
Reborn As Sirzechs Gremory

I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.

Daoist764038 · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Disbelief & Tag?

(3rd Person Pov)

The entire place fell silent at the two's declaration as Fat Gum questioned. 

Fat Gum: "WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! Go back a little here. What do you mean by his future not existing?!"

The one who replied was Sirzechs. 

Sirzechs: "Exactly as he says, I simply do not exist in the future."

Ryukyu: "How can you not exist in the future if your existing right now in the present?" 

Sirzechs: "In a way, I'm an anomaly that doesn't exist in the future it seems. This means that I'm technically immune to future vision's."

Everyone fell silent at Sirzechs word's. But that silent was broken by the principal speaking. 

P.Nezu: "Goodness, that's quite the interesting bit of information to learn about. So that means your a singularity in the existence of time. You exist in the present moment, but you don't exist in the future? Then what about the past? Do you not exist also in the past?"

Sirzechs: "Who knows. There seems to be soo much mystery surrounding my existence wouldn't you agree principal?" 

P.Nezu: "Oh absolutely! Just knowing that you are completely immune to future predicting abilities is very scary to know. To be completely honest with you, the more I learn about you, the more I doubt the fairness level of the world."

Sirzechs snorted at the principals word's as Mirio questioned. 

Mirio: "If you don't exist in the future, then if someone traveled into the future what would happen?" 

Sirzechs: "I'd just not exist."

Mirio: "And your not surprised or scared of knowing that you don't exist? That you don't have a future?"

Sirzechs: "I still exist, but only in this present moment. My future is made up of my present action's. So even if I went to sleep today, tomorrow all my action's of the previous day still remained, and the new day will be shaped by me. I am not bound by an already predetermined future because I don't exist in it. What's the use in getting scared? I don't exist in the future? Big deal. I know that I still exist in this present moment, so there's no point in becoming so overdramatic about it."

Mirio: "I..I see."

Sirzechs: "Pushing the whole fact that I don't exist in the future aside, let's begin your training."

P.Nezu: "That's not exactly a very easy topic to just brush aside for the moment you know? It's not everyday you get to learn of someone who doesn't exist in the future but somehow still exists perfectly in the present."

Sirzechs: "And I don't care. I said earlier that I want to begin the training, and discussing about this revelation you've all discovered about my existence will take too much time."

Sirzechs then turned his head to face the UA Big Three, then to Ryukyu before he spoke. 

Sirzechs: "Miss Ryukyu. Would you like to join the training alongside the Big Three? With you just about learning to use a hybrid transformation, you'll need plenty of training to master it."

Ryukyu felt uncomfortable when all eyes except Nejire fell onto her in curiosity and was that envy and jealousy she felt? But she still answered.

Ryukyu: "I'd be a fool to not take up the opportunity to train upon my new form. And against you, I don't have to worry about causing any harm. So yes, I'd like to join your training."

Sirzechs: "Then, let's begin your training with a nice warmup. Stretch your body's, as we're going to be playing a game of tag."

Everyone: "Tag?"

Sirzechs: "The goal is simple. All of you will have to try and capture me. Once any of you manage to even lay a single finger on me, then we'll begin your training."

Mirio: "All right then. Is there a time limit?"

Sirzechs: "Ten minute's after your done stretching."

Mirio: "Understood."

Mirio immediately began stretching his body soon followed by Nejire, and Ryukyu and lastly Tamaki. And after two minnutes of stretching Mirio spoke.

Mirio: "Were ready."

Sirzechs looked towards the other three who nodded their heads. And just as Sirzechs was about to begin their game of tag, Principal Nezu spoke. 

P.Nezu: "Just a minute now."

Everyone turned to look at him as he rummaged his pockets, and brought out a blindfold that looked pitch black in colour. He walked up to Sirzechs, and handed him the blindfold as he spoke.

P.Nezu: "Let's make this a bit more entertaining shall we? This blindfold is coated in Vantablack colour. I'd like you to play this little game of tag wearing this blindfold. What do you say?"

Sirzechs: "Simple enough."

Sirzechs covered his eye's with the blindfold, and immediately all his other senses heightened themselves. Sirzechs walked forward until he stood directly infront of the four individuals as he spoke.

Sirzechs: "Begin."

Immediately Mirio stretched his hand out to try and capture Sirzechs, but Sirzechs merely sidestepped his arm and back flipped over Nejire's arm that tried to get him, and once he landed, he ducked avoiding Ryukyu's kick and Tamaki's tentacle arms which ended up capturing Ryukyu's leg instead. 

Over the next several minute's, the three students and one pro hero continuously tried to capture Sirzechs, but no matter how hard they tried to, they just couldn't touch him.

The other two mentors, as well as the UA Staff watched in awe of Sirzechs ability to dodge all their attacks. Especially since he's still wearing his armour which looked like a liability considering how wide the shoulder guards were. But yet even so not a single one of them has been able to even touch him. 

Aizawa: "Just what kind of training did the kid go through that he's able to avoid being captured by four people in such a close range."

Snipe: "His senses must be increadible for him to fight like that. He's practically toying with them."

All Might: "That's not all. He's also increadibly agile, nimble, and flexible. His mind muscle connection must be increadibly good. How long has it been already?"

P.Nezu: "Five minutes. They've been going at it for five whole minutes, and not a single one of them has managed to lay so much as a single finger on him. Honestly, everytime we come to learn something new about the boy, the more dangerous he becomes."

Thirteen: "Agreed. With this level of ability, I truly wonder who can even stand up to him."

P.Nezu: "Aizawa, All Might. Go help them out will you."

Aizawa: "You are aware that he purposely left that loophole in his word's."

P.Nezu: "That's right. And that's why, I want you both to go help them. Let's see how many it would take to make him take things seriously."

Aizawa sighed in annoyance, but still placed his goggles over his eyes, and rushed towards Sirzechs. All Might also nodded his head before he got into a runners stance, and rushed towards Sirzechs as well arriving far faster than Aizawa. Then, All Might stretched his hand out appearing once he appeared behind Sirzechs. And when his fingers were mere inches from touching Sirzechs armour, he suddenly found his hand pushing Mirio instead as Sirzechs appeared behind All Might and spoke.

Sirzechs: "Finally decided to join the fun All Might?"

Sirzechs ducked as Aizawa's capture get wrapped around All Might's face which he used to pull himself forward to which Sirzechs simply rolled under him to not be touched. 

Ryukyu felt extremely frustrated at being unable to even so much as lay a single finger on the young teenage boy. She took a deep breath to clam herself down as she thought to herself.

Ryukyu: 'His senses are horrifyingly sharp. But, we still might have a chance if we can distract him long enough for All Might to reach him. I'll use my hybrid form to help bolster my chances of getting him.'

Ryukyu lept away from the chaotic dance between Sirzechs and the others as she watched how the other staff members joined in on the game. She took a deep breath and her body began turning into it's Dragon form before it began growing smaller. And soon enough, she turned back into her human form, with scales growing all over her body, two large claws, her legs turned into Dragon Talons, her eyes became slits, her teeth grew to fangs, a tail appeared alongside a pair of massive white dragon wings that grew out her back and spread themselves out for all to bear witness to.

Ryukyu's slitted eyes focused deeply on Sirzechs every movement as her legs buried themselves deep into the ground causing it to crack and crater as she drove her legs deeper into the ground. She got into a runners stance, her pair of large white wings spread as far back as they could manage, and then. 

(Flap) (Boom!) (Wossh!)

With a single flap of her wings, The ground beneath her cratered and broke as she broke the sound barrier. She immediately appeared infront of Sirzechs, as her eye's met his blindfolded ones and she saw the calm expression on his face. She threw her claw towards his face like she was punching him, only for him to duck forward as her clawed hand struck All Might in the face sending him flying.

Sirzechs calmly dodged several bullets as he heard Snipe click his tounge in annoyance. Soon enough he was being attacked by everyone including Sir Nighteye, and Fat Gum with the only exception being Principal Nezu who watched everything in silence from a distance.

And just as everyone jumped Sirzechs who simply stood still, the timer went off indicating that the game has ended. Sirzechs took off the blindfold and spoke.

Sirzechs: "That was fun now wasn't it?"

Everyone except a few groaned in annoyance at Sirzechs word's. Nejire, Mirio, Tamaki, Ryukyu, Nighteye, Aizawa, Fat Gum and All Might. Who simply were amazed by the fact that he had managed to completely avoid getting captured by so many heroes.

Sirzechs: "I'm quite curious though, other than Ryukyu, why didn't any of you use your quirks? Afterall, I never said anything that you couldn't use your quirks right?" 

Everyone froze at Sirzechs word's as they just realised how much more differently things could've gone if they had used their quirks.

Mirio: "Honestly, since you weren't using your quirk, we all assumed it was a battle of only physical abilities."

Sirzechs: "Regardless, now that your done warming up, let's begin your training shall we? Neiire, you are too over reliant on your quirk to do damage. I want you to drop down and begin doing as many push up, and pull up's you will be working on improving your physical strength to help you with your quirk."

Nejire saluted and dropped to the ground preparing to do push up's, before she suddenly vanished startling everyone as Sirzechs assured everyone. 

Sirzechs: "I just sent her to the dormitories park to use the bar there no need to worry. Now onto the next one. Mirio, in terms of overall physical ability, your probably the most physically superior one to everybody here except myself and All Might. So for you, well be training your reaction speed, and your endurance. For that, you'll be training with me."

Mirio: "Yes sir!"

Sirzechs: "Tamaki. Your quirk allows you to gain the properties of whatever it is you eat am I correct?" 

Tamaki nodded his head and Sirzechs continued. 

Sirzechs: "Honestly the three of you are already alot stronger than most pro heroes. The versatility of your quirk makes up for most of your weaknesses. But still, your strength doesn't grow with the food you eat. It's all dependent on your own base form's strength. So, you will be doing lots of strength training and endurance training alongside martial arts to give you alot more options during a fight then just throwing wild and uncontrolled punches."

Tamaki just nodded his head. Sirzechs then turned to Ryukyu who was still in her hybrid form and spoke. 

Sirzechs: "As for you, you need to learn to control your new found speed and strength in this form. So you'll be joining me and Mirio for training."

Ryukyu: "Understood."

Sirzechs: "Ah also principal Nezu. Starting tomorrow we'll be using the UA Gym to continue our training. So give one of the big three the keys to the gym."

P.Nezu: "Very well then. Ah also miss Ryukyu, do know that any future damages will be paid in full by your agency alright?" 

Ryukyu blinked in surprise as she then looked to the place she transformed into her hybrid form noticing the cratered ground as she nervously chuckled in embarrassment. 

Ryukyu: "Understood Principal Nezu. And once again I'm terribly sorry."

Principal Nezu nodded his head and began leaving with everyone else. As they all began to leave, principal Nezu spoke to the staff member's, and the other two mentor's. 

P.Nezu: "What do you think we should do about him? The parents of UA'S students are getting rowdier each day Sirzechs Gremory continues living here."

Aizawa: "Lie obviously."

Midnight: "What can we lie about when it comes to this kind of situation? He's threatened to destroy the world already. If we say he's bluffing it'd just cause even more drama. Besides, the world leaders reaction to his threat should be proof that their taking him seriously. We're lucky that students still do come to school."

All Might: "Can I even do anything in this kind of situation?" 

P.Nezu: "Maybe before he threatened to destroy the world it would be possible to calm the masses. But after the release of that video of what Sirzechs did to those monster's, people have begun doubting your strength. And we can't have Sirzechs pretend to lose to you either as it would cause to many people to burden you even more by thinking that you can defeat him."

Aizawa: "I think our best option is to pray that those four could build a strong enough bond with him. His dream was to live a peaceful life after all, maybe he might end up falling for Ryukyu or Nejire, thus preventing any sort of end of the world scenario."

Midnight's body twitched slightly at Aizawa's words as she spoke irritatedly. 

Midnight: "He didn't even fall for me like every other boy and man. What makes you think he'd want to end up with one of those two?" 

Although they noticed her irritation, non of them could fathom or seem to understand why she was so irritated about Sirzechs somehow ending up with either Nejire or Ryukyu. Not even the most intelligent of them all Principal Nezu seemed to know the reason for her irritation.

As if some sort of powerful entity dumbed them down for fun. They all just shrugged and continued on their way whilst discussing about how to calm the worried parent's.