
In blurred limits

~The ends justifies the means.~ Niccolo Machiavelli

(It's a dangerous way to think, still plaguing our society nowadays imo. Just watch some leader's actions. The majority of GOT characters are Machiavelic if their actions are analysed)

For now, Mc is only partially Machiavelic. This side will be growing with time and experience, changing Mc gradually. He is fated to enventually fall into heavy Machiavelism, but it's not time for it yet.

Tho, a less dark Mc doesn't mean a less dark story… so light hearts begone

Chapter splitted, it became too big.

Half measures are over, the 'DARK' and 'VILLAIN' tags have been added. So welcome to the dark side, we have cookies.

Now enjoy your read, the Lannisters send their regards.


A few weeks have passed and I won the bet with Vincent.

Rhaegar returned from his own ass. Lord Stark married Catelyn Tully and Lord Arryn married Lysa Tully. Prince Doran Martell sent ten thousands men to support prince Rhaegar.

The rebels ended up facing the crown prince and his forces at the Trident. Robert eventually killed Rhaegar Targaryen with his hammer.

Being the grandson of princess Rhaelle Targaryen, Robert was hailed as a potential new king due to his better claim to the throne than any other rebel.

Meanwhile, the Ironborn are doing some raids in the Reach. An Ironborn kind of logic, I guess. They could help the rebels and secure some reputation. The place of master of the ships could have been given to one of them. But no, they drown and pillage stuff.

And if I recall the tv show correctly, they are the reason for an attack on the Westerlands. I'm pretty sure that it's related to Lannisport. I don't even know when it takes place, so I'll have to be rapid and act as soon as I come back home.

Vincent is giving me his golden dragons. But the news are still going. Father has warned us that he would pass by Deep Den for lord Lydden's forces to rally themselves to him before going to Kings Landing. Tywin estimates his forces to reach twelve thousands troups before arriving there.

Nobody explicitly explained me his plan yet. He may want to say it to me directly and see my reaction or see if I can deduce it maybe ?

When Tywin arrived, lord Lewys Lydden was already prepared to join him.

Then, father came face to face with me.

''I will take down the Targaryens and bring your brother back to Casterly Rock. You will come with me.''

''You want me to go to war? I'm an actual eleven years old.''

''And the same actual eleven years old took down bandits at nine. You won't have to fight. It's more about staying by my side.''

A show of power while showing off his son as being ruthless maybe ? But the sack has to be changed and could be done in a better way.

''Very well, father. But if we are to do this, I have propositions to make.''

''I'm all ears, speak.''

I mentally review my ideas and arguments before speaking.

''You want to mask our intentions and begin a sack after entering the city. But this isn't the Rains, it wouldn't have the same consequences. Too much could be at risk in the long run.''

I find myself to think in a detached way while speaking about all this ordeal. Maybe I'm changing, but towards what ?

I don't think it's a bad thing in a medieval world tho. Here, rules are often bend by men with no limits of means. It's a world of control and power, of supremacy. But I should watch out for how I could end up thinking as.

I don't plan to be hero, but heroes fall like flies in the game of thrones. Being honorable is a main road to death, here.

I'm taken out of my dark thoughts by my father's voice.

''My plan, indeed. And what would you have me done ? You better stop here if you are to give me a nonsenstical plan.''

''The real problems are the remaining bannermen of Aerys present there. It is why we must strike fast to finish the old rule for good. But there is half a million people in Kings Landing. They don't have riches, titles or anything for themselves. Targeting them will make us be hated by all. And you plan to put a Lannister queen there, it could seal a funest fate for her if Cersei end up being the target of all this hate. We must control the public opinion in our advantage, with a clean taking of the city.''

''You want to give credits to the opinion of these sheeps ?''

''Yes, I want them to think what I need them to. They hate the mad king with a passion for his recent actions. We could put on a show with the majority of our forces to 'save' them. Of course, it doesn't mean that we can't use this moment to target our commercial opponents in the area. A few red cloaks here and there and the work will be done. The commoners won't make too much of a ruckus but the great houses may complain about these actions. If that happens, we say that they were unruly soldiers and we punish them to show off our good will to Westeros. After that, you invest in the assets devoid of owners and put selected employees.''

''I already planned to invest after the sack. But you have yet to explain me why PRECISELY caring for the commoners.''

''Fear has its limits, father. You want them to at least not hate us. And if we manage to make them admire us as much as they fear us, we may see the emergence of new loyalists and fanatics to our house. It's a matter of deciding whatever you want some of them to switch to our side, or taking the risk to be hated by five hundred thousands commoners. Give them stones and they would take down an army.''

Makes me think of the french revolution. When people are motivated enough, they are able to overcome a great deal of things.

Tywin looks like he partially disagree, but get the point I'm making. Cersei's security is at sake and gaining the hate a whole city swarming of people may be counter productive.

He thinks for a few seconds before taking the parole.

''Good enough points. Your research of profit and stability are, at least, making sense. I will listen to your advise, for this time. Anything to add ?''

''Well, concentrating our forces on the walls of the Red keep will make us attein it quicker. We will be able to decide what to do with the treasures and valuables of the keep if we reach there faster. If Jaime is in danger, we may be able to save him in time. All Kingsguards except for him are away or killed at the Trident. For the city watch and other remaining men of Aerys, we buy their loyalty when it's possible. If not, we face and kill them. Some of his bannermen are known to be resilient to no end. But we are more than enough to take them down. As for the Targaryens, they all have a right to the throne, but some of them are nothing more than children. I would prefer if we leave their fate to Robert by delivering them as prisoners.''

But this isn't really all. The death of Elia bothers me. It is gruesome and It would put us as responsible in the eyes of Dorne.

But an alive Elia, if her children die, means our official involvement to be made a common knowledge. And war would come back to our doors.

This can be avoided and must be. I may just switch the culprit. From what I recalled, Robert has quite the ruthless side to him when it comes to Targaryens and their allies. If he want to end the Targaryens, he may as well do it himself.

We won't have to deal with Dorne, or at least in a less tensed way. It will have countless positive repercussions, for us.

''You are way too soft, Leonard. But you are still young. I wanted to present their bodies as a sign of fielty to our new king. He won't be as pleased to see them alive. And we may loose certain opportunities.''

''What opportunities ? Bringing Jaime back ? I think that the taking of the city is enough for that reward. As for putting Cersei as queen ? It's a wishful thinking. The whereabouts of Lyanna Stark are still unknown. In the other hand, Dorne may target us for killing their family members.''

''I planned to mask the truth and make it pass as Aerys doing.''

''You really think that they would buy it ? And it's without talking about how ruthless Clegane and Lorch are. They would butcher them like no one else would. It's way too obvious that way. Please at least think of keeping away Dorne's wrath.''

''But they are the most suited. And we at least need to present the little heirs dead.''

''Why not ser Andrew then ? He listens to your money, from what I've seen. And he would do it with respect and without pleasure. Knowing him, he would behead them cleanly, not letting them suffer a single second.''

Tywin arches an eyebrow at that. My age is showing and he thinks of me as softer each second passes. But he sees my point.

''You want Dorne to stay neutral with us and give them someone to hate ? They aren't that dangerous. But a conflict would be unnecessary, yes. So you must be thinking about Robert, correct ?''

''Yes, I don't think he would spare Elia, not if he sees her enraged and as a danger. He want every conflict to take an end, along with all Targaryen loyalist.''

This made Tywin think a minute.

''Mmmmh. Yes, Andrew may be capable enough to ensure the success of this plan.''

''Yes, we would win on all sides. We would espace any sort of hate and still benefit from this situation.''

''Alright, Clegane and Lorch will participate in taking down Aerys's last bannermen. I will send one or two knights to help ser Andrew in his process.''

I nod and he went to his troops to put the layouts of our new plan. When he is finished, we immediately mount our horses and depart for Kings Landing.

Before departing, Lehna ran to me to give me an handerchief. I accepted it and bid her farewell.

James was the heir of house Lydden, so Lewys prefered to have him stay at Deep Den with his family.

He considered him too young to go to an actual operation of war anyway. Tywin may have to take notes about his educational ways.

Vincent surprised me by mounting his own horse Olaf without hesitation before following me with a serious nod. I nodded back and resumed my ride. But I smiled slightly, Vincent… what a loyal friend.

I remark the presence of two of my uncles, Tygett and Gerion, who are speaking together.

Kevan must be staying in the Westerlands to take care of the lands in our absence. And I decide to greet them warmly.

The show didn't include these two, so it may come from the books. I also have an aunt, Genna, but she is obviously not here.

During the travel, I secretly watched Ser Gregor Clegane. What a monstrous man… his height would make him a giant, if there weren't already giants up there in the frozen lands.

I don't like him, but I think nobody does. Father likes his ruthlessness and strenght. I doubt that he likes the guy himself in the slightest degree.

Ser Amory Lorch isn't any better. He looks like a complete psyko and I prefer when I know that psykos are VERY loyal. I barely know anything about him and it bothers me.

In the wonderful company of these men, we begin an eleven days long ride to the capital.

We had the time to perfect the plan, correct some informations and let Tywin write a list of the those who must die in Kings Landing.

On the road, father sent a letter to great maester Pycelle for him to buy the service of the city watch and other forces who are willing to betray Aerys in favor of our gold.

And it was finally the day of our arrival. We are twelve thousand men, armed of weapons and fake intentions.

In front of the closed gates of the city, my father voices his loyalty to king Aerys. And under the counsels of Grand maester Pycelle, he opens the gates of the city.

We are now allowed to enter Kings Landing, welcomed as the Trojan horse, with our enemy full of hopes.