
The friendly badgers

Dialogues are now like this: ''… ''

Time for travels are weird in the show, but they stated that Kingslanding-Winterfell is a one month long ride. So Casterly Rock-Deep Den would be five days.


I wake up pretty early today. I did everything to be ready to depart at dawn. We wouldn't wish for a disappointed Tywin now, would we?

I said my farewell to Tyrion, he will most likely feel lonely. He is sad that I take my leave. I'm one of the few to treat him normally, not calling him the imp or 'lord Tywin's bane'.

He's just a cute little brother, smaller than others. He is eight years old now, not yet corrupted by wh*res and wine.

I also said my farewell to ser Cerval, my camarades and my buddy Adrian.

As the red cloaks approach, I mount my horse Ablet after a few pets on the snout.

You may go part ways with some friends but your horse will follow you until its last breath.

And so began my journey on the Gold road. It was quiet most of the time, with nice and various landscapes to witness.

The second day of our travel, we had an accounter with a minor group of five bandits.

I felt a ridicule little tingle in my danger sense when they arrived in front of us.

Looks like they didn't plan to cross our path, because they immediately ran away from their lives.

We are a total of twenty-six, if you count me in. So yeah, they tried the right thing by running away from us.

I ordered the red cloaks to chase and put down the bandits. I try to live up to my name.

It was a good stretching for the red cloaks, they showed their best moves. It was a one sided battle, so I didn't bother to involve myself in this. I just watched the process without caring too much.

They barely defended themselves and the job was done in less than a minute. I had them put on spikes on the side of the road to serve as a warning for bandits in the area. I want Deep Den to be peaceful while I'm here.

I would have puked if it was the first time, but I already saw uncle Kevan cutting a man's head in the past. I gave back my breakfast when that happened. And I technically didn't kill them. So I'm feeling just fine.

Blood and excrements are falling down from the bandits's corpses. I didn't know it, but your body reject all useless substances upon death. Needless to say, it stinks and we decide to leave.

As soon as we depart, the crows are making their territory on the corpses and taste their flesh. One of them is feasting with gousto on an eyeball.

It will take additional days to get to our destination. So I begin to sing 'The Rains of Castamere', my house's song.

The Night's Watch have sad songs such as 'Brave Danny Flint'. This talks about a girl who disguised herself as a boy to join the Night's Watch but ended up r*ped and murdered. They sing it with a sad tone, to remember and respect it.

In contrast, my house sings with pride about how Tywin doomed two houses of his own lands.

It all started after the death of lord Tytos, my grandfather. He was a man who just let things happen without consequences. It ruined our family's reputation.

Lord Robert Reynes had refused to pay his debt to our family back when my father asked for it.

He laughed in the face of the Lannisters. Things heated up quickly and it resulted in the small joint rebellion of house Reynes and Tarbeck.

But it wasn't enough in any way to shake our power over the Westerlands.

So in 261 AC, after a successful suppression campaign, Tywin drowned the underground castle of Castamere with all its inhabitants within it. House Tarbeck wasn't spared either. That's how ended the rebellion, along with the two houses.

The proud red lion fell to the might of the golden one.

The morality of the story is that you don't mess with the Lannisters.

Some may hate Tywin but he isn't some useless pompous rich lord. He took care of a rebellion skillfully and he pulled the weeds out of his lands. He is deadly effective. And it gave us back our old reputation.

The next three days of travel were long and boring with very few things to do. I can only watch the bird passing in the sky and the landscapes.

We passed near some hills and rocky plains. There were also forests and fields of wheat in the horizon.

As we are wondering how long it may still take to get there, ser Andrew wakes us up from our thoughts.

''We are arriving to Deep Den, my Lord. The castle should become visible in a few minutes.''

''Thank you, ser Andrew. Your service is appreciated, as always.''

''It's normal my Lord.''

We arrive to a good and modest castle with opened gates, for us to pass in by horse.

I see Lord Lydden and his family standing near the entrance of his home, waiting for me to get out of my saddle.

As I did so, I see the lord's children watching me with curiosity and excitement. Maybe they don't have much kids to play with around here ?

''Welcome, Lord Leonard Lannister. I'm Lord Lewys Lydden.''

''Well met Lord Lydden, I heard that I am to be your squire in the foreseeable future. And please call me Leonard, I will be serving you after all.''

''Very well, Leonard. This is Marla my wife, James my firstborn and heir, my daughter Lehna and my youngest, Cedric. Finnaly, to my right is Vincent Kenning, second son of Lord Kenning of Kayce. He will be my squire alongside you.''

''Well met everyone, it's a pleasure to receive such a welcome. I will do my best to meet your expectations, Lord Lydden.''

''I have no doubt about it, I heard great things about you. I will be sure to make a lord out of you, young one. Oh and I offer you bread and salt.''

He said the last part more as a jest, we are all allies here.

''It's unnecessary, I prefer gold.''

We laugh together at that, there is more gold than bread in the Westerlands.

And so it started. In the beginning, I was a bit tense and formal. But things changed after a week or two.

I quickly became friends with Vincent and James, the both of them were funny and full of knightly ideals.

Lady Marla is quiet and kind, like westerosi men except them to be. But she is genuinely a quiet person.

Lewys doesn't force her to do anything. In fact, he is as kind as her, but more joyous.

He is stern when acting as a lord, but he let the facade fall when he has strong emotions or outside his duties. It's refreshing, in comparison to my dad.

It's incredible, the both of them didn't lie a single time in my presence. Detecting lies started to be tiring. People lie more often than I thought.

Cedric was a bit young for me to befriend, he still eat his boogers. But I played a bit with him and his wooden toys. This made the whole family open to me and soon it was like I was part of it.

Lehna is a year younger than me. She is pretty, for her age at least. She has the sandy blond hairs of her mother, vibrant green eyes and a lovely smile.

Lehna knows how to play the harp and I like to listen to her performances. So I just sat there and watched her play with grace and lightness.

When that happens, I look at her weavy long hairs reaching the middle of her back and her mesmerizing eyes.

I don't let my eyes linger on her curves tho, she's a bit young. My hormones adapted themselves to the my body's norms, my mind not so much.

But I don't need that to admire her looks and her nice songs.

I tried myself on the harp when she lent it to me. Hellish sounds started to come out of the instrument. I'm disappointed beyond reason.

I love songs and Westeros is highly limited in that regard, if you compare it to earth.

Daily, I went to the barn to see my horse and take care of it. I like to gently brush her mane. Ablet is my precious. A man gotta love his horse.

Now, days are passing slowly and I will take this time the exercise myself some more. My swordmanship and strength could be better than this.

Some results may appear if I push myself hard enough.

Let's see what my future at Deep Den will be. Quiet, I hope ?


So, are the two quotes better for the dialogues ?