
(Spoiler Alert)Meliodas' Powers and Abilities

(Will change as the story progresses.)

Power of Darkness: Meliodas can create and manipulate a mysterious dark substance to enhance both his offensive and defensive abilities. Can also be used to create wings as a form of transportation.

Dark Ice Manipulation: Allows Meliodas to manipulate or to create the element of ice made out of his own Darkness meaning that if he wills it, he is capable of freezing objects he comes into contact with. (An: He Learned it during the Ten year time skip from between Chapter 8 and 9)

Enhanced Regeneration: Meliodas can use his darkness to quickly heal injuries but this ability can be nullified by many creatures with their own unique set of abilities.

Enhanced Strength: Meliodas can lift up a total of 15 tons with ease and can be further enhanced upon activating his demon mark.

Enhanced Durability: Due to surviving in the Demon Realm's version of the Wilderness for several years, Meliodas's durability is drastically much more potent than most demons.

Enhanced Speed: At his fastest, Meliodas can travel as fast as the speed of sound.

Purgatory Fire: A powerful, dark flame that Meliodas can use as it can never be extinguished and it is capable of negating regenerative abilities.

Soul Stealing: Meliodas can freely manipulate the will of forcing the souls out of creatures living or dead but he only uses it to make his weapon stronger as he rarely ingests the souls himself unless it is a life threatening situation if his magic were to run out.

Hellblaze: A mysterious ability displayed by Meliodas that allows him to generate black flames that is basically willing purgatory fire onto his weapon of choice. He accidently obtained this ability while training out in the wilderness at seven years old but ended up causing a forest fire in the progress.

Thousand Divine Cuts: Meliodas can cut his opponent with his sword a total of a thousand times in an instant making him seem faster than the blink of an eye.

First Stage Demon Mark: Enhances all of his abilities by 1.3 times. Using this ability causes a mark to appear over his right eye making his eyes turn a blackish purple.

Second Stage Demon Mark: Like the first stage but it enhances all of his abilities by 1.75 times. The Mark covers most of his forehead along with it extending to his right eye and it goes down to his cheek.

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Merged Soul: Meliodas's soul is fused between his original incarnation Henry Charles and his original counterpart. His soul is immune to being stolen essentially making it impervious to spells that'll force it out of him and it's permanent effects are that it'll influence his personality more greatly when using his (First and Second Stage) demon mark making him essentially prideful (Not on the level of Escanor) and more determined when fighting against his enemies. (Obtains this ability in Chapter 14) Boosts his Enhanced Regeneration Ability since his soul now possesses the life-time of two high rank demons which increased his life-span by a large amount.

Perfect Storage: A variant of Perfect Cube but unlike it, Meliodas can store any item of choice as they are then preserved as the items in particular will not visibly rust or become rotten as they will stay in perfect condition at all times while within the pocket dimension.

Absolute Counter: Allows Meliodas to reflect all sorts of attacks with quadruple the force inflicted back onto the opponent depending on how much effort they put into their attacks. Can be used with anything within his hand.


Godsbane: A weapon hand-crafted by Meliodas as it is made with the skin and bones of the many and most dangerous indigenous species that inhabit the forest located within the Demon Realm which is around 10% of it's entire size(Around a third the size of Britannia). This weapon slowly becomes stronger with each successful strike that Meliodas manages to land no matter how weak or strong his opponents are. It can be also be enhanced by injecting the souls of any creatures into the weapon.

Lostvayne: Meliodas' second hand-crafted weapon and like Godsbane, it is also very powerful. It's special ability allows him to create up to eight clones of himself. The clones only retain a fraction of the original's power, with one clone having 80% of the original's power level. The power level of the clones is divided among each additional clone. Each Physical Clone is still able to use Full Counter to its full potential as the attack focuses on the enemy's attack power rather than the one using Full Counter. This allows Meliodas to use Full Counter multiple times on the same attack. Depending on the enemy and his power level, it is additionally possible for him to use his clones to fight the enemy as well as dealing and taking damage without getting himself getting involved in the fray. (AN: It looks exactly like it's canon counterpart but replace the Dragon Tattoo with the Demon Mark of Meliodas and the colors of the hilt and opposite of the sliver sharp part with red on the other side.)


Combat Specialist: Meliodas has a intuitive/instinctive understanding of combat and an innate encyclopedic knowledge in hand-to-hand fighting styles; therefore understanding and analyzing opponents style of combat and flaws in the opponent's attack and defense. This skill was achieved during his time in his sixty years of living in the Crimson Forest since the monsters are known to be intelligent enough to adapt to their opponent's natural fighting style.

Clear Mind: Meliodas's mental boundaries and limitations are completely erased allowing his mental abilities to be completely unrestricted or subject to blockage, knowing what they need to do and how they need to do it. This exponentially enhances his integration of knowledge and can store it in more than a single interpretation, before accurately deducing which interpretation would best fit the scenario. Learned through intense meditation during his sixty year training period.

Magical Sense: Meliodas can sense the presence of those who possess magic and possibly gain detailed understanding about them, including their type, quality and intensity.

Enhanced Swordsmanship: Meliodas possesses incredible proficiency and skill in wielding and utilizing a sword, a bladed melee weapon intended for cutting or thrusting that is longer than a knife or dagger, consisting of a long blade attached to a hilt. Regardless, of the sword's shape or size, he can wield it as if it were an extension of their hand(s). He can also wield a sword with incredible expertise in speed, power, and skill, allowing them to perform feats such as incredible precision to decapitate opponents vastly larger than himself with ease.

Dual Sword Proficiency: Meliodas is highly skilled in dual wielding swords with incredible expertise such as his main weapons Godsbane and Lostvayne.

Killing Intent: Meliodas can give off pure killing intent, affecting his opponents, himself, and others around the vicinity. Particularly strong killing intent can paralyze the victim in fear, causing them to morbidly hallucinate their own deaths, or even kill them by forcing the mind to believe their death is a reality. He can amplify this skill by utilizing his aura of Darkness to further increase the intent.

One Man Army: Meliodas is able to fight against seemingly, overwhelming odds with ease. He is a capable warrior on the battlefield, decimating the enemy single-handedly and with a near-supernatural finesse that pars with the skill of more experienced fighters. He earned this skill through his one week battle against the horde of various monsters within the Crimson Forest during his sixty years of training.

Meliodas Power Levels:

Chapter 1: 100

Chapter 2: 210(273 with First Stage Demon Mark)

Chapter 3: 1,400(1,820 with First Stage Demon Mark)

Chapter 5: 5,000(6,500 with First Stage Demon Mark)

Chapter 6: 35,600(46,280 with First Stage Demon Mark)

Chapter 9: 47,300(61,490 with First Stage Demon Mark)

Chapter 10-14: 47,520(61,776 with First Stage Demon Mark)

Chapter 14: 83,160(Second Stage Demon Mark)

Chapter 15: 143,160(Commandment of Piety)

Just so I don't forget about inputting them in the story.

Dragonlord04creators' thoughts