
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs


Some time back, after pakura entered the village, Me and my two shadow clones also approached the village gates. The guards saw me "Halt!! State your purpose in coming to the sand village" I smiled under my mask and replied "We are the Akatsuki and we came to destroy and take over the village and laughed". Then when the guards started attacking, I knocked them out easily and killed the higher up guard who was shocked to see Pakura alive. Then my Deidara shadow clone jumped up the gate and created many rasengan coupled with Sora's chakra which resembled small tailed beast bomb and threw it at the empty places of the village simultaneously and shouted "Art is an EXPLOSION!!!!!" Boom Boom Boom.

After that, my kakuzu clone landed inside the gates and started to fight knocking out the ninjas that arrived after hearing the explosions. I didn't want to kill any ninjas or villagers. I just wanted to spread the Akatsuki as an enemy of the shinobi world and increase their reputation as it was fun doing so... lol.. My main body activated mangekyou sharingan and disappeared in a swirling portal.

Inside the meeting chamber, Rasa frowned hearing the explosions. He readied his gold sand to finish off pakura and then head out to find out what was happening, but he saw a swirling portal appear in the middle of the room and I walked out of it showing my mangekyou sharingan and smiled. Rasa seeing me said in disbelief "Ryu Senju you... sharingan... h...how? I just smiled. Pakura then asked me " What was the explosions? Don't destroy the village". I smiled at her and said "Don't worry Pakura. All the explosions were sent to empty places in the village. I just knocked out your ninjas. Now let's finish here". She let a sigh of relief and nodded. I then faced the elders and Rasa with a smile.

Chiyo turned towards Pakura "What's going on here Pakura? Explain.. what's an enemy of our village doing here?" Pakura smiled and said "He's the one that rescued me and he's helping me to reform the village. He had also warned me of this long time back and told me that the village will betray me sooner or later. I just didn't take his words seriously at that time and now this happened". Hearing her speak, I looked at Chiyo and said "Old lady Chiyo, I'm here to finish off the elders and the Kazekage and let Pakura become t he new Kazekage and improve the village."

Rasa frowned hearing me and summoned golden sand and attacked me. I just used kamui and continued speaking "So old lady Chiyo, are you with it or against it? I'm sure that Pakura will be a great Kazekage and the future of your village will be bright. Soon Leaf village will be under my control and we can have a solid alliance not like the one in paper, but one in reality". The Kazekage kept on attacking me to no avail. His sands just passed through me. The elders were scared shitless seeing this. Chiyo also frowned and knew that they were no match for me.

She then said "Ryu Senju, normally, I wouldn't accept anything an enemy says, but seeing Pakura's confidence in you, I will stand by her side. And I also know if you want to take over the village, we cannot do anything. Maybe it's fate of the sand village and the shinobi world will change soon. But please don't kill Rasa". I nodded and said "You are right old lady Chiyo. The shinobi world is definitely going to change in the coming years. About the Kazekage you don't tell me....." I was interrupted by Pakura "Ryu please listen to granny Chiyo".

I contemplated a bit and thought 'If I kill this guy, then Gaara won't be born. Fine I'll let him live for the time being'. Then I nodded to Pakura "Fine as you wish Pakura. I'll spare his life". Then I looked towards Rasa and the elders hiding behind him and said "Infinate Tsukuyomi" and put Rasa in a long term Genjutsu and he fell down unconscious. I then looked at the elders and said "Amaterasu" and black flames covered them and they shouted in pain for a while until nothing remained".

I then looked at Pakura, smiled at her and said "It's finished Pakura. I've put Rasa under an Indian tea loop Genjutsu. He won't wake up for a year or so. In that time, become a great Kazekage like never before and win the hearts of the people. I'll come by whenever I am free and personally train you to become the strongest shinobi of the sand village. Then I handed her a necklace with my flying thunder god marking "Keep it with you. There is my marking in it. If you are in any kind of trouble, or wish to see me, just supply some of your chakra into it and I'll appear immediately".

Pakura received the necklace and wore it with a smile on her face and a small blush. Chiyo looked at everything in disbelief and said "Times are changing. This boy will bring about a revolution in the world. And stand at the top". Ebizo also nodded and said "You are right Chiyo. He looks like the type that will rule the world". Chiyo then thought 'It seems like he likes this girl. Or else he wouldn't have spared Rasa when she asked. He also wants to protect her. Maybe it's a good thing amidst so many bad things and the village is finally going to change.'

I looked at everyone and then at Pakura "Allright. Everything is done. Now you can announce that the Akatsuki organisation attacked the village and killed the elders and the Kazekage got hurt during the fight. Then Chiyo and Ebizo can announce Pakura as the new Kazekage as she is already the hero of the sand village, it will be easy to digest for the people. I'll take my leave Pakura. You guys take care of the rest. Remember I'll always help you out. And keep my involvement a secret. Just use the necklace if you need me". Then I teleported out in a swirling portal.

After knocking out many ninjas, my shadow clones also disappeared. After everything was settled, Rasa was admitted to the hospital and the doctors were not able to treat him and he was in a coma. Chiyo had sweat poring down her forehead listening to the doctor saying that if he tried anything, Rasa's mind will explode and that is the strongest genjutsu he's ever heard of. After confirming Rasa's condition, Chiyo and Ebizo announced Pakura as the new Kazekage. There were some discord among the villagers, but as the elders and the council were completely gone, it didn't make any problems. Most of the villagers also saw Pakura as a hero and accepted her easily.