one must meet the required strength, wisdom, and constitution.

The first part was an all around check up. Using a device made by Bulma, those who are scanned get a rough battle ranking.

They could have use scouters, but power levels weren't everything. Some people could have magic, psychic abilities, crazy techniques, or even transformations.

So, the scanner Bulma built would rate a person's talent, strengths, and genetic markers to rate a person from 1 to 10. It would also find illnesses and birth defects that may negatively affect the fighter.

Vegeta was pleased with the results. Soon, only ten, 1st through 2nd Ranked talents remained for the Jr League Section.

The age was 16 and below, Raunch, Trunks, and Goten, who just turned 13 were still eligible for the Junior League, even Bulla signed up.

The 10 Kids who passed were...











Everyone cheered like maniacs as the ten kids walked up on stage. Though, there were some suspicions towards Silvermaru's age. The whole machine-man issue was brought into question.

However, after some deliberations, the alien race assured that he only 15.

In the center of the stadium was a large arena spherical planet-like orb floating in place. Around it, several floating cameras orbited the 100ft sphere, capturing everything in the ring.

Further behind the cameras was a powerful hard-light barrier that looked like a minature planet's atmosphere.

Outside the barrier was a spatial-scanning device armed with an A.I that could interpret their movements and show a slow-motion replay for the spectators that couldn't follow their speed.

Thanks to all her connections in space, Bulma's tech was starting to reach a frighteningly crazy level.

The crowd was a mix of different races all across the galaxy. Humans, Metamorians, Namekians, Metalman, Yardratians, both fighters and citizens lined the spectator seats with looks of anticipation and great expectations.

Bulma developed Special Armbands for those who couldn't handle Salada's gravity. With those on, it would produce a skin coating like-field of gravity that adjusted it to what they were comfortable with. So even people with no training at all could walk in intense gravity.

After taking their seats, Vegeta smiled as a very important guest stepped into the ring.

The man was wearing a black suit with a red tie, over his eyes was a pair of thick sunglasses and a familiar slick back blond hairstyle.

Vegeta gave this young man a simple sip of the Immortal Elixir for agreeing to commentate on today's matches. Although he was never given a name, Vegeta knew him simply as, Mr. Announcer.

The young-looking elder raised his microphone and held his arms out at the Juniors before shouting, "Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! It is on this monumental occasion that we came here to witness the struggle for the strong. Many years ago, the Saiyan known as Vegeta came to our planet and opened our eyes. Just like the ancient masters of martial arts, he showed us the potential of Ki and helped Earth join a new age of space travel."

The announcer raised his hand to The King's spectator box and said, "Now, as neighbors with Earth, King Vegeta has chosen to adopt our tradition, and we couldn't be any happier to see such a thing happening."

"This guy sure knows how to talk," Vegeta thought as the Announce took a breath.

"The World Martial Arts Tournament is also known as the Strongest Under the Heavens Tournament. As you know, every year, Earth holds this tournament. Since the spread of the Kame school, we have seen battles that surpass all others before. Now at planet Salada, King Vegeta has opened his own tournament to occur every seven years, with the pizes not being cash, but valuable resources for fellow martial artists to grow stronger."

Mr. Announcer waved his hands to the Juniors, "These fine young warriors are the strongest candidates for the Junior League, Trunks Briefs the current Saiyan Prince and only son of King Vegeta and our very own Bulma Briefs; Earth's very own Heiress to the Capsule Corperation!"

Trunks waved his hands in the air excitedly as the crowd cheered, Mr. Announcer then pointed to Goten and continued, "This young man is none other than Son Goten, the child of Earth's beloved Ox King's daughter. He is the son of Chichi and once reigning champion of the Tenkaichi Budōkai Son Goku! Who knows what skills he has in store for us!"

Goten laughed as responded to the crowd's cheers, he scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed look and bowed a few times.

The announcer continued, "Next in line is the Princess of the entire Saiyan race, Bulla Briefs. As you know, she is the only daughter of King Vegeta and Bulma Briefs. Just like her parents, she is both incredibly intelligent and a great fighter, let's give it up for the young princess!"

Bulla threw her fist up in triumph. The crowd went wild. Vegeta's eye twitched apparently she had many fans coming from other martial artists her age.

"Next is up we have here today, the cousin of Son Goten and Niece of Son Goku, Son Raunch! This young lady was born between a Natural Born Saiyan Son Raditz, and an Earthling turned Saiyan, Son Launch. She has proved herself time and time again that she is a fighter to weary of. Young Raunch is a well-known warrior on Earth and even in the galactic patrol. She worked alongside heroes to bring peace to entire worlds, and now she is taking part in the tournament to prove her might to everyone."

Once again the crowd cheered loudly, Raunch showed a dominant and confident stance as she bowed her head.

"Terra is a young girl trained by none other than the Kame school and current champion of our Earth's World Martial Arts Tournament's Daughter, Videl Satan. Let's make some noise for Earth's mightiest kids!"

The crowd cheered wildly, especially those from Earth. Vegeta laughed under his breath, although Hercule was a lot stronger compared to the original canon, if it weren't for Lazuli wiping out the competition every year, he wouldn't have his current position nor fame.

Another reason he was still champion, was because everyone was storing up their fighting prowess for this day. If they revealed themselves on Earth, then they would have fewer trump cards to play here.

Videl was a lot stronger than the original canon; when she was a kid, she had a power level of 50,000. As she grew up and continued her training, her strength grew rapidly under the guidance of the Kame school.

Now she had billions and was a prolific martial artist that could have stomped her father into the ground years ago. However, Lazuli was in her way.