
Reborn As The Villain

I was walking to the convenience store and the next moment I knew, I was inside the villain's body!? What is going on!? This world is known as the world of Star Fantasy, a popular RPG that dominated the gaming charts. Tournaments were held all over the world to celebrate the success of this game. The top ten guilds were invited for every tournament to recruit new talent for their teams. Liam was part of the third strongest guild in Star Fantasy.  He suddenly woke up as the son of one of the strongest knights in the empire. Arnold von Berkley, who will become one of the greatest villains in the story. He must find out if there are more of him out there. Was he the only one summoned? If so, how can he avoid his inevitable death?  By eliminating his death flags! -- If you would like to hear about any updates regarding my current stories, join my discord: https://discord.gg/zAj9ddMpD4. Currently on HIATUS You can ask anything. I might take suggestions as well. Chapter releases are three full chapters per week. Parts of a chapter will be released a day after each other. Paypal for donations: https://paypal.me/Immortal1217

Immortal_17 · Fantasie
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266 Chs

Chapter 208 Part 6 - Hero's Consort

"Ghhh! Aghhh! Huff, huhff, huff,ahhh, ahh!" Vatria's moans sounded like an injured animal running from a predator mixed with the cries of a woman drowning in pleasure.

She was currently shaking her hips up and down while on top of Arnold.

He had finished inside her twice already but she didn't let him pull out. In fact, she threw him on the bed and got on to using the brute strength fitting for a level 60 warrior. 

As such Arnold could only lay there and watch as she gets herself off. Wasn't the point of the sex to impregnate her? What would her peers think if they saw her shaking her body like a nymphomaniac?

Vatria changed positions without pulling Arnold's penis out. Her butt was now facing his way.

She began moving up and down, back and forth, side to side. The sound of wet squishing sounds reverberated throughout the room.

An animalistic moan escaped Vatria.

He could feel her vagina walls tighten up. Vatria began moving again without rest.

Slap, slap, slap—the sound of skin slapping with a mixture of sticky liquid sounded like someone was jumping on a wet piece of cloth.

Arnold groaned and grabbed Vatria's hips, slamming her butt down and going in to the base.


He shot his third load deep inside her womb. Vatria's toes curled when she arched her back.


Ruene, Neena and Kellene watched the two with different expressions.

Kellene looked disgusted but her face was beet red.

Ruene was biting on a finger and masturbating with her legs spread wide.

Neena was secretly rubbing herself down there, careful not to make any big movements.

Vatria limply lifted her hips, pulling Arnold's penis out of her before she fell to the side.

Arnold's penis was glistening from a mixture of love nectar and semen.

He laid back down and sighed deeply. Truth be told, he was exhausted from sleeping with two women in a day's period. He had four rounds with Siana and now finished a third round with Vatria.

That's it, he thought, I'm abstaining from sex for a while.

It's not that he doesn't enjoy it. It's just that it becomes tiresome to please multiple women at once. He can manage two rounds each but anything more than that is troublesome. He used to go though three to six women a week back in his first year at the academy.

The act itself is bothersome but the feeling of releasing all his carnal desires was enjoyable to him. Could those be two different things?

"—Uhm!" Ruene, with legs drenched, stood over Arnold. He could almost see the hearts in her eyes, "I-I want a child too! I want to become a Valkyrie! So, mate with me too!"

'Won't Vatria be able to promote you though…?' he wanted to ask.

"…That's definitely not what you're after." Neena said something that he couldn't quite hear.

"Alright." Arnold sat up, "But you'll have to clean me first. Vatria left quite a mess."

"R-Right away! I'll be back with a towel!"

He grabbed her arm before she could leave.

"Use your mouth." He pulled her towards him and forced her on her knees.



Ruene was laying on the bed with her eyes peeled back after going a few rounds with Arnold. She was way more sensitive than Vatria. One thrust was enough to make her orgasm twice so Arnold had to go slowly.

She was still squirting liquid even now while vulgarly laying spread-eagle.

Arnold let out a deep sigh before standing up. A bit of sleep would be nice but he knows there's no time for that.

Arnold silently picked up his clothes and began getting dressed under the gazes of Neena and Kellene who were like statues.

Vatria got off the bed and put her arms around Arnold.

"You should go take a bath." Arnold held her at arms-reach.

Vatria pouted, "I don't smell that bad!"

Snapping out of her daze, Kellene took this chance to tease Vatria.

"I can smell you all the way over here," Kellene pinched her nose while fanning the air in front of her, "Vatria was never the kind who likes taking baths. She usually just goes to swim in a river, thinking that'll clean her up."

"Yes, true…" Neena agreed, "But today was the first time she took a bath in a long while because she knows that human females always clean themselves before engaging in sexual intercourse with their husbands."

"I guess the scented lotion and flowers she keeps on her just wasn't enough," Kellene shrugged, "How do you even keep your hair silky smooth if you don't wash it thoroughly?"

"She takes care of her hair more than she does her body actually. Captain doesn't know to prioritize both…"

"I-I can still hear you two!"

"We weren't whispering though." Kellene huffed with a smirk.

"Ugh, fine! I'll take a bath!" she ran over to the bed and grabbed Ruene who was fully conscious now, "You come too! I don't want you sneakily mating with Arnold behind my back!"

"H-Hey, I-I was only going to do it for a little bit…" Ruene said with a small voice.

"This was supposed to be my day, not yours! Find your own mate!"


Before Vatria dragged Ruene out of the room, she gave Arnold a longing look before biting her lip and leaving.

"U-Uhm, I've got to… I have to…" Neena backed away after picking up her clothes. She hurriedly left without even finishing her sentence.

"Hey! Don't leave me alone with this guy!" Kellene shout received only silence when the door was shut.

"—It's a good thing we're alone now." Arnold leaned over Kellene's back, making her jump away on instinct.

"W-Why is that…? If you think I'll give my virginity to some human—"

"I have other matters to discuss with you." He looked at her flat chest and thin hips, "Your body doesn't exactly excite me anyway."

He's been through enough women that a childish body like this wouldn't excite him. Of course, he'd been with many young girls when he was still a first year but he lost all interest in girls younger than that age when he began sleeping with older women.

Kellene frowned and glared at him just like the day they met.

"What do you want?" she tried to look as intimidating as she possibly could even though she was standing naked in front of a fully-clothed Arnold which just made her look ridiculous.

"Do the people of the Divine Realm know that the God's Champion has been born?"


"Your reaction tells me that none of you know, huh… Or more like only the council knows about it. He's my adoptive brother named Luke."

"He can… use divine aura?"


Kellene's eyes widened but then she narrowed her gaze at Arnold.

"Why are you telling me this…? Why not tell Lady Yorm so that she can inform the other gods where they'll find the Champion?"

"Simply because I don't want them to know yet. Luke isn't ready to be a champion. He can't even control his divine aura properly yet. The people already know that a hero was born since Melis' oracle told them. They don't know who it is or where he is but he exists."

Yes, "he" exists. Arnold does not acknowledge Arthur at all.

"I'll come back when he's ready. I have some unfinished business here as well so I would've come back regardless if Luke was the hero or not."

Arnold stared at Kellene for a few seconds. She stared at him as well.

He broke the silence:

"You want to become the High Valkyrie, right? The Golden Avowed, as your people used to call them." 

Kellene froze.

"Your little sister is recognized by all demigods and gods as the true successor to the current High Valkyrie. She has strength, beauty, skill and intelligence far above your own."

"…." Kellene frowned at him.

"Do you loathe your sister?" Arnold asked before picking up Kellene's clothes and holding it out to her.

"W-Why do you care what I think about her…" she quickly snatched the clothes and got dressed.

"Don't you want to get rid of her?"

"…." Kellene paused just as she was about to pull up her skirt.

"The Gods' Champion's emergence in this era will make sure you'll take the throne instead of her."

"What do you mean…?"

"There is a legend surrounding this Champion. It's something you're probably not familiar with since the legend has been buried just like everything else from the last era of gods. The Hero's Consort. It's a tale about a blessed human and a pureblood Valkyrie. The blessed human is cursed with impotence until he conceives a child with this Valkyrie."

 Luke didn't have any children until far into the mid-game after he returned from the Divine Realm with "Song and Light". While Kellene's sister's questline is optional to do, the High Valkyrie still asks Luke to have a child with her if he declines her offer of joining him. Luke, being the kind person he is, couldn't ignore her heartfelt request to have a child.

This breaks the curse, allowing Luke to have several children with the capture targets the players had acquired throughout the game.

Yes, it's not required for the two to become lovers, only conceive a child. That child will go on to become an important individual in the next era of heroes, or so the lore in Star Fantasy says.

'If Promethius had a child with a Valkyrie then it's possible for it to still be alive today.'

Promethius was immortal, after all. His children should be no different.

Sooner or later, this destiny child might appear in the main story but Arnold was uncertain if they even exist.

'They've never been mentioned in dialogue or lore about the Demon Human War…'

He didn't know what to think.

Did Promethius really live a double life? He was married to an empress and several queens and high-class noble ladies during his reign as the Hero. He went on to have hundreds of children with them. Alas, none of them inherited his power.

Could the Destiny Child still be alive?

Kellene suddenly spoke:

"She's so special that she's even destined to be with the Gods' Champion… Haha…" her head hung low, then with a small voice she continued, "…My sister is someone who vowed to the whole realm to become a strong leader who will lead the war council's armies into the demon world and eradicate all demons. She's had this goal ever since she was a child, hearing stories about the kind of atrocities demons commit, how they're responsible for why the Dark Elves are hated, how they taint everything and everyone they get themselves involved with. I share her goal but her voice is always louder. You always hear people saying how passionate my sister is for wanting to eradicate demons yet my opinions are never mentioned once… Our mother used to tell us bedtime stories about demons. She's fought them many times in the past so she has firsthand experience of the things they're capable of. They're evil incarnate, loathsome beings that should be murdered in the thousands—no, millions." Kellene looked up at Arnold, probably to see his reaction to what she just said.

He spoke with the same emotionless expression:

"I do not see demons as my allies or equals. They are scum. The one inside of me is no different. Just because I possess a factor does not make me one of them."

There are cases of factors accepting a demon's influence over their very soul, turning them into those demons. Of course, that only happens if the demons gain some form of control over the host. They can even make their host grow to trust them, as bizarre as that might seem.

"I see…"

"It's sooo great that your sister wants to kill demons but I honestly don't care what her goals are. Answer my question now, Kellene. Do you hate your sister?"

He could see Kellene's face twist. She bit down so hard on her molars that he could hear grinding noises.

"I… I… I wanted to kill her once when she was just a defenseless infant… I wanted to strangle her in her sleep… Throw her over the edge of the divine realm… I wanted to do so many horrible things to her. How dare Mother give away a title that should've been rightfully mine!? Why is she stronger than me!? Why is she smarter than me!? Why does she have more friends!?"

Seemingly forgetting that Arnold was still in the room and that he asked her a question, Kellene shouted to no one in particular.

"She gets to marry a commander from the War Council and I'm forced to choose among leftovers! Inferior males from the human and demihuman races! While she sleeps in the family home, I'm forced to grovel like a soldier in the muddy camps at night while I have to listen to the loudmouthed recruits who keep me up all night! The air stinks of their body odor and the stink of them having sex with each other that it makes eating my food even harder to bear! My sister can eat like a queen while I'm lucky to even eat cooked leftovers during missions! Every soldier's meal is determined by what the chef wants us to eat! It's half-cooked potatoes and bread every day! I hate that witch! I want to kill her for disrespecting royalty! We don't even get meat. We're told to hunt our own and, even if we do, our bastard superiors take half of everything we bring back! Her heels has never touched an ounce of dirt while mine are stained by a decade's worth of it! I've almost died several times during missions but she has never even slain a goblin! How is she still stronger than me even after I've killed so many monsters!?"

'I think she knows the answer to that question.'

Arnold mentally shook his head.

Kellene was living like a soldier in hopes of one day becoming a knight. This requires her to constantly do missions to increase her reputation and earn a living. During this time, her sister was being mentored by several powerful and wise warriors and scholars and had learnt many skills.

She lived a peaceful and pampered life in those stronghold walls.

It seems being from a main family didn't really grant Kellene the same luxury as her sister. He was wrong, it seems. The main families from the divine realm treat their children way worse than nobles from his world.

"Why don't you just go back home to ask your sister to duel for the title of heir?" Arnold asked after Kellene calmed down, "How long has it been since you left to become a soldier? Years? A decade? Surely you'll have a better chance of defeating her after this long?"

Even he doubted his own words.

Kellene's face suddenly twisted.

"Huff, huff, huff. Aaaaah! Stop looking at me with those eyes! You're just like her! I don't want to see your pity!" Kellene pounced forward with rage-filled eyes.

She tried to grab Arnold's neck but he slapped both hands away and choked her instead.

"Ukkk, ukk, ukk!" Kellene hit his arm weakly but he didn't let go.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"If you hate your sister so much, why don't you just kill her? I might be able to help you with that."

Of course, Arnold knew she doesn't hate her sister to the point of wishing for her death. He was merely throwing a bone towards her.

Ladiath was going to invade the Divine Realm in the future. There's no doubt that Kellene's sister will be among the people who will fight Ladiath's army head-on.

While Ladiath's goal is unclear, Arnold knows that there will be tragedies. Tragedies which he didn't care for.

Kellene's sister will inevitably die in the fight unless some miracle saves her.

Imagine a broken-down bridge, one separated by a great sea. On one end stood a dog. On the other, laid a bone. The dog wanted the bone so much but wasn't capable or willing to do the giant leap to get there.

The leap is something that Kellene has to do in order to make her choice. Yet she couldn't.

Why is that?

"I-I love her… I love my sister so much… Ukk…" 

Arnold let go of her. She fell against his chest.

She put her arms around him and sobbed quietly.

An orange hue bathed the room in its incandescence and a gentle wind blew the curtains and Arnold's hair. 

Arnold looked out the window at the setting sun that was visible over the horizon.

Any other man would've used this gentle atmosphere to seduce the sobbing maiden in his arms. They're easy targets when showing their true emotions.

"You know…" Kellene looked up at him from his chest, "I've always dreamt of marrying the Gods' Champion. Many of my peers share this dream… We used to bicker how he'd accept us as his harem and take us from the mud-filled camps to his palace in the clouds. We'd each give him strong children who will be our small army to fight the demons…"

"That can still happen."

"…." She lowered her head, "Maybe for the others but I… I can't see myself becoming a wife of my sister's destined beloved…" Kellene let go of Arnold and stepped back timidly.

"I'll be eligible for the throne once she leaves… However, I won't earn that title until I defeat every one of my siblings... But the mountain that was my sister would be left out so the competition won't be as fierce…"

"Then everything is settled. I shall be returning to deliver you the news when Luke is ready. While you wait I suggest you focus more on your combat abilities and not missions. Ask your superiors if you can train with them. If your superiors are anything like my master then they won't give up a chance to train an inexperienced warrior." 

Sebastian will train anyone with the passion to become stronger. Money isn't an issue, nor is status. He will train a commoner if he must. Of course, whether he shares all his knowledge like he did with Arnold and Victoria remains to be seen. The two of them are his most gifted pupils.

The thrill of raising a competent warrior by your own hands is just as exhilarating as winning against your opponents.

"…Yes, I'll do my best… Sir…"


Kellene's face flushed red, "N-Nothing! Forget about it!"


She cleared her throat, "H-How long will it be before he's ready?"

"It could be years or he might just unlock his abilities any day now. Who really knows besides the gods? He's currently only blessed by a minor god, the Wind God but I'm unsure if others have offered their blessing."

Arnold put on his coat and tied his magic bags around his shoulder.

"I'll be off now."

"W-Wait, you're leaving just like that? What about Vatria?"

"I have no emotional attachment to her so saying goodbye to her will only waste my time."

"And what if she has your child someday? Will you still consider her some wench you slept with?" Kellene asked with folded arms.

"Haha, maybe."

Could he even make a child with Valkyries from demigod bloodline? Not all of them are pureblood Valkyries—people born between two Valkyries. Only the commanders and chiefs under the High Valkyrie would be purebloods.

While Vatria might not be pureblood, she has a higher chance of falling pregnant than ordinary humans due to her Valkyrie bloodline but the difference is probably not that significant. 

"Alright then, tell Vatria that I'll drop by to see the kid when I return."

"Humph, you better. Maybe we'll be Valkyries by the time you come back."

That all depends on whether she has a child, doesn't it?

Vatria could always just go seduce some other warrior tribe's members. There are probably many out there stronger than Arnold.

Even if he wanted to explain the situation, he didn't know how to come out and say it. Should he just say he's impotent? Their reactions would be obvious. Valkyries hate infertile lifeforms who can't grant them children. Some even go as far as killing a male once it's revealed that his sperm is too weak to produce a child.

Oh well, Arnold won't be here by the time the signs of pregnancy should show.


Kellene stood there silently after Arnold vanished when a blinding light embraced him.

The air still stank of sex even though the windows had been opened.

Recalling how she watched her friends have sex with that human made Kellene blush. The nasty sounds that resulted from their genitalia joining as one still played over and over in her head.

Kellene had seen her mother mating with males in the past. In fact, all her siblings had to watch as the men mated with their mother from a certain age. It was education according to the Valkyries' elders so it wasn't out of the ordinary for children to watch their mothers have intercourse.

Kellene tried to remember what kind of expression her mother had on her face every time she mated with someone—Boredom.

Whereas Vatria and Ruene acted like wild animals earlier, slamming their hips back as the human thrust with tremendous force. A human female would've probably been crippled by having such violent sex but the above two had strong bodies so they could take it.

Maybe they acted like that because they liked rough sex? Does it feel that much better?

Kellene couldn't remember her mother ever moaning or letting a man get on top of her.

What would happen if her mother met Arnold…?

Kellene's eyes were drawn to the bed where the act had taken place. She could see a small puddle of white liquid on the bed. There was a wet stain surrounding that small puddle.

Kellene gulped.

Don't do it… Don't do it… Don't do it—

Despite telling herself "not to do it" her feet moving towards the bed betrayed her thoughts.


She timidly knelt down and scooped some up on her fingers. It was fairly runny but there were still some visible clusters of white on her finger.


She gulped again before closing her eyes and spreading her legs. The fingers which she used to scoop up the sperm slowly inched to the area between her legs…