
Reborn as Theon Greyjoy

nika_shavliashvili · TV
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

The story had been told for about two hours, and Joffrey was very satisfied with Theon's tale.

Especially the story about a king from one of the countries who managed to conquer the other six and establish some sort of feudal society—what a display of power that must have been.

It was as if one could do whatever they wanted with their own dwarf uncle, just like that!

Tyrion, lying naked in a woman's embrace, suddenly sneezed and couldn't help but lament that southerners had no way to survive in the North.

He was completely unaware that his nephew was plotting against him.

Joffrey took a sip of wine and said, "Theon, how about becoming my personal squire?"

Theon's heart leapt with joy; the opportunity had finally arrived!

As long as he followed Joffrey to King's Landing, once Joffrey decapitates Ned, he could use that as an excuse to return to the Iron Islands and "fetch reinforcements"!

"Of course, Your Grace, it would be my honor!"

Joffrey stood up, drew his sword, and placed it on Theon's shoulder, formally appointing him as his sworn protector.

"From today on, you will be my sworn protector, Theon Greyjoy. I expect you to remain ever loyal."

Theon was overjoyed; loyalty? He could certainly be loyal!

"Your Grace, as long as the sun and moon endure, my loyalty will endure!" Theon said with a sincerely earnest face, as if he would do anything Joffrey asked of him.

Joffrey sheathed his sword, completely unaware of what kind of person he had just appointed.

"Your Majesty, it's already evening. We should go to the feast."

Joffrey nodded. As a prince, he was expected to attend the banquet.

Upon entering the great hall, many eyes turned to Joffrey, as a prince's status was indeed very esteemed.

In this kingdom that valued seniority and hierarchy, a prince was almost as good as a king.

Many also noticed Theon Greyjoy standing beside Joffrey.

Robert glanced at Theon and said to Ned, "This fellow is smarter than his father; he knows who to be close to."

Ned frowned, feeling puzzled. Given Theon's character, it seemed unlikely he would have so easily attached himself to Joffrey.

But Ned didn't dwell on it too much. Following Joffrey meant the Iron Islands were aligned with him, which could effectively prevent Balon from planning any future rebellions.

In their eyes, Theon was just a sycophant, not realizing what would happen next.

But Theon knew—he knew that Joffrey was likely to decapitate Ned and that Stannis would soon attack King's Landing.

Then he could return to the Iron Islands with a legitimate excuse and plan his moves slowly.

Perhaps he could even get back to the Iron Islands sooner!

Instead of naively believing that occupying Winterfell equated to controlling the North, as he did in the original story.

Theon followed Joffrey to Robert.

"Father (Your Majesty)!"

"Theon Greyjoy, right? You're smarter than that old fool Balon. Stick close to Joffrey, and you won't be mistreated," Robert said loudly.

Robert was a relatively smart man and not as rash as one might imagine. After all, how could a rash and foolish person sit on the Iron Throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms?

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I will protect Prince Joffrey well," Theon said loudly.

"Hahaha, very good!" Robert laughed heartily, also giving a quick pat to a maid.

After Joffrey sat down, Theon stood beside him.

The Hound, who had been eating and drinking, cast a sideways glance at Theon standing next to Joffrey. What a "show-off," he thought, sneering to himself.

After his internal mockery, he resumed eating and drinking. The North's kidney pies were quite delicious and not as dry as pork.

As the banquet progressed, Joffrey bid farewell to Robert and Ned.

Joffrey then went to Cersei's side, saying, "Mother, I'm full. I'm going out for a bit. Goodbye, Lady Catelyn!"

"Goodbye, Your Highness."

Joffrey led Theon outside. Cersei, proudly, said, "He's always so polite. Sometimes I worry if he will be able to handle the nobles."

"The prince will surely be a good king."

Once outside, Joffrey, puzzled, asked Theon, "Why couldn't I just leave? Why did I have to consult others first?"

Theon, dismissive in his thoughts, knew Joffrey was too arrogant to bother informing anyone before leaving. This was Theon's own teaching.

"Your Grace, just a few words can leave a good impression on all the northern nobles and help you gain their support once you ascend the throne. Why not?"

Joffrey thought for a moment and nodded, "That does make sense."

Theon's current task was to continually instruct Joffrey under the guise of consolidating his position, making Joffrey accustomed to seeking his advice for everything.

Theon's ideal first territory was the Vale. After Jon Arryn's death, the Vale had been under the control of Lysa Tully.

The Vale was rich in resources, easily defensible, and had coastal regions. Moreover, the ruler was a mentally unstable woman, making it Theon's most desired place in all of Westeros.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Jon Arryn, the Hand, has passed away?"

"Yes, that old fellow did die; after all, he was of such an age!"

Just as Joffrey finished speaking, a scolding voice interrupted, "That was the Hand of the King. Perhaps you should show more respect."

Theon turned to see a dwarf approaching—a popular character from the show, Tyrion Lannister!

During the defense of King's Landing, it was largely due to Tyrion's impromptu efforts that Stannis's attack was repelled, with Tywin arriving afterward to wrap things up.

"Lord Tyrion, good evening!" Theon greeted casually, without showing excessive friendliness.

After all, Joffrey had always had issues with Tyrion, and Theon still needed to use Joffrey to secure the Vale.

"Hello, flattery knight. That's what they all call you!" Tyrion said with a smile.

"Oh, that's quite a nickname!" Theon shrugged, unfazed.

"What are you here for?" Joffrey asked with clear distaste.

Tyrion unbuckled his belt, "Just went to the restroom. Is that not allowed?"

Joffrey turned away in disgust, "Theon, I don't want to see him."

Theon gestured for Tyrion to continue and followed Joffrey.

As Tyrion was finishing up, he was drawn to a nearby argument.

"Uncle, I want to join the Night's Watch. I'm going north, I'm sure!"

"Snow, you don't understand how poor it is beyond the Wall. Your skills are better than Theon's. Perhaps you could get Theon to recommend you. Following Joffrey is your best option!"

"Oh, following Joffrey is not a good thing. Believe me, no sane person can endure our prince," Tyrion said as he approached.

Banyan retorted, "I know Theon well; Joffrey trusts him. I can see it."

Jon Snow added, "Prince Joffrey is a polite prince; everyone at the banquet says so. He will be a wise king."

"Pfft, hahahaha." Tyrion couldn't help but laugh, "That just shows you don't understand Theon Greyjoy," he said to Banyan.

Then to Jon, he added, "And you don't know my nephew either!"

"Enough of this. I've decided to go north," Jon said firmly.

Looking at Jon's determined eyes, Banyan hesitated, "We'll set out the day after tomorrow. Don't forget!"

Jon breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried his uncle might refuse. He could sense Lady Catelyn's dislike for him.

Lady Catelyn was a standard duchess; after her husband spent a year away with Robert and returned with a boy, she surely couldn't have fond feelings for him.

"Hey, I'm going too. I want to pee on the Wall!" Tyrion said.

Banyan didn't refuse, only cautioning that the Wall was very dangerous.

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