
Reborn As Maleficent In A Fantasy World

Asura_Dragon_Works · Fantasie
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2 Chs

The 38 year Old Asexual Or Bisexual

I was walking down the street of New York City, sipping my Star Bucks coffee . I was a pretty chilly day so I was wearing a long white fur coat , high heel boots long sleeved black turtle neck t-shirt and black leggings.

I was on my way to meet with the a man who had some very important evidences to shar with me. I was an very successful prosecutor and was working on a case against a big Drug Company which may or may not have connections with the Itallian Drug Lords.

I entered the building which was resturant and was taken to the second floor by some men. It felt wrong , my instincts were telling me something was wrong . These men were very average looking. They had no big muscles or tattoos or intimidating stares but something about them was off. It just didn't feel right.

I entered the room an thats when I knew , I fu*cked up. I was pushed inside and lost balance and fell to the ground instantly due to my high heels. I tried to get up but was tacked to the ground by a very large , muscular and menacing looking guy. I felt fabric rub against my throat as I tried to set myself free.

This man was wearing gloves, they didn't want to leave any evidence behind did they I thought.

They say your entire life flashes infront of your eyes when you are in your final moments but that not true atleast no fully .

A small part of my life did flash in front my eyes as I was struggling for breath.

I was a 38 year old asexual or bisexual, well this may seem bizzare and it is but I consider myself to be both.

I don't like to be touched , I don't even let my parents touch me which is my I and the others around me consider me to be asexual. But the truth is that I do get attracted to people, like infatuated with people but that is for a VERY limited amount of time. Like the most I have ever been attracted to som one was a day. I get bored very easly , specially of people. I get attracted to both male and females.

I was single all my 38 year on this planet earth. Hell I hadn't even had my first kiss let alone lost virginity which also a major reason why everyone believes I am asexual.

Then the other thought that came to my mind was about a movie I had watched the other. It was Maleficent : The Mistress Of Evil. Damn Maleficent was a piece of work .

These were my thoughts before I surprise surprise died.
















I started feeling a sense of warmth and security. I couldn't see or hear anything but I can feel. I felt very safe .

Suddenly, I felt intense pressure, like I was being pushed. It didn't really hurt but it made me feel all tingly and weird.

Then slowly, the warmth desipated and was replace by a pleasent fresh feeling than spread and wrapped around my body like a blanket .

I slowly felt my limbs and gently opened my eyes. Well it appears I have been Reborn