
Reborn as Khal Drogo: A Throne of Fire and Blood

A man from our world finds himself inexplicably reincarnated as Khal Drogo, the formidable Dothraki warlord from the world of Game of Thrones. Now inhabiting the powerful and merciless body of the renowned warrior, he must navigate the treacherous political landscape of Westeros while also dealing with the deep-seated cultural differences between his new Dothraki identity and his former life. As he embraces the savage and nomadic lifestyle of the Dothraki, he forges alliances and amasses followers, growing ever closer to claiming his place among the powerful rulers of the Seven Kingdoms. The lines between hero and villain blur, and the once ordinary man must navigate the treacherous path of becoming a legendary figure. With the fate of Westeros hanging in the balance, he will face unimaginable challenges and discover the true meaning of strength, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit that defines a Khal.

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Chapter 5: The wedding

Daenerys sat beside Drogo, her smile strained and her cheeks wet with tears that she desperately tried to conceal. She didn't want her brother to see her vulnerability and ignite his wrath.

"Why are you crying?" James suddenly spoke, addressing Daenerys.

"I'm not crying," Daenerys replied, forcing a smile and attempting to hide her tears. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.

"You speak the Common Tongue of Westeros?" she asked in astonishment, momentarily forgetting her fear.

"Is that a problem?" James asked, with a playful smile on his face.

Daenerys quickly responded, "No, it's wonderful! I'm surprised and delighted!"

James discovered that the common tongue was just a fancy version of English.

This discovery brought immense joy to Daenerys. She had often worried about how she would communicate in foreign lands where language could be a barrier. But now, some of her fears were alleviated.

As they conversed, Daenerys began to notice the stark differences between Drogo and the other Dothraki. He possessed a unique temperament, unlike the savagery she had come to associate with the tribe. He resembled a noble knight, well-mannered and knowledgeable.

"Lord Drogo, are you truly willing to raise an army to help my brother reclaim the kingdom?" Daenerys gathered her courage and asked, her voice tinged with hope.

James's expression was intriguing. "Raise an army? I will, but not at this moment."

Daenerys didn't fully grasp James's words, but knowing that he would raise an army eased some of her worries. At least she wouldn't disappoint her brother.

Viserys stood below the dais, gripping the hilt of the borrowed sword from Illyrio. His eyes burned with anger as he watched Daenerys laughing and conversing intimately with Drogo. Fury flickered in his lilac eyes.

Viserys was displeased. He resented Daenerys sitting above him, and he was even more aggrieved by the fact that the servants always attended to Drogo, his new bride, and the other Dothraki before him, leaving him with meager scraps.

But beyond his silent rage, there was little he could do. He could only sit there, his complexion growing darker with each blow to his pride.

"When will that man fulfill his promise?" he asked Illyrio, scowling.

Illyrio replied, "Do not worry, everything has been arranged. If Drogo promised you a golden crown, he will deliver."

"But when will he deliver it?" Viserys asked impatiently.

"That depends on Drogo's intentions," Illyrio answered. "After the wedding, Drogo will take the girl to meet the dosh khaleen in Vaes Dothrak. If the omens favor war, he will likely give you what you desire."

Viserys retorted angrily, "I care not for these Dothraki omens! How long must I wait for that usurper to be removed from my throne? I cannot wait another moment!"

"Oh, great king, you have already waited half a lifetime. What difference would a few more months or even years make?" Illyrio shrugged.

"Your Grace, I advise you to be patient. The Dothraki keep their word, but it must be done according to their customs.


The sun gradually set in the west, and James clapped his hands, abruptly halting all the drums, shouts, and revelry.

James stood up and helped Daenerys to her feet.

The ceremony of presenting gifts to the bride began.

Kaya gave her an Arakh, while Kaso presented her with a double-curved dragonbone longbow. Kakou brought forward a long whip.

These were Drogo's three blood riders.

Daenerys stood up and followed the instructions previously taught to her by Illyrio, refusing the gifts and presenting them to her husband instead.

Then, Viserys gave Daenerys three handmaids: one to teach her horse riding, one to teach her Dothraki language, and the last one to teach her martial arts.

Ser Jorah Mormont apologized for his gift, saying, "Princess, this small item is truly inadequate, but as an exiled and destitute man, it is all I can afford."

With that, he placed a small stack of old books in front of her—histories and legendary songs of the Seven Kingdoms written in the common language.

A hint of surprise appeared on Daenerys's face, and she thanked him wholeheartedly.

James, however, sneered and glanced at Jorah Mormont. This old man had desired Daenerys deeply, even in the original story, and he was also a spy sent by King Robert to eliminate the last bloodline of House Targaryen.

But now, James was not the same Drogo as before. Anyone who dared to have any ill intentions towards Daenerys would meet their demise!

Finally, Illyrio presented his gift.

Three dragon eggs!

These three dragon eggs had different appearances.

One of them was deep green, revealing various bronze spots as it was turned. Another one was a pale pinkish-white with golden stripes. The last one was pitch black, with dark red ripples and swirls on its surface.

"What are these?" Daenerys carefully picked up one of the eggs, examining it closely as she asked.

As Illyrio was going to explain, James now known as Drogo, cut him off and explained, "They are rare and precious artifacts believed to have great power. They were gifted to you as a symbol of your lineage and your connection to the dragons of old."

Daenerys was awestruck, holding the eggs delicately in her hands. She had heard tales of dragon eggs, but never imagined she would possess them. The realization that these eggs held the potential to hatch into dragons filled her heart with hope and excitement.

As the ceremony came to a close, the Dothraki people cheered, celebrating the union of their Khal with the foreign princess.