
Reborn as Nanami Kento

On his death bed, bordering the line between light and darkness Nanami cursed himself for his own weakness creating an unknown vow to the world that even if he were to die - Haibara would live And so with the exchange of his soul for another, two things were imbued A new desperate incarnated into Nanamis corpse of a body and the REVERSED CURSED TECHNIQUE! Awakening the reverse of Nanamis 7:3 technique- THE GOLDEN RATIO SPIN!

Divine_Sex_Dragon · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

4 The Golden Calling

Aureate lines that governed the world spans around at unprecedented speeds

Contorting unnaturally around my limbs, fingertips and eyes under my thorough control

I was in command of the fundamental thing that made up all life

The codex to all living things that walked and breathed on this Earth, the ratio of creation


Absolute rotation that encompassed the very world around us which allows the imperfect to grasp hold of true perfection and shape it as we like

That is my reversal! My sword!

I gazed longingly at the cursed spirit with utter intent to exorcise it and reap its life with my own hands

My muscles tensed and rage boiled

It wasn't even taking me seriously! It was eyeing me… toying with me to see what new tricks it's prey would entertain it with

Watching as mg muscles and veins writhed and coursed with power underneath my skin, I pulled my blonde hair back out of my vision and readied myself for battle

I had no weapon. My cursed tool was destroyed in the first clash with this curse and whilst my fighting style was souly focused on its use for pure cohesion, I wasn't defenceless without it and with the way I'm feeling right now

"Not even the King of Curses is my match!" I disappeared, my eyes trailing at my speed. I was faster even faster than I was at my awakening.

This 'spin' it empowered me to heights I didn't think anyone other than Gojo and Sukuna could achieve.

I was powerful.

Unstoppable. Unbreakble. In that instance, I had never felt more sure of myself.

I was the Strongest

Even though I knew the outcome of this world I couldn't help but feel the pleasantness of strength and it's splendour it brought

My fist connected with reinforced rock, the work of the cursed technique - which instantly shattered at the blow which didn't slow my momentum in the slightest

Sliding down an arc of gravel that turned and twisted to claim my life, I simply weaved through the barrage before finally I was close enough!

Everytging spiralled and rotated, the Golden Rectangle within my vision as I welded reality with my will alone

The air crackled with the sparks of black whilst darkened venom whipped the air

"Black Flash!!"

At my calling the world lost colour bfore the air sparked to the life with the resounding sound of flesh against curse abd violet blood sprayed from spirits wounds

It's body flung into the cave wall sending rubble flying everywhere

A screech of anguish resonated from the scared being of malignant emotions that was blood curdling to the ears

Not allowing the vanity if my fake victory to dull to alertness I prepared for anything and to reward my lack of arrogance

Structures of earth shot from the ground and swarmed my body on rapid succession all intent in reducing me to nothing but bone however I had other ideas, using Spin to harden body and slightly mitigate what could have been worse damage

I restored myself once more, contemplating on the actions I could take that would surely secure victory until my vision began to blur and my movements slowed to irksome level

The mental strain on my brain was taking its toll… I'm not sure how long I can keep thi-!

I just barely managed to dodge the incoming bladed spike that threatened to put my head on a kebab stick

But a nasty gash to my face was the price I paid for my forced inattentiveness taht almost got me killed

"-I need to finish this right here and now!" Lifting my weak to the front of chest, the cursed energy emitted from body and converged to form a perfect sphere that didn't fail to lack malevolence

The lines of ratio wrapped meticulously around its presence., coating it in a sense of power that became hard to control even for me

The need to propel it right away was calling me but I resisted, "…Not yet."

Shooting from its spot in my direction, sensing my 'power move' for lack of better names, the spirit shrieked knowing that if it didn't put a stop to me here and now it death was assured

But ut was too late for it now

I had won.

Whispers of a name crawled into my ear, it was all too familiar yet I could not recall it

I didn't possess the need to uncover its origin in this moment so all I could do was scream its name at the top of my lungs as I launched it at the spirit

"Steel Ball Run!"

Exorcised was an understatement, it was better to refer to it as an annahilation

The eldritch monstrosity was utterly and completely destroyed in front of my eyes

It's innate domain was shattered returning the environment to its natural state hare to the Suns kiss and the winds caressings

I couldn't be more shocked

I had won

I had exorcised the special grade that killed my former self

My lips turned upwards into a grin before a symphony of laughter that sparked tears brought about by the relief of the past

I laughed and I laughed until my throat grew arid and then some more

It was joyous moment a new beginning

I was born anew from the ashes of the curse that I had slain

Spreading my arms out widely accepting the wonder of the moonlit and sun loved world I gazed over to a certain white haired individual who carried the bdoy of Haibara on his shoulder just like he carried the rest of Jujustu society

The Strongest

Satoru Gojo

"…Took you long enough," I spoke with a small smirk adorning my face. My body collapsing onto his shoulder

I could finally rest

No more burdens just the serenity that I'm blessed with

I glimpsed at the sky knowingly

That's just a taster you damn God I'll show you even more entertainment than you could even wish for

The world turned black and my consciousness was clawed back into the realm of sleep and thoughts