
Reborn as Obito Uchiha In one piece

Teen got killed and met god who gave him three wishes and he chose to be reborn as obito uchiha in one piece .

Gs9Gosohard · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Marine Headquarters

Four Months later

A masked figure could be seen standing on the dog figure head of a marine warship ,he had on a orange swirly mask with one eye hole, which was on the right side of his mask.

He was wearing a long collared black cloak with red clouds on it and under that cloak was a long sleeve black ninja shirt and a long sleeve black ninja pants that covered his ankles and he wore black shinobi sandals to match his outfit .

The figure had short spiky raven black hair and to the left of his head you could see the handle of the gunbai pointed upwards. This figure was obito.

Four months have passed and obito is now 15 years old , four years older than ace and 7 years older than luffy ,obito was now at Quasi kage level as it relates to chakra, strength and taijutsu .

Two weeks have gone by since they started they're journey to Marineford, the ship already went through the massive gates of justice earlier this morning and they were to arrive at headquarters within 15 minutes .

As obito was staring emotionlessly at the waves he heard garp speak.

"Bwahahaaha obito aren't you hot in all that black clothes " mocked garp

Even though garp knew obito might not react to some things , he wasn't soulless or a robot and he could get annoyed easily if you knew how to rile him up.

Obito's eyebrows twitched in annoyance but he didn't reply to garps taunting and continued to stare at the waves.

"Not talking huh, are you mourning the dead because only people who mourn the dead wear so much black and are so quiet bwahahahaa" garp mocked again.

This bastard obito thought as his whole body twitched in annoyance

Rear admiral bogard watched on stoically at garps antics, bogard was the right hand man of garp and was always there with garp when they were on a mission.

Bogard didn't know what to think of obito sometimes , he mostly remains stoic , and his only visible eye hardly shows any emotion, obito may not be as strong as him but with the training they did over the weeks he knew that he had talent , not as high as aokiji ,akainu or kizaru when they were younger but his talent was high. He fought differently than himself and garp or any other pirate or criminal he encountered , opting to use what he said was his clan's fighting style and bogard had to say his fighting style was deadly. And It will hardly leave any openings once fully mastered.

Bogard was brought out of his thoughts when a sergeant came to him and spoke

"Sir we're approaching headquarters "

Bogard nodded and walked towards the laughing garp

"Garp san we're approaching headquarters" said bogard to the laughing garp

"Bwahahaha obito it seems I can introduce you to sengoku sooner than I thought " said garp

30 minutes later

Sengoku's office

"Boom !" The wall beside sengoku's office door was destroyed

"Bwahahahahaha, sengoku I'm back "said garp as started to dig his noise

"Garp you bastard can't you use the door!" shouted sengoku as he slammed his hands on his desk

"Bwahahaha sengoku I just came back to base and I wanted to show you my new student I brought in " said garp as he took a seat in the couch.

Sengoku was now curious when he heard garp's words.

"Where did this recruit come from to catch your eye? Asked sengoku exasperated.

"Bwahahaha I found him on my island when I was taking my vacation a few months ago and I've been training him with my grandsons since then but I think you know him he's become quite the celebrity in the east blue , bwahahaha" garp commented

Sengoku was now intrigued, he was hearing news of a pirate killer akaiakuma or red eyed demon that was in the east blue but didn't focus on him , he was a pirate killer and sengoku didn't really focus on such a person, once he didn't commit any crimes he could do as he wished so sengoku didn't investigate this so called akaiakuma, but could this be who garp was talking about.

"Oi obito get in here " said garp

Instead of walking through the hole that was made in the wall by garp he walked through the door .

"Bwahahaha obito you bastard !" laughed garp

Obito slightly bowed as he stood in front of sengoku's desk

Sengoku stared at the young man now in front of him , he was surprised , his only visible right eye behind his odd looking orange mask held almost to no emotion.

As sengoku continued to stare at obito .

Obito then took off his mask showing his face to the fleet admiral and sengoku was even surprised further ,when he saw obito's face he became slightly unnerved , the right side of his face was badly scarred and twisted , while the left side of his face was perfectly fine . Even his left eye seemed alright so why would he be hiding it behind his mask , or why does his mask have one eye hole sengoku thought.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, I am uchiha obito " said obito as he stared stoically at the fleet admiral.

Such discipline and manners, even though he remained around garp for so long he was still untainted by garp's unruly behavior and lack of manners , this was a rare specimen he had to let zephyr train him, he couldn't let such a person that might carry the marines one day be under garp's tutelage any longer.

"Garp from now on obito here will go to zephyrs elite training camp" said sengoku as he crossed his arms

"What, you bastard sengoku what's wrong with my training , turning over my student to a purple haired fool like zephyr" said garp

"Garp, shut up ! I won't let such a well disciplined young man such as obito here be left under your tutelage" said sengoku

"Bwahahahaha! sengoku you thieving bastard " said garp

" Obito you've been trained by garp over the pass few months so i will allow you to skip basic training, you'll have to prove your strength to Former Admiral Zephyr in order to join his elite camp, do you understand?" Said sengoku

"Yes fleet Admiral" obito replied stoically

"Captain get in here, escort obito here to the barracks and get him processed and give him a tour of the base , I will handle the paperwork to send to zephyr in the meanwhile" said zephyr to his secretary and fellow marine subordinate

"Yes fleet admiral" the captain said as he gestured for obito to follow him .

As they left the office sengoku spoke, "garp what kind of monster have you brought into the marines, I could see it in his eyes , the desire for power could not go unnoticed ".

"Sengoku you saw it too? " garp voiced seriously

"For better or worse the age of marines is going to change" said sengoku"

Two days later

Elite marine camp

"I heard theirs a new recruit coming in", said T Bone

"That's what I've been hearing as well", muttered very good

"I heard that he's been trained by garp for five months",voiced shu, the owner of the rust rust devil fruit.

X drake who was sitting close by and was listening to the conversation of the elite camp members , so was smoker who had two cigars in his mouth the smoke smoke devil fruit user had a frown on his face."What do you think of this new recruit smoker? Hina is kind of curious" the pink haired female enquired. (always talking in 3rd person)

Vergo was standing nearby listening to their conversation but did not intervene , he was patiently waiting for teacher zephyr to arrive.

And speak of the devil

The long arm marine commander called Shuzo zephyr's right hand man entered the training field ,"Attention!" he shouted

As all the recruits stood up immediately and faced him.

Just as he said that Teacher z entered onto the field with a masked man behind him

" Recruits we have a new member joining us today his name is obito uchiha, he is from east blue's dawn island and will be training with us until graduation, " said zephyr

Obito made his way to the front where all the recruits could see him, his lone visible right eye staring emotionlessly through his mask .

All the recruits stared at obito , most were slightly unnerved by the way he looked , he gave off a slight aura of death and despair .

Smoker who was also from the east blue heard of the red eyed demons description they say he was a pirate and bandit killer on dawn island and wore a wooden mask with only one eyehole , they say his eye would glow bright red when he was killing his enemies, and other than not seeing this so called red eye smoker put two and two together and realized that this was the red eyed demon. The young man infront of him was in the standard marine recruit uniform which seemingly does not look good on him, bandages were wrapped around his right arm from his fingertips to his shoulder and there was a large war fan on his back with a chain attached to it.

" obito join the line we're going to start rokushiki training" said zephyr

Obito nodded and joined his fellow recruits.

"Now today we'll be practicing the rokushiki technique soru or (shave )" said teacher

Obito being the intellectual genius had already read up on all the rokushiki techniques and he wanted to master all of them, especially soru ,tekkai and rankyaku .

"Now let's begin" said zephyr