
reborn as Sukuna in Naruto

some dude does and wake up in a forest in Sukuna's body. (honest not sure what to write here, as you can see I'm bad at synopsises.)

Infernowolf2213 · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

...what? - chapter 1


"I don't want to get up~."

'I just want to stay on this grass.'

'... Wait, grass?'

I groggily open my eyes but have to squint because of the blinding sunlight.

'why am I out side?'

I slowly sit up and look around.

"A forest? The hell?"

'why the hell am I in a forest?'

I take a closer look at my surroundings.

'these... Are massive trees. The hell?"

I look down at myself to see if I have anything with me but end up extremely shocked.

"Hah!? Why the hell do I have four arm!?"

I'm starting to freak out.

"Are these tattoos? The fuck? What is happening!?"

I have four arms with tattoos.

"What am I even wearing?"

'a kimono?'

'wait, I feel taller too!'

"Is this one of those fucking reincarnation novels or some shit!?"

I sigh very slowly.

'I need to calm down!'

I take a few deep breaths.

"Okay, who am I? I'm clearly someone else."

'kimono, four arms, tattoos, relatively tall. Who do I know with those characteristics?'


I cross my lower arms and start tapping my chin.

'Shiva? No, he's purple... Sukuna? Maybe.'


I uncross my arms and make flicking motion with my pointer and middle fingers.


… Nothing happened.


'oh right cursed energy, I wasn't using it.'

'how do you do it again? Focus on your negative emotions?'

Anger, sadness, fear, rage. Suddenly I can feel some kind of warm feeling spread throughout my body.

"Is this what cursed energy feels like? I feel stronger, I like it!"

"Now, let's try that again."

I flick my fingers once more.


Then boom! A massive slash glides through the trees in front of me!

"Woah! Hell yeah! That was badass!"

I stick arms in the whole yelling.

"I'm the goddamn king of curses!"

"Hahahaha! This is the best!"

"Hahaha, man. Never would I have thought that I of all people would be giving this kind of chance."

'though now that I think about I don't know which version I am.'

I move my hands to my face and feel it.

"Oh, it would seem I look like the Heian era Sukuna."

"Nice, I always thought this form looked badass."

"I'll probably stand out quite a bit though."


I started tapping my chin again.

'what to do, what to do. Is my anatomy that of human or a curse. If it's a curse I could probably change my form in some manner but I'm quite sure how to do that if I had to.'

' I did preform dismantle on my first try but that could be because it's my innate technique, they're likely easier to use due to them being ingrained in my body.'

I lowered my lower hands to my hips and crossed my upper arms.

"S'pose I'm gonna have to find out later."

'Maybe I should try and find some kind of town and see what happens.'

"Actually now I think about it I don't even know what universe I'm in. Shit."

"Right then... Which way should I go?"

'hmm. The stick method.'

I crouch down to pick up a stick and stand it on it's end and let it drop.

"So, that way then, I guess."

I begin to walk the way the stick fell.

'welp, here goes nothing I guess.'

this is my first time writing a fanfic on this site and in a while so it may not be that great however I will try to make the chapters longer once I formulate more of the story. thank you for reading!

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